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How to remove limited originality of content violation on Facebook page?

How to remove limited originality of content violation on Facebook page?

Having a Facebook page restricted due to “limited originality of content” can be frustrating. This violation means that Facebook’s automated systems have detected that your page is mostly sharing content from other sources, rather than creating original content. The good news is that this restriction can usually be reversed by making some changes to your page’s content strategy.

Why Did I Get This Violation?

Facebook wants pages to share quality, original content that provides value to users. If your page is primarily used to share links, videos, memes etc from across the internet, with little added commentary or originality, it goes against their guidelines. Some major reasons your page may have received this violation include:

  • Sharing too many links to other websites without added insight
  • Reposting lots of videos or memes without crediting the original creator
  • Copying text content from other sources verbatim
  • Using clickbait headlines and recirculating the same content

Essentially, Facebook’s algorithm has determined that your page lacks unique value. While sharing others’ content isn’t entirely forbidden, your page needs to contribute more original content and commentary to balance it out.

How Long Will the Restriction Last?

If your page has been significantly restricted, it may take some time and effort before you regain full functionality. Some key timelines include:

  • 1 week restriction – page remains live but you cannot post, advertise or use other features
  • 2 week restriction – page is completely unpublished during this time
  • Permanent restriction – extremely repetitive violations could lead to a permanent ban

In most cases, complying with Facebook’s guidelines and adding original content will reverse the restrictions after a set time period. But repeat violations could lead to longer or permanent bans.

Tips to Regain Full Page Access

Here are some top tips to get your Facebook page back up and running again:

1. Add More Original Content

The number one way to reverse this violation is to start sharing more original content on your page. This includes:

  • Written posts, videos, images etc created by your brand
  • Curated content where you provide added analysis, commentary and insight
  • Links shared along with your unique perspective
  • User-generated content like reviews and social posts

Aim for at least 60% of your page’s posts to be original content or curated with your own spin. This shows Facebook that you are adding value vs just resharing.

2. Credit Any Reposted Content

When you do reshare others’ content, always credit them appropriately. This includes:

  • Credit the original creator prominently
  • Link to the original source directly
  • Follow fair use and copyright principles
  • Avoid sharing content if the creator objects

Giving proper attribution shows you respect creators and brings unique value through commentary on their work.

3. Engage With Your Audience

Increase engagement and connections with your audience to highlight your originality and value. Tactics can include:

  • Respond to all comments on your posts
  • Ask questions and poll your followers
  • Link to your other social profiles
  • Go live and interact in real time
  • Run user-generated contests and campaigns

Two-way engagement shows Facebook your page has a real purpose beyond aggregation.

4. Adjust Your Content Strategy

Take a strategic look at your overall content approach and identify areas to improve originality. Consider:

  • Setting a target for % of original content per week
  • Varying your post types – written, video, audio, livestream etc
  • Creating and following an editorial calendar
  • Generating content plans and outlines
  • Collaborating with creators and influencers

A focused strategy will help you maintain mostly original and curated content going forward.

5. Use Quality Creative Assets

Make your original content stand out by using high-quality images, video and audio. Invest in creative assets like:

  • Custom graphics and visuals
  • Professional photography and videography
  • Licensed stock media
  • Branding elements like logos and fonts

Unique creative assets reinforce your original point of view and brand identity.

6. Focus on Your Area of Expertise

Leverage your distinctive knowledge and perspective by creating content within your niche. For example:

  • An outdoors brand can share original hiking tips and trails
  • A food brand can post recipes and cooking techniques
  • A tech company can produce electronics tutorials and reviews

Your specialized expertise will naturally lead to more original perspectives.

Best Practices to Avoid Future Violations

Once your page is restored, you’ll want to establish practices that adhere to Facebook’s guidelines long-term. Here are some top tips:

Consistency is Key

Publish new, original content on a very consistent basis, such as 2-3 times per week minimum. Consistency shows you are committed to originality.

Quality Over Quantity

Focus on high-quality material rather than posting as much as possible. Well-researched, meaningful content has more impact.

Monitor Your Ratios

Ongoing, check that at least 60% of your content is original or curated with commentary. Adjust if you veer too far into aggregation.

Review Feedback and Reports

Pay attention if Facebook flags any posts as problematic and learn from their feedback. Also review page quality reports.

Proactively Diversify

Continuously diversify your content across written posts, video, images, live broadcasts and more to showcase originality.

Collaborate With Followers

Develop co-created content with your engaged followers such as social takeovers, reviews and crowdsourced content.


Maintaining mostly original and curated content may require more effort, but leads to an engaged audience and fewer restrictions. Focus on your unique perspective, quality over quantity, and collaborating with followers. If you do receive a restriction, take corrective actions immediately to remove any limitations.