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How to recover Facebook account from community standard block?

How to recover Facebook account from community standard block?

Having your Facebook account disabled due to violating community standards can be frustrating. Fortunately, in many cases it is possible to recover your account by appealing the decision and taking steps to avoid future violations. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to recover your Facebook account after receiving a community standards block.

Why Was Your Facebook Account Disabled?

The first step is understanding why your account was disabled in the first place. There are a few common reasons Facebook disables accounts for community standards violations:

  • Sharing hate speech, bullying, or threats of violence
  • Posting sexually explicit or pornographic content
  • Sharing content related to terrorism or criminal organizations
  • Posting spam, false information, or clickbait
  • Violating someone’s privacy or intellectual property rights

When you try to access your disabled account, Facebook should have notified you of the specific policy you violated. If not, try logging in on a desktop computer where you may get more details. Understanding the violation is key for appealing the decision and avoiding future issues.

Appeal the Account Disabling Decision

The next step is submitting an appeal to Facebook. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center and search for “disabled account.”
  2. Click “My personal account is disabled” and then “I think my account was disabled by mistake.”
  3. Select “Continue” to go through the appeals process.
  4. Choose the option that best describes why your account was disabled.
  5. Provide additional details in the text box about why you believe the account disabling was a mistake.
  6. Click “Send Appeal.”

Facebook reviews appeals and typically responds within 24 hours. However, it can sometimes take up to a few days. Be patient.

Tips for Submitting a Successful Appeal

  • Be polite and respectful in your appeal.
  • Clearly explain why the violation was accidental or a misunderstanding.
  • Acknowledge that you understand the policy you violated.
  • Provide any context or evidence that the content was mistakenly identified.
  • Assure Facebook you will not repeat the violation if account access is restored.

What Happens After Submitting an Appeal?

There are a few potential outcomes after appealing a disabled Facebook account:

  1. Account is restored – This is the best outcome. It means Facebook agreed the account was wrongly disabled and full access has been reinstated.
  2. Account remains disabled – Unfortunately, in some cases Facebook determines the account disabling was justified and access will remain blocked. You may be able to submit another appeal.
  3. Limited account restored – Facebook may reinstate your account but with certain restrictions, such as inability to post content or advertise.

If your account remains disabled after an appeal, it’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours before trying again. Repeated appeals shortly after being denied are less likely to succeed.

Steps to Take While Waiting for Appeal

It can take up to a few days for an appealed Facebook account disabling to be reviewed. Here are some productive steps to take while waiting:

  1. Learn more about Facebook’s Community Standards so you understand what types of content are prohibited. This will reduce the risk of future violations.
  2. Consider removing any other existing Facebook content that could be violating policies. Having offensive or inappropriate content still public can hurt your appeal’s chances.
  3. Strengthen the security of your account by adding two-factor authentication and strong passwords. A more secure account looks better to Facebook.
  4. Ask friends to share positive messages on your Facebook wall to demonstrate you have a safe social network.

Creating a New Facebook Account

If your appeal is ultimately denied and account remains disabled, Facebook does prohibit creating a new account to get around the blocking. Doing so will likely result in any new accounts also quickly being disabled.

However, since Facebook disables are typically based on specific content violations, in some cases it may be possible to create a brand new account and engage in a positive way without running into issues. But proceed with caution, as continuing the behavior that got your original account disabled will cause problems again.

Getting Human Support

Filing appeals through the Facebook Help Center is the standard process for disabled accounts. However, sometimes it helps to get in touch with an actual Facebook employee. Here are some tips:

  • Look up Facebook’s moderation team and try contacting them via LinkedIn. Explain your situation.
  • Search for Facebook’s business contact info and call their office. Ask to speak with someone about disabled accounts.
  • Visit a Facebook office in-person if feasible and request help re-enabling your account.
  • Post publicly on Twitter or Facebook (from a different account) and tag Facebook’s account in hopes of getting attention.

Keep in mind these methods are not guaranteed to work. The standard appeals process will always be the official channel. But for long-term disables, putting some human pressure on Facebook may pay off in getting your account access restored.

Using Social Media During the Appeal

When your Facebook account is disabled, it cuts you off from friends, family, groups and Pages you are connected to. During the appeal period, here are some ways to continue engaging on social media:

  • Let your Facebook contacts know you currently don’t have access to your account due to violating policies. Ask them to follow you on other platforms like Twitter or Instagram in the meantime.
  • Consider promoting your profiles on other social networks to let people know where else they can find you online until you regain access to Facebook.
  • Post updates apologizing for the content violation that got your Facebook disabled. Declare that you have learned from the situation.
  • Engage actively with any businesses or brands you normally followed on Facebook and ask if they can connect with you directly through email or their website.

Maintaining communication and explaining yourself can help preserve connections until your Facebook access is restored.

Avoid Future Facebook Policy Violations

Going through the disabled account appeals process is frustrating. The best way to avoid it happening again is being very careful with following Facebook’s rules.

Here are some tips to keep your account in good standing:

  • Familiarize yourself thoroughly with Facebook’s Community Standards. Know what types of content are prohibited.
  • Exercise caution when posting any content related to politics, religion, sexuality, violence, drugs, nudity etc. as those topics frequently get reported.
  • Refrain from using profane, insulting, threatening or harassing language.
  • Always ask permission before posting photos or videos of other people, especially those containing sensitive content.
  • Make sure you comply fully with Facebook’s rules for Pages, Groups and Events.

Following Facebook’s guidelines to the letter may seem restrictive, but it’s the only way to ensure your account stays in good standing if you have a history of violations.


Having a Facebook account disabled due to community standards violations can be stressful. But in many cases, by submitting polite appeals explaining the mistakes made and promising to improve behavior, users can recover access to their accounts.

The appeals process may take some patience, but following Facebook’s rules closely and maintaining positive connections through other social media platforms can help minimize disruption. Learning from the experience, strengthening account security, and carefully watching future activity can help avoid repeating the same violations down the road.

While Facebook disablements are inconvenient, they are reversible in most cases. By understanding the reasons for the penalty, going through the proper appeals channels, and taking steps to prevent further offenses, most users can successfully recover and continue using their Facebook accounts.