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How to measure Facebook metrics?

How to measure Facebook metrics?

Facebook provides a wealth of data and metrics that can be used to track and optimize your Facebook marketing efforts. However, with so many different metrics available, it can be difficult to know which ones to focus on and how to analyze them effectively. In this guide, we’ll walk through the key Facebook metrics you should be tracking, along with tips for how to measure and make sense of the data.

Define Your Goals

Before diving into metrics, it’s important to clearly define your goals and objectives for being on Facebook. What are you hoping to achieve through your Facebook presence? Common goals include:

  • Driving website traffic
  • Increasing brand awareness/reach
  • Generating leads and sales
  • Engaging your target audience
  • Getting more followers and likes

With clear goals in mind, you can then identify the Facebook metrics that will help you track progress toward those goals.

Audience Insights

Understanding your target audience is key for any marketing initiative, and Facebook provides detailed audience analytics to help with this. Here are some of the key Facebook metrics for gaining audience insights:

Follower Demographics

In your Facebook Page analytics, dive into the follower demographics reports under “People” to understand who your followers are. This includes breakdowns by age, gender, location, language and more. Monitor changes over time to see how your audience makeup evolves.

Interests and Behaviors

The “Interests” and “Behaviors” sections provide further detail on what your followers are into and how they interact with Facebook content. You can see interests like top brands, entertainment, purchase behaviors and more.

Net Follower Adds

This metric shows your new Facebook Page followers gained each day, minus those who unfollowed. Track this over time to assess how well your content strategy and engagement efforts are contributing to an expanding audience.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement is key for succeeding with any social media platform. Here are some top Facebook metrics for measuring engagement:


This shows how many unique people your posts were served to via News Feed, shares, ads and other channels. Aim to gradually increase your overall reach.

Post Reach

Measures how many unique users a specific post was served to. Compare reach between different post types and topics to find what resonates most.

Engaged Users

Tracks how many unique people clicked, reacted, commented or otherwise engaged with each post. Higher is better.

Engagement Rate

Calculated by post engagements divided by reach. Benchmark this metric against industry averages for your niche.


Measures total clicks on links within your Page posts. Rising link clicks indicate engaging content.

Reactions, Comments, Shares

These metrics on individual posts help you identify your top performing content. React positively to tactics that drive more of these actions.

Traffic and Conversions

For many marketers, one of the top goals is driving traffic and conversions from Facebook to their website or blog. Here are the key metrics to track:

Link Clicks

As mentioned above, this shows how often people are clicking links within your Page posts. Click-worthy content can generate more website visitors.

Website Clicks

Measures clicks specifically on the link to your website in your Facebook profile. More clicks here increases website referrals.

Landing Page Views

See how often users land on specific pages on your website after clicking Facebook links. Identify content prompting the most clicks.


Conversion tracking allows you to see leads, sales and other goals generated from your Facebook efforts. Tie this data to ROI.

Traffic Sources

Facebook should be one of your top referral sources. Monitor its impact on overall site traffic compared to other channels.

Facebook Ad Metrics

Running paid advertising campaigns on Facebook opens up additional metrics to track performance. Here are some top Facebook ad metrics:

Reach and Frequency

Measures how many people saw your ads and how often on average. Aim for higher reach and optimal frequency of 2-3 times.

Clicks and CTR

Shows clicks and click-through-rate for your Facebook ads. Higher performing ads will have stronger CTRs.


Cost-per-click and cost-per-thousand impressions indicate the costs of your ad campaign. Work to lower these over time.

Conversions and CPA

Tracks both total conversions and cost-per-conversion from your ads. Compare to targets and optimize.

Audience Engagement

The percentage of people seeing your ad who engage with it via clicks or other actions. Higher is better.

Analyzing Facebook Metrics

Once you’ve compiled the key Facebook metrics relevant to your goals and campaigns, you need to actually make sense of the data. Here are some tips for analyzing Facebook metrics:

  • Track metrics over time – look for trends and patterns.
  • Set benchmarks and goals – know what metrics levels to aim for.
  • Compare metrics across posts, ads, formats – identify what works.
  • Tie Facebook data to site analytics for fuller picture.
  • Segment metrics by gender, age, location, interests – optimize targeting.
  • Monitor engagement and sentiment metrics – improve experience.
  • Let data guide campaign adjustments and experiments.
  • Focus on metrics aligned to business goals and ROI.

Dashboard and Tools

Facebook provides an Analytics dashboard within Page admin to view key metrics and insights. But to take your measurement to the next level, third-party social media analytics tools are recommended. Here are some top options:

Facebook Analytics

The built-in analytics tool provides an overview of your Facebook metrics but is fairly basic. Use for quick checks.

Facebook Business Manager

This management platform from Facebook provides more advanced and customizable analytics across Pages, ads and more.


A popular social media management system, Hootsuite integrates Facebook Analytics plus additional metrics and reporting.

Sprout Social

An all-in-one social media tool, Sprout Social has robust analytics with benchmarks and historical trends.

Google Analytics

Connect your Facebook to Google Analytics to track site traffic, conversions and other analytics from Facebook referrals.


For sophisticated data analysts, Tableau allows you to connect Facebook metrics and blend with other data sources for deeper analysis.


Measuring and optimizing your Facebook marketing presence is crucial for continued success on the platform. By clearly defining your goals, tapping into Facebook’s wide range of analytics capabilities, leveraging the right tools, analyzing trends over time, and using data to inform your strategy, you can get the most out of Facebook. Consistently monitor this core set of metrics: reach, engagement, website traffic, conversions, and audience growth. With the powerful data Facebook provides, and a smart analytical approach, you can constantly improve your Facebook results.