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How to make a Facebook game with Unity?

How to make a Facebook game with Unity?

Making a Facebook game with Unity is a great way to reach a large audience and leverage the power of the Unity game engine. Unity is one of the most popular game engines for building 2D and 3D games and has great support for publishing to platforms like Facebook. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know to make a successful Facebook game with Unity.

What is Unity?

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies. It is primarily used to develop video games and simulations for computers, consoles, and mobile devices. Some of the features of Unity include:

  • Supports both 2D and 3D game development
  • Extensive visualization and graphics capabilities
  • Integrated physics engine
  • Powerful animation system
  • Runs on major desktop and mobile platforms like Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android
  • Large asset store with thousands of resources
  • Support for major VR platforms

Unity is known for its flexibility, power, and ease of use. It uses C# programming language for scripting games. With its multiplatform support, Unity allows developers to easily port games to multiple platforms including the web with Unity WebGL support.

Why Use Unity for Facebook Game Development?

Here are some of the key advantages of using Unity for creating Facebook games:

  • Seamless Facebook SDK integration – Unity has built-in support for Facebook’s SDK making it easy to add social features.
  • Cross-platform support – Games made in Unity can be deployed not just on Facebook but also on iOS, Android, PC, Mac and gaming consoles.
  • Powerful toolset – Unity provides a robust physics engine, particle system, animator, visual scripting and more out-of-the-box.
  • Optimized performance – Unity games tend to have small file sizes and the engine is highly optimized for building 2D and 3D games.
  • Large developer community – As one of the most popular game engines, Unity has a wealth of online resources and support.
  • Flexibility – Unity allows developing games using both code (C#) and visual scripting enabling rapid prototyping.

In summary, Unity simplifies cross-platform game development while providing powerful tools to create high-quality games. These advantages make it a great choice for Facebook game development.

Step 1 – Download and Install Unity

The first step is to download the Unity game engine from the official Unity website. You can choose between the Unity Editor for desktop or Unity Hub for managing multiple Unity versions and projects. Make sure to download the latest recommended version.

The Unity installation includes the main Unity editor, core runtime components, and build support for targeted platforms like Facebook. The complete installation provides everything you need to start developing your game.

System requirements for Unity include a 64-bit Windows or Mac OS, dual-core processor, and 4GB of RAM minimum. Make sure your development system meets the requirements for smooth performance.

Installation Process

The installation process consists of a few simple steps:

  1. Download the Unity Hub or Editor installer for your operating system.
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Accept the Unity license agreement.
  4. Select components to install – Android Build Support, iOS Build Support etc.
  5. Choose the installation location on your system.
  6. Let the installer run – this may take a while depending on your internet speed.

Once installation completes, the Unity Hub or Editor will be ready to use for game development. You may also need to install additional components like Visual Studio for coding later.

Step 2 – Register a Facebook Developer Account

To publish games on Facebook, you need a Facebook developer account. This is required to create Facebook apps linked to your games and integrate the Facebook SDK in Unity.

Go to the Facebook for Developers site and register as a new developer. The registration process is free.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on Get Started and select the Games option.
  2. Facebook will prompt you to create a new Facebook account if you don’t already have one.
  3. Once registered, you can access the Facebook Developer Dashboard.
  4. From the My Apps menu, click on Create App.
  5. Enter a Display Name, Contact Email and Category for your app.
  6. Accept the policies and click on Create App ID.
  7. Take note of the App ID that will be required later.

This creates your Facebook app which can be linked to games built with Unity.

Step 3 – Configure Unity Facebook SDK

Unity provides a Facebook SDK to integrate your game easily with the Facebook platform. The SDK handles user authentication, analytics, payments and sharing.

To add the Facebook SDK in your Unity project:

  1. Create a new project in Unity and give it a suitable name like MyFacebookGame.
  2. Download the Facebook SDK for Unity and import it into your project.
  3. In the Unity editor, open the build settings window (File > Build Settings).
  4. Click on Player Settings and enter your Facebook App ID from earlier.
  5. Expand the Resolution and Presentation section. Set the Default Orientation to Auto Rotation.
  6. On the main Facebook SDK configuration tab, check Enable App Events, implicit purchase events and Data Processing Options.
  7. Click on Apply to save all settings.

This integrates the Facebook SDK with your Unity project for further development.

Step 4 – Create a Simple Game

Once your environment is setup, you can start creating your Facebook game in Unity. Let’s make a simple 2D game prototype to get started.

1. Create a new Scene called GameScene. This will be the main game screen.

2. Create a square Plane object that will act as the ground. Scale it suitably on the Y-axis.

3. Add a physics material like Bouncy to the plane to make objects bounce.

4. Create a red Cube object and reset its transform. This will be the player.

5. Add a Rigidbody 2D component to the player cube. This enables physics.

6. Add a small Script called PlayerControls.cs with the following code:

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerControls : MonoBehaviour {

    public float speed = 10f;

    void Update() {
        float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * speed;

        GetComponent().velocity = new Vector2(x, GetComponent().velocity.y);


7. Attach this script to the player cube. It will allow moving the cube with left/right input.

8. Create a simple Camera following the player position.

This completes a simple prototype game with player control and physics. You can continue adding more features like collectables, scoring, graphics etc.

Step 5 – Build and Publish the Game

Once you have developed your Facebook game in Unity, you need to build and publish it for others to play.

Unity allows publishing games to Facebook directly with WebGL support. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Build Settings window in Unity (File > Build Settings).
  2. Click on WebGL as the target platform.
  3. Check Development Build and Autoconnect Profiler.
  4. Click on Switch Platform to start using WebGL.
  5. Wait for Unity to recompile shaders and scripts.
  6. Click Build and select a folder to build to.

This will generate the WebGL build files for your game. Now to publish it:

  1. Log in to your Facebook developer dashboard.
  2. Under My Apps, select your game app.
  3. Under Products, click Web Games.
  4. Click the Add Web Game button.
  5. Enter a name for your game.
  6. Upload the build zip file from Unity.
  7. Enter other app details like category, description etc.
  8. Click Save and Publish.

Your Facebook game will now be published and accessible through your app page. Share it with friends to spread the word!

Advanced Facebook Features

Here are some advanced features you can add using the Facebook SDK:

  • User authentication – Let players sign in with Facebook.
  • Sharing – Add options to share scores/achievements.
  • Leaderboards – Implement social leaderboards using Facebook’s rankings.
  • Payments – Accept payments within the game using Facebook Payments.
  • Notifications – Send update notifications to engaged players.
  • Groups – Allow players to form social groups and see friends playing the game.
  • Analytics – Get detailed analytics on your players, retention etc.

Check out the full Facebook SDK documentation for more details on integrating these features.

Optimizing Unity Games for Facebook

Here are some tips to optimize your Unity games for the best performance on Facebook:

  • Keep file size low by optimizing meshes, textures, audio files etc.
  • Use compressed texture formats like ASTC, DXT, PVRTC.
  • Setup proper occlusion culling to avoid overdraw.
  • Use Object Pooling to recycle game objects and reduce instantiation.
  • Use reduced physics steps and small collision volumes.
  • Split content into scene streaming assets to load them asynchronously.
  • Use GPU Instancing to reduce draw calls for duplicate meshes.
  • Enable Static Batching on static objects to boost rendering.
  • Minify scripts and enable stripping to reduce code size.

Properly optimizing scenes, assets and code allows Unity to build small-sized WebGL games that load faster on Facebook. This improves engagement and retention.


Developing games for Facebook in Unity is easy with the dedicated SDK. Use the full capabilities of the powerful Unity engine while reaching Facebook’s massive audience. Apply the steps and tips covered in this guide to create successful WebGL games for the platform.

Some key pointers include:

  • Download Unity and install the necessary components.
  • Register as a Facebook developer and create an App ID.
  • Integrate the Facebook SDK into your Unity project.
  • Build a simple game with mechanics, graphics and audio.
  • Build for WebGL and publish your game on Facebook.
  • Analyze metrics and add more social features.
  • Optimize game performance with compression, occlusion and pooling.

With its ease of use and multiplatform support, Unity is the perfect engine for targeting Facebook as well as platforms like iOS and Android. Implement the best practices given here to ship great games to millions of players.