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How to know if someone is recording your video call on Messenger?

How to know if someone is recording your video call on Messenger?

Video calling has become an integral part of our daily communication. Services like Messenger allow us to video chat with friends and family easily. However, there is always a concern that the person on the other end might secretly record the video call without consent.

There are a few signs you can watch out for to know if someone is recording your Messenger video call. Being aware of these signs can help you take steps to protect your privacy if needed.

Look for the recording indicator

Most video calling apps have a recording indicator that gets turned on when the call is being recorded. For Messenger, there will be a small red icon on the bottom bar during an ongoing video call if the other person is recording. However, this indicator can sometimes be hidden or disabled by the person recording. So you cannot completely rely on it.

Observe their actions

Look for visual cues in the other person’s actions that might suggest recording. For example:

  • They constantly look down or away from the screen
  • Making hand gestures like they are controlling something
  • You can see their phone but not their face
  • Their mouth doesn’t match the audio

These kind of actions might indicate they are simultaneously controlling a recording device. Although not definitive, being observant can give you some clues.

Listen for odd sounds

Listen carefully during the call for any strange clicking, tapping or rustling sounds coming from the other end. This could be the sound of them operating a recording device. Try muting yourself briefly to isolate the other end’s audio and identify any extraneous sounds.

Watch for quality shifts

See if the video quality changes or glitches temporarily during the call. If the person is recording using a separate device, it may impact bandwidth and cause temporary dips in quality. Sudden shifts like this should raise suspicion.

Check their background

Observe their background carefully during the call to spot any recording devices like cameras, mics or additional phones pointed at the screen. Also look for laptops or other devices that may be recording the video feed through screen capturing software.

Ask them directly

If you notice suspicious behavior, consider directly asking the person if they are recording the call. Watch their facial reaction closely when you ask this. If they are evasive, uncomfortable or deny it very strongly, those responses are a giveaway.

Inspect screen grabs

You can also take screenshots during the call to inspect later. Check if the red recording indicator shows up in the screenshots. This can work even if the indicator is hidden during the actual call.

Use call recording apps

There are some apps that allow you to record both ends of a Messenger call. You can use these to independently review and check if signs of recording show up in the saved videos.

Enable screen share notifications

Messenger has an option to get notifications when someone you are on a call with starts sharing their screen. This can alert you if they initiate screen recording.

Here is how to enable it:

  1. Open your Messenger app during an ongoing call
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top left
  3. Go to the Settings & Privacy menu
  4. Toggle on ‘Get Notified When Someone Shares Their Screen’

Be wary of third party apps

Some third party apps claim to allow secret call recording or screen recording on Messenger without triggering any indicator. Be careful if the person insists you install any unknown app prior to the call.

Use camera covers when needed

You can buy simple camera covers or slides that physically block your device camera. Use these if you want to be extra cautious about the possibility of video recording.

Change Messenger permissions

You can revoke Messenger’s access to your camera and microphone to prevent any recording capability. Here is how to change permissions on an iPhone:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy > Camera
  2. Locate Messenger and toggle off access
  3. Similarly go to Settings > Privacy > Microphone
  4. Toggle off access for Messenger here as well

On Android, go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > Messenger > Permissions and toggle off Camera and Microphone access.

Use end-to-end encrypted apps

Apps like FaceTime and WhatsApp offer end-to-end encryption for video calls. This prevents any third party recording without consent. Use these apps for better security if you are concerned.

Confront politely but firmly

If you have a strong reason to believe you are being recorded, confront the person directly but politely. Make your objections clear and reiterate the need for consent. If they become aggressive or threatening, disconnect the call immediately.

Report violations

Applications like Messenger usually do not allow recording a call without the consent of both parties. If you have proof that someone violated this rule, report them to the app provider.

Consult local laws

In some places, recording calls without consent can be illegal. Look up your local laws and consider reporting violations to the relevant authorities.

Spread awareness

The more we talk about the importance of consent in video calls, the more we can cultivate a climate of openness and trust. Have conversations with friends and family about respecting each other’s privacy.


Here are some key takeaways:

  • Watch for visual cues like odd gestures or background devices
  • Listen for inexplicable sounds coming from their end
  • Inspect screenshots for the red recording indicator
  • Use apps with end-to-end encryption like FaceTime or WhatsApp
  • Report consent violations to the platform provider
  • Spread awareness on the importance of consent

Being alert and proactive is key to protecting your privacy during video calls. With some caution, you can identify and respond to unethical recording swiftly. The tips outlined above will help you spot the signs of covert recording and take suitable action.