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How to know if someone blocked you?

How to know if someone blocked you?

Having a friend or someone you know block you on social media or their phone can be upsetting. There are a few ways to figure out if you’ve been blocked, but it’s not always obvious. Here are some tips on how to know if someone blocked you and what to do next.

Signs Someone Blocked You on Social Media

On most social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc, there are some telltale signs that someone has blocked you:

  • Their profile or posts disappear from your view
  • You can’t view their followers/who they are following
  • Your messages to them won’t send
  • You disappear from their followers or friends list

However, social media platforms handle blocking differently. Here are some specifics to check on popular sites:


  • Their profile picture and cover photo disappear
  • Your comments on their posts say “Only visible to you”
  • You don’t see their posts in your News Feed
  • You disappear from their friends list


  • Their posts don’t show up on your feed
  • Your comments on their posts are deleted
  • You can’t view their followers or who they follow
  • You disappear from their followers list


  • You can’t view their tweets or profile info
  • Your tweets/DMs to them won’t go through
  • You disappear from their followers
  • They disappear from your followers


  • You can’t view their profile or posts
  • You disappear from their followers
  • Your comments on their videos disappear

Keep in mind that glitches can sometimes make it look like you’re blocked when you’re not. If you think you’ve been blocked on social media, try logging out and viewing their profile – if it disappears, it’s likely you’ve been blocked.

Signs Someone Blocked Your Number

Being blocked on your phone number can also happen. Here are some signs to look for:

  • Your calls go straight to voicemail or get disconnected
  • Your texts never show as delivered or read
  • Your phone displays “Not Delivered” for messages to them
  • You hear a fast busy signal when calling them

The main giveaway is if your calls and texts suddenly go unanswered when they previously responded. However, bad reception or their phone being off can sometimes look like blocking too.

How to Confirm You’re Blocked

While the above signs indicate you’re possibly blocked, here are a few ways to confirm it:

  • Ask a mutual friend – Have a trusted mutual friend check if they can still view the person’s profile or if your number comes up as blocked.
  • Check blocking apps – See if they downloaded apps like Truecaller that show if someone blocked your number.
  • Call from another number – Try calling or texting from another number to see if it goes through.
  • Look for block notices – Some apps alert users if they’ve been blocked, like how Facebook shows “You can’t reply to this conversation.”

Getting blocked can be upsetting, but don’t obsess over it. Give them space and focus on other friendships for a while. With time, the block may be lifted if it was just temporary.

What to Do If You’re Blocked

If you find out someone definitely blocked you, here are some constructive ways to deal with it:

  • Respect their wishes – Don’t try to contact them from other accounts or numbers.
  • Reflect on why – Think about if you did anything that may have provoked it.
  • Give them space – Wait a while before attempting to reconcile.
  • Move on – Put your energy into other friendships and pursuits.
  • Don’t retaliate – Avoid posting negativity or blocking them back.

While being blocked stings, maintain maturity about the situation. Take it as a sign to move on and focus on positive relationships in your life.

When to Reach Out After Being Blocked

If you feel the block was unwarranted, you can try reconciling after giving the person space. Some appropriate times to reach out include:

  • After a month or longer of no contact
  • If you run into them in public after some time apart
  • If you sincerely apologize for your actions via a mutual friend
  • If you have an emergency and need to contact them

Avoid pestering them soon after the block or confronting them angrily. Be sincere and focus on resolving the issue calmly. If they ignore you or re-block you, accept it’s time to move on.

When to Let Go of the Relationship

In some cases, it’s healthier to make a permanent break from the relationship if they block you. Consider letting go if:

  • It’s an ongoing toxic/abusive relationship
  • Your values and personalities no longer align
  • They block you frequently or ignore other boundaries
  • The negativity outweighs the positives
  • They show no interest in reconciling

A friendship or relationship shouldn’t feel like a constant struggle. If the blocking continues even after sincere attempts to mend things, take it as a sign to move on.

Coping with Blocking Mentally and Emotionally

Being blocked can take a mental and emotional toll. Here are some healthy ways to cope:

  • Avoid self-blame – Don’t beat yourself up over it.
  • Lean on loved ones – Spend time with positive people in your life.
  • Practice self-care – Do healthy activities that improve your mood like exercise, hobbies, etc.
  • Limit social media – Take a break from apps that trigger negative social comparisons.
  • Try counseling – If it’s impacting your self-esteem or mental health, seek professional support.

With time, resilience, and self-care, you can bounce back from being blocked. Focus on your inner wellbeing, values, and meaningful relationships.


Being blocked online or in real life can be disheartening. However, don’t take it as a reflection of your self-worth. Focus on uplifting relationships that make you feel valued. With maturity and resilience, you can move forward to find inner peace and joy in other friendships.