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How to increase followers on Facebook?

How to increase followers on Facebook?

In today’s digital world, having a strong social media presence is crucial for businesses, influencers, and personal brands. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most important platforms to build an engaged following.

Gaining more Facebook followers can help you increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, boost engagement, and ultimately grow your business. But getting more followers requires strategy and effort. Simply creating a Facebook page is not enough. You need to frequently post engaging content, run ads, optimize your page for discovery, and use tactics to convert visitors into followers.

Here are some tips on how to get more Facebook followers:

Post Engaging Content Frequently

Posting regularly and sharing content your audience finds valuable is key to building a following. When deciding what to post, consider:

  • High-quality photos and videos that capture attention
  • Interesting articles and news related to your niche
  • Behind-the-scenes content and business updates
  • User-generated content like customer photos and testimonials
  • Live videos to engage followers in real-time
  • Poll questions and quizzes to spark conversation

Analyze your Facebook Insights to see what types of posts resonate most with your audience. Try posting 1-2 times per day to stay top of mind. Going “live video” on occasion can also help you gain more followers quickly.

Optimize Facebook Page for Discovery

Make sure your Facebook Page is optimized so people can easily find it when searching on Facebook:

  • Have a profile and cover photo that represent your brand
  • Fill out the “About” section with useful details about your business
  • Use relevant keywords in your page name and description
  • Link to your website and other social profiles so people can follow you elsewhere
  • Add buttons like “Book Now” or “Contact Us” to drive conversions

Facebook’s algorithm also rewards Pages with complete profiles. So optimizing these elements can help boost your reach and visibility in search.

Run Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allow you to target specific demographics and interests to find prospective followers. Options include:

  • Page Likes Campaign: Optimized specifically to get more Facebook followers
  • Website Traffic Campaign: Get followers by driving website traffic through ads
  • Lead Generation Campaign: Collect leads and nurture them into followers over time
  • Engagement Campaign: Focus on posts that spark comments and shares

When running ads, create customized audiences to target users most likely to follow you. Test different images, copy, and call-to-action buttons to optimize performance.

Go Live and Engage With Viewers

Facebook Live is an engaging way to connect with your audience in real-time. When going live:

  • Preview your video on Facebook to send notifications when you go live
  • Engage with viewers by responding to comments and questions
  • Share live videos on other channels to maximize reach
  • Repurpose popular live videos as evergreen content

Viewers who engage with your Live videos can click on your Page name to check out your Facebook profile and follow you. Using Live judiciously can help you gain followers quickly.

Run Facebook Contests and Giveaways

Contests are a tried and true way to grow your follower count. Ideas include:

  • Photo contests to crowdsource user-generated content
  • Caption contests to spark engagement
  • Giveaways and sweepstakes for product samples or swag
  • Like and share contests to increase reach

Require participants to follow your Page to enter. Make the prize(s) enticing enough to get people excited about your brand. Promote contests on your website, email lists, and other channels to maximize entries.

Use Messenger Bots

Messenger bots help you engage new visitors right on Facebook Messenger with automated or live chat capabilities. Bots can:

  • Send notifications when you go live or post new content
  • Qualify leads with a series of questions
  • Direct message new followers to start relationships
  • Offer incentives for sharing your Page with friends

Messenger bots create touchpoints to gradually convert visitors into engaged followers. They add a personal touch while saving time for your team.

Collaborate With Other Brands and Influencers

Strategic partnerships provide an opportunity to tap into a new, targeted audience and gain credibility from a trusted brand. Ways to collaborate include:

  • Co-creating content or campaigns
  • Sharing each other’s content
  • Speaking on each other’s online events
  • Influencer marketing: having influencers showcase your brand to their followers

Choose partner brands with an audience similar to yours. Outline promotional activities, timings and goals that are mutually beneficial.

Make Following Your Page Frictionless

When people land on your Facebook Page, make it as easy as possible for them to follow you. Tactics include:

  • Place your Follow button in a prominent position
  • Use language like “Be the first to follow our new Page!” for social proof
  • Offer an instant incentive for following your Page like a discount code or free gift
  • Have a clear value proposition and persuasive content to convince visitors

Test different call-to-actions, images, and content to optimize your conversion rate from visitors to followers.

Promote Your Facebook Across Other Channels

Leverage all your marketing channels to increase Facebook followers by promoting your Page:

  • Link to your Facebook from your website and emails
  • Promote Facebook contests and events through email lists and ads
  • Share your Facebook Page on other social media accounts
  • Add a Facebook follow button to your YouTube and Instagram profiles
  • Include your Facebook URL on packaging, storefronts, banners etc

Make it easy for your audience across channels to discover and follow your Facebook Page.

Engage With Industry Facebook Groups

Joining relevant Facebook Groups provides exposure to an interested audience ripe for conversion. Tactics include:

  • Commenting on discussions and helping group members
  • Sharing your expertise via posts and live videos
  • Responding early to questions to establish authority
  • Subtly mentioning your own Facebook Page when relevant

Focus on providing value rather than self-promotion. Done right, engaged group members will check out your profile and give your page a Follow.

Convert Existing Followers From Other Networks

If you have an existing presence on other social platforms, leverage that to drive Facebook followers. Ways to convert followers include:

  • Promoting your new Facebook Page on other platforms
  • Sharing content on multiple platforms to reinforce your brand
  • Running cross-promotional campaigns and contests across channels
  • Importing email contacts to create Facebook Custom Audiences for ads

People who already know and trust you elsewhere make ideal subscribers early on. Even a small percentage converting can jumpstart your Facebook follower count.

Advertise At Events To Drive Local Followers

Events like conferences, trade shows and networking meetups are great for raising local brand awareness. You can gain followers by:

  • Adding your Facebook Page name and handle on event banners and signs
  • Promoting contests for event attendees to follow you
  • Collecting business cards and importing contacts to invite
  • Having your team engage attendees and mention your Facebook

Events put your brand directly in front of local customers. On-site promotion captures their attention to follow you and stay engaged after.

Run Retargeting Ads For Website Visitors

Retarget people who have visited your website with follow-up Facebook ads. You can create Custom Audiences based on:

  • Website visitors
  • Those who visited specific pages like Contact or About Us
  • People who clicked links in emails or ads

Then create ads reminding them to follow your Facebook Page and stay up to date with your brand. Retargeting helps convert interested visitors into engaged followers.

Offer Exclusive Perks For Followers

Encourage follows by offering rewards exclusive to Facebook subscribers. Some ideas:

  • Early access to sales and promotions
  • Members-only contests and giveaways
  • Special discounts or loyalty rewards
  • Sneak peeks at new products before release
  • Behind-the-scenes content

Highlight these perks prominently on your page and when running follow-focused ads. Perceived exclusivity and added value boosts conversion rates.

Make Following Part of Your Onboarding Flow

Integrate following your Facebook Page into your customer onboarding processes. Examples:

  • Send an automated invite to follow you after signups
  • Include links and reminders in your post-purchase and welcome emails
  • Add a Facebook follow prompt during product tutorials and onboarding

Capture people’s attention early when interest and brand perceptions are high. Adding follow reminders into existing flows is an easy win.


Attracting more followers on Facebook requires an intentional, multi-channel strategy. Post engaging content consistently, run follower-focused ads, promote your page across platforms, and make following frictionless. Partner with influencers in your niche to tap into their audiences. Promote on-site at local events and target website visitors. Offer exclusive perks only for followers and integrate follows into your onboarding flows.

Use these tips to boost your Facebook followers organically and through paid ads. With a sound strategy and some optimization, you can steadily grow your Facebook community.