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How to get someones email address from Facebook?

How to get someones email address from Facebook?

Getting someone’s email address from Facebook can be useful for keeping in touch outside of the platform. However, for privacy reasons, Facebook does not make user email addresses readily available. There are a couple of different methods you can try to obtain someone’s email address, but keep in mind that the other user must agree to share it with you.

Searching on Facebook

When you go to a user’s profile on Facebook, their email address will not be displayed. Facebook does not provide a way to search for users by email address either. However, sometimes users will include their email in the “About” section of their profile. You can try searching this section to see if they have included it.

Asking Directly

The most straightforward way to get someone’s email address is to simply ask them for it directly through Facebook Messenger. Send them a message saying you would like to stay in touch outside of Facebook and ask if they would be willing to share their email address with you.

Using the Download Info Tool

Facebook allows users to download a copy of the information they have on file for your account. This includes info you may have previously added to your profile and then removed, including any email addresses associated with the account.

To use the Download Info tool:

  1. Go to the Settings page and click “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu.
  2. Click “Download Your Information” on the next page.
  3. Deselect all categories except “Profile Information” and click “Create File.”
  4. Once the download is ready, open the file and search for any email addresses in the HTML files.

Using the Contact Info Tool

Similar to the Download Info tool, the Contact Info tool allows you to view contact information you may have previously added for friends in your account, even if it is no longer displayed on their profile.

To use the Contact Info tool:

  1. Go to your Friends list and click the “More Options” button next to a friend’s name.
  2. Select “View Contact Info.”
  3. If they have added an email address that you can view, it will be listed here.

Email Lookup Sites

There are some websites and browser extensions that claim to reveal the email addresses associated with a Facebook profile. These work by scraping publicly available data on Facebook profiles and trying to find associated email addresses.

Some examples include:

  • Email Finder
  • Spokeo
  • Email Hunter

However, the accuracy and effectiveness of these sites varies, and most likely will not work to reveal someone’s email address unless they have intentionally made it public somewhere online.

Using a Mutual Connection

If you and the person you want the email address for have a mutual friend on Facebook, you can ask your mutual connection to share the email with you. This method works best when you have a close connection willing to help you out.

Say something like: “Hey! I noticed you are friends with [person] on Facebook. I would really like to get in touch with them outside of Facebook. Would you be willing to share their email address with me so I can reach out?”

Should You Share Someone’s Email Without Permission?

If you obtain someone’s email address through download tools or a mutual connection, it’s best to get their permission before actually emailing them. Sharing an email address without the user’s consent could be seen as an invasion of privacy. The best approach is to message them first and explain you came across their email and want to connect outside of Facebook. Then they can decide if they are comfortable with you having their address or not.

Is Scraping Email Addresses on Facebook Legal?

The short answer is – it’s complicated. Facebook’s terms prohibit scraping user data or using automated means to collect data from their platform. However, data that is publicly visible on user profiles exists in a gray area.

Some key points on legality:

  • Email addresses posted publicly on user profiles are likely fair game.
  • Using automated scrapers or bots is risky and could violate terms.
  • Facebook user data obtained through a breach is illegal.
  • Facebook can change privacy settings and availability of data at any time.

Scraping emails may fall into an ethical gray zone, even if not definitively illegal. The safest approach is to always obtain someone’s contact information directly or with their consent when possible.


Getting someone’s email address from Facebook directly is not possible without their consent. The best approach is to simply ask the user for their email through a Facebook message. If they agree to share it with you, you can obtain it that way. Using email lookup services or getting email addresses from mutual connections comes with risks and uncertainty. When in doubt, always get a user’s permission before contacting them outside of Facebook via an email address you have obtained.