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How to get into Facebook if you are locked out of the wrong email?

How to get into Facebook if you are locked out of the wrong email?

If you are locked out of your Facebook account due to entering the wrong email address, there are a few steps you can take to try and regain access. The key is providing Facebook with verification that you are the legitimate owner of the account.

Try logging in with your correct email address or phone number

The first thing to try is logging in with the correct email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account. Go to and click on “Forgotten account?” Enter your correct email or phone number and request a login link or security code. This will verify your identity and should grant you access back into your account if you have the right login credentials.

Check for a recovery/alternate email address

If you don’t remember the exact email for your Facebook account, check if you have a recovery or alternate email set up. This is an additional email that you can use to reset your password or unlock your account. Go through your other email accounts to see if you get a password reset email from Facebook. Clicking the reset link will allow you to create a new password and access your Facebook account.

Use your mobile number for account recovery

If you have your mobile number associated with your Facebook account, you can use this for account recovery. Go to the Facebook login page and click “Forgotten account?” Enter your full mobile number and request a code. Facebook will send a 6-digit confirmation code to your phone which you can input to regain access to your account.

Upload an ID to prove account ownership

If you don’t have access to the correct email or phone number, you can submit an ID to prove you are the legitimate owner. Click on “Get help with accessing your account” from the login page and follow the steps to upload your photo ID. This will prompt Facebook to review your ID and hopefully restore your access if it matches your account information.

Find your account using a friend’s list

If you have access to a mutual friend’s Facebook account, you can try finding your profile that way. Search for your name in their friends list and navigate to your profile. Facebook may detect you are the account owner and prompt you to recover your login credentials.

Use Facebook’s account recovery form

Facebook has an account recovery form you can fill out explaining your situation. You’ll need to provide details like your full name, estimated date when you created the account, locations where you used Facebook, and photos or screenshots to prove account ownership. Submit as much info as possible and hope the Facebook team can verify your identity.

Check if you have a saved backup login code

If you previously set up backup codes for your Facebook account, you may have a saved code that can unlock your account. These are typically 16-digit codes that you generate from the Facebook security settings. Check your email, messages, files, or password manager to see if you have a login code.

Use account recovery email from hacked/suspicious login

If you received an email from Facebook about a suspicious or unauthorized login attempt, open it up. There may be a “Recover Account” link inside which you can click to secure your account. This often happens when someone enters the wrong Facebook login credentials multiple times.

Try automated account recovery

Facebook has an automated process you can use to attempt recovering your account instantly. Go to to fill out the form with your name, email/phone, and other details about your account. Facebook’s automated systems will try to verify your identity and restore your access.

Use a saved backup code from an outside app

If you connected your Facebook account to an outside app in the past, check those apps for a backup code. For example if you used Facebook Login for Spotify, check your Spotify account to see if your Facebook backup code is in the connected apps section. The 16-digit code can unlock your Facebook account.

Create a new account and merge your data

If all else fails, you may need to create a brand new Facebook account with your correct email and phone number. Use the same name and profile details, then report your old account as hacked. Facebook may detect your new account is the legitimate owner and allow you to merge your old data and friends list.

Contact Facebook support for further help

You can reach out to Facebook’s support team directly to explain your situation and get help recovering your account. Go to and select the options for account access and compromised accounts. Provide as many details as possible so Facebook can verify your identity.


Getting locked out of Facebook due to the wrong email can be frustrating, but is fixable. Using your correct login information, mobile number, ID, backup codes, or contacting Facebook support are the main ways to recover your account access. Be persistent and provide as much verification details as possible to prove you are the legitimate account owner.

Recovery Method What to Do
Login with correct email/phone Go to Facebook login and use your actual account credentials
Check for recovery email See if you have an alternate recovery email set up to reset password
Use mobile number Enter your associated phone number and request a verification code
Upload ID Submit a photo ID that matches the account holder information
Find account via friend Search for your profile from a mutual friend’s account
Fill out recovery form Provide name, DOB, locations, etc to prove identity
Enter backup login code Use 16-digit backup code if you have one saved
Click account recovery link Found in email after suspicious login attempt
Try automated recovery Use Facebook’s automated verification process
Backup code from external app Check connected apps like Spotify for saved code
Create new account & merge data Make a new account and report old one as hacked to merge info
Contact Facebook support Explain situation directly to Facebook for help

Prevent getting locked out in the future

Once you regain access to your Facebook account, take steps to prevent getting locked out again in the future:

Confirm your email and phone number

Double check that your correct email address and mobile number are associated with your Facebook account in the settings. This gives you backup options if you ever forget your password.

Set up two-factor authentication

Enable two-factor authentication like text codes or authenticator app. This adds extra security, requiring you to enter a code from your phone whenever you login from a new device.

Create App Passwords

If you use Facebook to login to other apps or sites, generate app passwords. These are 16-digit codes that give those apps secure access even if you change your main Facebook password.

Save backup login codes

Generate a set of one-time use backup codes you can save securely in case you ever get locked out again. These 16-digit codes can unlock your account if you can’t receive OTP codes.

Check login notifications

Enable login notifications and be aware of any unauthorized access attempts. You’ll get alerts whenever someone tries logging into your Facebook account from an unknown location or device.

Use a password manager

A password manager can remember long, complex passwords for your Facebook account and auto-fill them each time you login. This prevents having to remember or reset passwords.

Be wary of phishing attempts

Watch out for suspicious emails or texts pretending to be from Facebook. These phishing attempts try to steal your login info or get you to click malware links. Go directly to Facebook if you need to login or reset your password.

Review account security settings

Regularly check your Facebook security settings for anything suspicious like unknown devices or recovery emails. Make sure you recognize all the account recovery options connected.

Recovering Access to Other Social Media Accounts

The tips and methods discussed here for accessing a locked Facebook account can also apply if you get locked out of other social media accounts like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok etc. Each platform has options to reset passwords, use mobile verification, upload ID, or fill out account recovery forms. Enabling two-factor authentication is highly recommended for all your social media profiles to prevent getting hacked or locked out in the future.

Some key things to try if locked out of other social media accounts:


– Go to Instagram login and tap “Forgot password?” to reset with email or phone number
– Use Facebook login if Instagram is connected to your Facebook account

– Fill out the Instagram account recovery form and upload a photo of yourself


– Reset your password directly from the Twitter login screen
– File an account access request form and upload your ID for verification
– Check for email from Twitter with account recovery steps after too many login attempts


– Tap “Forgot your password?” from the Snapchat login page and recover with email or phone number

– Fill out the Snapchat account lock appeal form explaining you are the legitimate owner
– Contact Snapchat support via email for additional help regaining access


– Tap “Forget password?” and reset with email or phone number associated with your account
– Select “Login trouble” from the TikTok login page and complete account recovery steps

– Contact TikTok customer support if you cannot reset password or unlock account

When to Create a New Account

If all recovery options fail and you still cannot regain access to your locked social media account, your last resort may be to simply start fresh with a new profile. Here are some cases when creating a new account makes sense:

  • You have no access whatsoever to the email or phone number on your account
  • The account is very old and you have no record of sign up details
  • You have no backup codes, account info, or way to prove identity
  • The platform cannot verify your identity after repeated attempts
  • You were hacked and the hacker changed your login credentials

The downside of making a new account is losing your followers, photos, messages, and memories. But if you have no way to recover the original, starting fresh can at least get you access to the social platform again. Just make sure to use new login credentials and enable two-factor authentication.