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How to get email notifications when someone posts on Facebook?

How to get email notifications when someone posts on Facebook?

Staying up-to-date with the latest posts from your friends and pages you follow on Facebook is easy with email notifications. Facebook allows you to choose to get emails when someone posts in your News Feed or when you’re tagged in a post or photo. Here’s how to set up and manage email notifications for Facebook posts.

Enable Email Notifications for Posts in Your News Feed

To get email alerts about posts from your friends, groups, and pages you follow in your News Feed on Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook News Feed
  2. Click the down arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings” from the dropdown menu
  3. Select “Notifications” from the left sidebar
  4. Under the “Posts” section, turn on the toggle switch next to “Email” to enable email notifications
  5. Select “All Posts” to get emails about all activity, or limit it to “Highlights” to just get emails about the most popular posts
  6. Scroll down and click “Save Changes” at the bottom to confirm your email notification settings

Once enabled, you’ll get email digests recapping popular activity and posts from your News Feed delivered to your inbox. The frequency can be changed to daily, weekly, or turned off anytime.

Get Email Alerts When You’re Tagged

In addition to News Feed activity, you can get emails when someone tags you in a post or photo on Facebook:

  1. Go to the “Notifications” section of your Facebook Settings
  2. Under “Posts”, switch on the toggle next to “Email me when someone tags me”
  3. Choose if you want emails about tags in posts, photos, or both
  4. Adjust the frequency to control how often you want to receive tag notification emails
  5. Click “Save Changes” to confirm

Once enabled, you’ll get an email alert each time someone tags you in a post or photo so you can see it right away.

Manage Emails for Specific People and Pages

Beyond general notifications, you can also fine-tune email alerts for posts and tags from specific people, groups, and pages:

  1. Go to the page or profile you want to manage
  2. Click “Following” below the cover photo
  3. Select “Notifications” to adjust email settings for just that page or person
  4. Choose your email frequency and types of activities to be notified about
  5. Click “Done” to save your custom email settings

This allows you to get more or fewer notifications from pages and friends based on your preferences.

Control Email Volume in Notification Settings

If you’re getting too many email alerts from Facebook, you can reduce the volume by:

  • Decreasing the email frequency for News Feed and tags to “Weekly Digest” or “Never”
  • Limiting emails to only “Highlights” in your News Feed
  • Unsubscribing from email updates from specific pages or people
  • Turning off email alerts for post tags
  • Muting a friend or group from your News Feed

Adjusting these notification settings prevents you from getting overwhelmed with non-essential Facebook emails.

Use Filters to Organize Facebook Emails

To help organize your Facebook notifications, set up filters in your email inbox:

  1. Open the email service you use for your Facebook notifications
  2. Find the option to create filters (may be under “Settings” or “Rules”)
  3. Make a filter that identifies emails from Facebook
  4. Choose to label, archive, or skip the inbox for these emails
  5. Save the filter so it automatically organizes Facebook notifications

Filters prevent your general inbox from getting filled up with non-essential notifications.


Facebook’s detailed notification settings allow you to enable email alerts for News Feed posts and tags at your preferred frequency. Control notifications from specific people and pages to further customize which activities you want emails about. If email volume becomes overwhelming, adjust settings to reduce non-essential alerts. Organize Facebook emails using inbox filters to keep your general inbox uncluttered.

With these steps, you can stay up-to-date on Facebook without getting bombarded with emails. Set notifications to match your preferences so you get timely alerts about posts you care about without distraction.

Getting email notifications for Facebook activity takes just a few minutes to set up. Follow the steps to enable alerts about News Feed posts, tags, and more. Customize settings for individual people and pages to fine-tune which notifications you receive over email. When properly configured, email notifications keep you connected to the Facebook posts and interactions you care about most.

Facebook’s email notification system provides a helpful way to stay up-to-date with posts from friends and pages you follow. Turning on these alerts ensures you never miss an exciting update, being tagged in a fun photo, or a post from one of your favorite people or groups. But if unmanaged, email notifications can quickly become overwhelming. By utilizing Facebook’s detailed notification settings, you can shape the emails you receive to match your preferences.

With Facebook email notifications correctly optimized for your needs, you can conveniently stay in the loop on the latest happenings, interactions, and posts from your connections on Facebook. Stay on top of the activity you care about without unwanted distractions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I turn off Facebook email notifications?

To turn off Facebook email notifications entirely:

  1. Go to the Notifications section in your Facebook Settings
  2. Under Posts, turn the toggle switch next to Email to the off position
  3. Also turn off the toggle for “Email me when someone tags me”
  4. Scroll down and click “Save Changes”

This will disable all News Feed and tag email notifications from Facebook.

Why am I not getting Facebook email notifications?

If you are not getting Facebook email notifications you have enabled, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check that email notifications are turned on in your Facebook Notification Settings
  • Your email inbox may be full and unable to receive new messages
  • The emails could be going to your spam or promotions folder
  • Make sure your email address is confirmed and up-to-date in your Facebook Account Settings
  • Try increasing the email frequency from “Weekly” to “Daily” or “Immediately”

Going through this checklist should help identify and resolve issues with missing Facebook notification emails.

Can I get Facebook notifications by text?

Yes, in addition to email, Facebook also gives you the option to receive notifications by text message or mobile push alert:

  1. Go to the Notifications section of Settings and select “Text Messages”
  2. Enter your mobile phone number to get a confirmation code
  3. Choose types of notifications to receive via text message
  4. Click “Turn On” to activate

After following these steps, you’ll start receiving text message alerts for your selected Facebook notifications.

How do I turn off notifications from a specific person or page?

To stop getting notifications from a specific person or page:

  1. Go to their profile or Page
  2. Click “Following” below the cover photo
  3. Select “Notifications”
  4. Click “Unfollow” and confirm

This will stop all that person’s or Page’s notifications. Alternatively, you can just modify the notification frequency or types to reduce (but not eliminate) their notifications.

Can I get an email digest summary instead of individual emails?

Yes, Facebook allows you to condense email notifications into a digest. To enable digest emails:

  1. Go to your Notification Settings
  2. Under News Feed, select email frequency as “Daily Digest” or “Weekly Digest”
  3. For tags, choose “Daily Digest” or “Weekly Digest”
  4. Click Save Changes

This consolidates notifications into a summary email rather than individual alerts.


Facebook email notifications keep you connected by providing timely alerts about News Feed posts, tags, and other interactions. Carefully configuring notification settings allows you to receive relevant emails without overwhelm. Enable digest emails or filters to simplify email management. With the right settings, Facebook notifications can be an invaluable source of updates without becoming a distraction.