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How to get 600000 minutes view on Facebook?

How to get 600000 minutes view on Facebook?

Getting a high number of views on Facebook is a goal for many people and businesses. Views indicate that your content is engaging and reaching a wide audience. 600000 minutes viewed is equivalent to 10000 hours viewed or about 416 days of viewing time. While this is a lofty goal, it is achievable with the right strategy and execution. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover how to get 600000 minutes viewed on Facebook in a strategic and effective manner.

Optimize Your Facebook Page

The foundation for getting views on Facebook starts with having an optimized Facebook page. This includes:

  • Having an informative, catchy page name
  • An engaging page description that makes people want to view your content
  • A profile and cover photo that represent your brand or content focus
  • Clearly displayed contact info and buttons to take desired actions like viewing your website

Make sure your Facebook page clearly communicates what your brand is about and why people should view your content. The page itself acts as an advertisement for your video and other content.

Post Engaging Content Frequently

Once your page is ready, it’s time to start posting content. Posting frequently and consistently is key to being seen by more people and accumulating views over time. Consider posting:

  • Interesting videos and images that capture attention
  • Helpful articles and tips your audience will benefit from
  • Links to your newest content on other channels like YouTube and your blog
  • Polls and questions to encourage comments from followers

Studies show the optimal posting frequency is 1-2 times per day, spaced out to avoid overwhelming followers. Post when your target audience is most active, which you can identify by looking at Facebook Insights.

Leverage Video Content

Video content tends to get the most traction and views on Facebook. Prioritize video in your posting strategy with:

  • Native videos uploaded directly to Facebook
  • Compelling edits and clips from your YouTube videos
  • Facebook Lives and interactive broadcasts
  • Short teasers and trailers leading to longer videos

Videos under 3 minutes tend to perform best on Facebook. Use attention-grabbing thumbnails and titles so your videos stand out in the newsfeed.

Go Live Frequently

Facebook Lives enable you to stream video in real-time and interact with your audience. Live video gets shown higher in the newsfeed while active. Go live consistently covering interesting topics and Q&As with your audience. Share your Lives on your page when done so more people catch the replays.

The more you go live, the more your reach and views will grow over time. Aim to go live at least 1-2 times per week if possible.

Run Video Ads

One of the quickest ways to accumulate lots of viewed minutes is by running Facebook video ads. Facebook and Instagram video ads appear in-stream between organic content. With a small daily ad budget you can:

  • Boost your best performing videos into more feeds
  • Promote your Facebook Lives to wider audiences
  • Retarget people who have viewed your content already

The views from ads will contribute to your overall minutes viewed. Let the ads run for several weeks to build up cumulative views.

Collaborate with Other Pages

Look for opportunities to collaborate and cross-promote with other Facebook pages in your niche. You can:

  • Do guest Lives on each other’s pages
  • Share each other’s new videos
  • Co-create a video series
  • Organize a Facebook video campaign around a hashtag or challenge

Partnering with complementary pages exposes you to new audiences and more viewed minutes. Make sure to cross-promote external channels as well during collaborations.

Replay Old Videos

Don’t let your old videos disappear into the archives. Repurpose and reuse your evergreen content by:

  • Compiling your most useful videos into a “best of” playlist
  • Resharing top videos that did well but haven’t been seen lately
  • Turning old Lives and long videos into shorter snippets and clips

Old videos often find new audiences. Timeless content can gain more minutes viewed when recirculated.

Make Your Videos Shareable

Encourage viewers to share your videos with their own networks for extended reach. Tactics to boost shares include:

  • Creating content tailored to trigger an emotional response
  • Using clickbait or intriguing titles that spark curiosity (without overpromising)
  • Asking viewers to tag friends who would also appreciate the video
  • Gamifying shares, such as through a contest or giveaway for top sharers

More social shares equal more inbound traffic to each video you post.

Engage Viewers and Followers

Interacting with your audience leads to greater engagement and loyalty. When viewers feel heard and valued, it motivates them to stick around and watch more of your content. Ways to engage include:

  • Responding to comments and questions on your videos in a timely manner
  • Liking and replying to comments from your page account when possible
  • Following up with thank you messages when followers share your content

The more connected your community feels, the more engaged they will be over the long haul.

Make Watching Easy

Reduce friction for viewers by making your videos easy to access. Tactics include:

  • Using descriptive titles so people know what your videos are about
  • Crafting custom thumbnails that make people want to click
  • Adding links to your newest videos in your profile bio and website
  • Keeping your video uploads public so anyone can see them

The easier it is for people to find and watch your content, the more minutes of viewing you will amass.

Analyze Performance

Use Facebook Insights to analyze how your videos are performing. Look at metrics like views, completion rate, shares, and audience retention. See which videos and posting times generate the most activity. Then make data-driven decisions to optimize your video strategy.

Double down on what’s working well. Try new approaches where you have room for improvement. Continue evolving your content based on insights.

Promote Patiently and Persistently

Gaining a high lifetime view count takes patience and persistence. Keep providing value through videos and actively promoting without burning out. The more consistently you post over months and years, the more your view minutes will compound.

Have realistic expectations for how long it may take to hit view milestones. But trust that your dedication will lead to increasing visibility and viewership over time.


With the right strategy tailored to Facebook’s algorithm and audience preferences, you can gain 600000 minutes viewed on the platform. Focus on video content, Facebook Lives, promotions, collaborations, and community building for the best results. Analyze performance and keep optimizing your approach based on data. Be patient and persistent through the long journey of amassing views and followers.

If you stay consistent, creative, and customer-focused, you can build a thriving viewership and reach the 600000 minutes view milestone. The visibility and influence you gain will be valuable for your brand and business.