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How to earn money from Facebook page in Pakistan?

How to earn money from Facebook page in Pakistan?

Facebook pages have become an excellent way for individuals and businesses in Pakistan to build an audience and make money online. With over 36 million Facebook users in the country, there is huge potential to monetize a Facebook page if you can build a sizable and engaged following.

How to Create a Facebook Page in Pakistan

The first step is to create a Facebook page for your brand, business, or as your personal profile. Here is how to create a Facebook page in Pakistan:

  1. Go to and either log in to your personal account or sign up for a new Facebook account if you don’t have one.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu in the top right and select “Create Page”.
  3. Choose a category that best describes your page – such as a business, brand, entertainment, or community organization.
  4. Enter your page name and other details like category and location. Make sure the page name is concise and descriptive.
  5. Click the “Get Started” button. Facebook will now create your new page.
  6. Add a profile picture and cover photo that represents your brand or purpose for the page.
  7. In the about section, write a detailed description of your page and what users can expect to see from you.
  8. Congrats, your Facebook page is now live! Now it’s time to start posting content and building your audience.

How to Get Facebook Page Likes in Pakistan

Once your page is set up, the next step is to start getting likes and followers in Pakistan. Here are some tips:

  • Post engaging content regularly – share photos, videos, articles, Q&As, live videos, etc. that will interest your target audience.
  • Run Facebook ads – you can create highly targeted ads to promote your page to specific demographics.
  • Do giveaways and contests – ask people to like your page to enter to win prizes or free products.
  • Promote on your other social media accounts – share your Facebook page on your Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
  • Ask friends and existing contacts to like the page – build up an initial group of followers.
  • Interact with followers – respond to comments, answer questions, and engage with your audience.
  • Use hashtags – join trending conversations by using relevant hashtags.
  • Cross-promote with other pages – collaborate on giveaways or content sharing with similar pages.

Ways to Monetize a Facebook Page in Pakistan

Once you’ve built an engaged following, there are several effective strategies to start earning money from your Facebook page in Pakistan:

1. Sell Products or Services

One of the simplest ways to monetize is to directly sell products or services to your followers. For example:

  • Promote your online or physical store.
  • List products for sale and process orders via Facebook Messenger or your website.
  • Offer consulting or freelance services.
  • Promote sponsored deals and offers from brands.

2. Insert Affiliate Links

Include affiliate links to products and services within your Facebook posts. When one of your followers clicks the link and completes a purchase, you earn a commission. Great options include:

  • Amazon Associates Program
  • ClickBank products
  • Insurance, credit cards, and financial products
  • SaaS tools and software subscriptions

3. Earn Ad Revenue

Enroll your Facebook page in the Facebook Monetization Program once you reach 1000+ followers and start earning money from ads placed in your page feed and Instant Articles. The more engaging your content and larger your audience, the more ad revenue you can generate.

4. Promote Facebook Events

Organize paid events like concerts, conferences, or workshops and promote them to your Facebook followers. You can charge ticket fees, vendor booths, and sponsorships.

5. Crowdfunding

Raise money for projects, campaigns, or causes by promoting your Facebook page and driving donations. Nonprofits often use Facebook crowdsourcing to fundraise.

6. Paid Facebook Page Promotions

Offer paid promotions to other brands and businesses to post or advertise on your established Facebook page. Determine your fees based on your page size and engagement levels.

7. Facebook Live Shopping

Livestream product demonstrations or shopping haul videos and have viewers shop directly from the live video using Facebook Shop features.

Tips for Making Money from a Facebook Page in Pakistan

Follow these tips to maximize your Facebook page monetization in Pakistan:

Tip Details
Post Consistently Post new content multiple times per week to keep followers engaged and coming back.
Go Live Frequently Live videos get high reach and engagement. Go live to promote products, share announcements, or just talk to your audience.
Use Shoppable Posts Add shoppable tags to your posts so users can easily click to browse and purchase products.
Run Contests & Giveaways Boost likes and follows by running contests and requiring page likes/follows for entry.
Respond to Followers Answer questions, reply to comments, and directly engage with your audience via Facebook Messenger.
Promote Your Best Content Boost your most engaging posts via Facebook Ads to reach an even bigger audience.
Analyze Performance Use Facebook Insights to analyze your page performance and finetune your monetization strategy.


Building an engaged audience and monetizing a Facebook page takes consistency, patience, and commitment to creating stellar content. But the hard work pays off as you are able to tap into Facebook’s extensive user base and advertising capabilities to earn ongoing income from your page.

The strategies outlined above like affiliate marketing, selling products, promoting events, and earning ad revenue provide diverse options to start earning money from Facebook in Pakistan. Pay close attention to metrics like follower growth, engagement, clicks, and conversions to optimize your monetization approach over time.

With over one-third of Pakistan’s population active on Facebook, the opportunities to grow and profit from a Facebook page are immense. Follow the tips and best practices outlined here, and you’ll be well on your way to making your Facebook page a money-making success.