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How to do word effect on Facebook comments?

How to do word effect on Facebook comments?

Doing fun text effects in your Facebook comments can help make your comments stand out. With just a bit of HTML code, you can add color, images, animations, and more to spice up your Facebook comments.

Why Use Text Effects in Facebook Comments?

There are a few key reasons you may want to use text effects in your Facebook comments:

  • Make your comment pop – Text effects help your comment stand out in the sea of plain text comments.
  • Add personality – Stylized text allows you to express your personality and humor.
  • Emphasize key points – Using text colors, sizes, etc can help emphasize important parts of your comment.
  • Engage your audience – Interesting text helps catch readers’ attention and keeps them engaged.

What Kinds of Text Effects Can You Do?

Many of the same text effects you can do in HTML web pages also work in Facebook comments. Some possible text effects include:

  • Colored text – Make text red, blue, green, etc.
  • Animated text – Make text flash, bounce, spin, etc.
  • Images in text – Insert small images into your words.
  • Large text – Make key words really big and bold.
  • Small text – Add asides in smaller text.
  • Text shadows – Add shadow effects to text to make it pop.

The most commonly used text effects involve adding color, images, animations, and sizing. But there are tons of creative things you can try!

How to Add Text Effects in Facebook Comments

Adding text effects to Facebook comments is done using HTML and CSS code. Here is the basic process:

  1. Write your comment as normal text first.
  2. Select the text you want to style, and replace it with HTML tags.
  3. Add HTML tags to modify text color, size, images, animations, etc.
  4. Post your comment with HTML code.

It may look complicated, but once you learn some basic HTML it’s easy to start adding lots of creative flourishes to your text.

Coloring Text

To color text, use the HTML <font> tag like this:

<font color="blue">This text is blue!</font>

You can set the color to any valid HTML color – red, orange, pink, etc. Here’s an example comment using colored text:

Which produces:

Animating Text

You can create animated text effects using CSS animation code. For example:

<span style="animation: blinker 1s linear infinite;">This text blinks!</span> 

Adds a blinking animation effect. There are many animation options available in CSS like bouncing, flashing, spinning, etc. So you can create some fun effects!

Inserting Images

To insert a small image into your text, you can use the HTML <img> tag like this:

Normal text <img src=""> more text 

This allows you to add small visuals into your comments. You can use emojis, reaction gifs, or other images for fun effects.

Other Text Effects

There are endless possibilities for text effects using HTML and CSS. Some other ideas include:

  • Large, styled headers using <h1> tags
  • Smaller asides with <small> tags
  • Drop shadows on text using text-shadow CSS
  • Rotate text with transform:rotate

Get creative and see what cool text styles you can come up with!

Example Text Effect Styles

To give you some inspiration, here are a few examples of fun text effect styles you can recreate in Facebook comments:

1. Rainbow Text

<span style="font-size: 32px;">
<span style="color: red;">R</span>
<span style="color: orange;">A</span>
<span style="color: yellow;">I</span>
<span style="color: green;">N</span>
<span style="color: blue;">B</span>
<span style="color: indigo;">O</span>
<span style="color: violet;">W</span>

2. Spinning Text

<span style="display:inline-block; animation: spin 4s linear infinite;">
⛅ This text is spinning!

3. Bouncing Text

<span style="animation: bounce 1s infinite;">
Boing Boing Boing!

Try out the code samples to create these fun text animations. The styling options are nearly endless!

Text Effect Ideas and Inspiration

Looking for more text effect ideas? Here are some creative ways you can style your Facebook comments:

  • Use large, colored emojis for emphasis: 💥🚀🎉
  • Add reaction gifs to respond visually:
  • Change font families for unique looks: fancy font!
  • Include small images or icons: Normal text image!
  • Animate on hover: Boing
  • Use color gradients: Rainbow

Look through comments on popular Facebook pages for more examples of creative text effects. The more you experiment, the more fun options you’ll discover!

Text Effect Ideas By Occasion

Certain text effects lend themselves well to specific occasions or purposes. Here are text effect ideas to use in different situations:


  • Colorful rainbow text
  • Spinning or bouncing animations
  • Confetti:
  • Birthday cake image: Happy Birthday NAME!


  • Heart images: So happy for you both!
  • Rose petals:
  • Bride and groom emojis: 💒👰💞👨
  • Sparkles: ✨Wow, congratulations!✨


  • Themed colors – red & green for Christmas, orange & black for Halloween, etc.
  • Holiday images – trees, pumpkins, presents, etc.
  • Festive borders – holly leaves, fireworks, etc.
  • Animations like snow, sparks, etc.

Match your text effects to the occasion to add meaning and fun to your comments.

Tools for Creating Text Effects

Creating text effects for Facebook requires writing HTML and CSS code. This can be tricky, but there are tools that can help:

Text to HTML Converters

A text to HTML converter allows you to type in plain text and format it easily. For example:

Try converters like Fancy Text Tool or LingoJam to turn text into fancy styled HTML.

HTML/CSS Editors

For full customization of text effects, use an HTML/CSS editor like:

These let you modify HTML and CSS directly to create any text effect you want.

Browser DevTools

Most web browsers include developer tools that let you test HTML/CSS and see live previews. You can tweak text styles right in your browser.

Use whichever editor you’re most comfortable with. Having the right tool makes adding text effects much easier.

Limitations and Considerations

While text effects are fun, there are some limitations and things to keep in mind:

  • May not work on all devices – Effects rely on HTML and CSS which may not be supported the same way across different browsers and platforms.
  • Can be distracting – Overusing flashy effects may make your comment hard to read.
  • Impacts accessibility – Heavy use of images, animations, and custom fonts could make it difficult for those using screen readers.
  • HTML may be stripped out – Facebook may remove some or all HTML for security reasons.

Test your text effects before posting to make sure they display properly. And use them to enhance your comments without going overboard.

Putting It All Together

Here are some final tips for using text effects successfully in Facebook comments:

  • Add text effects sparingly for emphasis. Don’t overdo it!
  • Keep most text simple and readable. Style key words and phrases.
  • Use colors and fonts that complement each other.
  • Test on different devices before posting.
  • Double check that effects render properly after posting.
  • Don’t let effects distract from your underlying message.

With a bit of practice, you’ll get the hang of creating text effects that make your Facebook comments stand out!


Text effects like colors, images, animations, and styled text can help you make fun, engaging Facebook comments. They allow you to express personality and creativity. The key is learning basic HTML and CSS code to modify text appearance. Start small and simple, then build up your skills to make fancier effects. In no time you’ll be spicing up comments and wowing your friends with your text styling expertise!