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How to do reverse image search?

How to do reverse image search?

Reverse image search allows you to find the original source of an image or discover modified versions of that image online. It is a useful tool for verifying the authenticity of images, tracking down copyright infringements, finding higher resolution versions of images, and more. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do reverse image search using various search engines.

What is Reverse Image Search?

Reverse image search, also known as reverse image lookup, is a feature offered by search engines like Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye that allows you to search for images instead of text. You provide an image to the search engine, and it will try to find websites and webpages that contain the same image or versions of that image.

This works because search engines crawl the web and index images found on websites. When you provide an image for reverse search, the search engine checks its database of indexed images looking for matches based on visual similarities. If matches are found, it will show you the webpages and sites where the matching images appear.

Why Use Reverse Image Search?

Here are some common reasons people use reverse image search:

  • To find the original source or context of an image
  • To check if an image is authentic and not doctored/photoshopped
  • To find higher resolution or alternate versions of an image
  • To find images that are visually similar for inspiration
  • To track down unauthorized usage or copyright infringement of images
  • To discover modified versions of an image like memes or edits
  • To identify people, places, objects or text contained in an image
  • To gather more information and details about an image

Reverse image search serves both casual personal uses as well as professional/business needs. It’s a versatile tool used by social media users, online publishers, researchers, law enforcement, copyright holders and more.

How Reverse Image Search Works

Reverse image search relies on two key technologies:

  1. Image crawling and indexing – Search engines employ programs called web crawlers or spiders to crawl the web and find images to index. The images are stored in the search engine’s database along with data on where they were found.
  2. Image recognition and matching – When you start a reverse image search, the engine analyzes your image, generates a unique fingerprint/signature based on its visual attributes and scans its index for matches. Results with the highest similarity scores are returned.

So reverse image search matches the fingerprint of your image against those in the search engine’s massive index of billions of images crawled from across the web. It uses complex image recognition and matching algorithms to assess visual similarity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Reverse Image Search

The process of reverse image search is quite straightforward. Here is how to do it on some popular search engines:

Google Reverse Image Search

  1. Go to Google Images at
  2. Click on the camera icon in the search bar
  3. You can upload an image from your computer or provide an image URL
  4. Click on ‘Search by image’
  5. Google will display search results preview along with visually similar image results
  6. Scroll through results and click links to view original sources/contexts

Bing Reverse Image Search

  1. Go to Bing Images at
  2. Click on the camera icon near the search box
  3. You can upload or provide image URL to search
  4. Click on ‘Search’
  5. Bing will showcase search results along with a visually similar images section
  6. Browse through results and links to find original occurrences of the image

Yandex Reverse Image Search

  1. Go to Yandex Images at
  2. Click on the camera icon in the search bar
  3. Upload an image file or enter its URL to search
  4. Click on ‘Find similar’
  5. Yandex displays search results clustered by similarity, themes, genres etc
  6. Go through the tabs to explore search results and discover image occurrences

TinEye Reverse Image Search

  1. Go to TinEye at
  2. Click on the camera icon next to the search box
  3. Upload an image or provide its URL
  4. TinEye shows you a list of all the sites and pages where the image is found
  5. Click on result links to view the original source and context of the image
  6. Use the ‘Pages’ and ‘Sites’ tabs to filter types of results

Other Reverse Image Search Engines

There are a few more niche reverse image search engines like:

  • Baidu Image Search – For Chinese language images
  • Pinterest Visual Search – To find Pins with a similar look and feel
  • SauceNAO – Focused on finding anime, manga and game artwork

These work mostly the same way but are targeted at specific image genres and languages.

Tips for Effective Reverse Image Search

Keep these tips in mind to improve your reverse image search results:

  • Use high resolution images for better accuracy
  • Crop images to focus on key portions containing identifiable details
  • Try different search engines as index coverage varies
  • Use reverse image search apps on smartphones to easily search images on the go
  • If needed, edit poor quality images to improve clarity before search
  • For ambiguous generic images, add textual search terms to provide context

Limitations of Reverse Image Search

While reverse image search is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations:

  • Search engine image indexes are not comprehensive and may miss many occurrences
  • Obscure images limited to small local sites are less likely to be indexed
  • Image recognition accuracy decreases for low quality, edited or altered images
  • Generic common images like nature shots are hard to search without added context
  • Does not work well for illustrations, drawings, sketches and artwork

So reverse image search works best for photos of specific identifiable people, objects, landmarks, memes etc. that are more likely to be distinctive.

Advanced Reverse Image Search Tips

You can further enhance reverse image search results using these advanced tips:

Use Multiple Search Engines

Try different reverse image search engines as each has its own unique image index with varying coverage.

Search Using Image Fragments

Instead of the full image, upload specific cropped sections containing key identifiable details.

Try Both Uploaded and URL Search

Search using the image URL and also upload the actual file, as search engines may index and process these differently.

Leverage SauceNAO for Anime/Artwork Search

Use SauceNAO reverse image search if trying to find the source of anime, manga or game artwork.

Add Search Terms for Context

For ambiguous generic images, add textual search keywords related to the image context to improve results.

Use Google Lens for On-Device Search

Enable Google Lens in your mobile camera app to easily reverse search images on the go using visual AI.

Popular Uses of Reverse Image Search

Reverse image search has many handy everyday applications, including:

Fact Checking and Verifying Images

Use reverse image search to check if an image is authentic, original and not altered. This can help spot manipulated or fake images.

Finding Context and Sources

Discover the full context, source website or original location of images found randomly online.

Researching Images

Research the origins, history and details about an image from across the web.

Identifying People, Places and Things

Use reverse image search to identify unknown people, landmarks, products, plants and more in images.

Tracking Memes and Edits

Find all the meme versions, edits and iterations of popular viral images and photos.

Copyright Violations

Detect unauthorized usage and copyright violations of your brand imagery or personal photos.

Finding HD Wallpapers

Track down high-resolution and HD versions of images for using as wallpapers.

Online Reputation Monitoring

Monitor how your photos appear online and check for any misuse or privacy violations.

Competitor Research

Use reverse image search to research how competitors use images and graphics on their websites.

Ethical Usage

When using reverse image search, please keep ethics in mind and respect privacy, consent and ownership:

  • Avoid searching personal images of people without consent
  • Make sure you have rights to use an image before publishing/sharing further
  • Do not misuse reverse search to track or stalk unsuspecting people
  • Report any non-consensual use of personal images detected via search
  • Always check and comply with an image’s copyright and ownership status


Reverse image search is a versatile tool that lets you discover everything about an image across the web. It has many clever personal, academic and business applications. Using the step-by-step guide, tips and best practices outlined, you can now master reverse image search and unlock its potential.