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How to do one touch login on Facebook?

How to do one touch login on Facebook?

Facebook’s one touch login allows you to log into Facebook supported apps and websites quickly and easily using your Facebook account. This eliminates the need to remember usernames and passwords for each individual site or app. One touch login makes logging in seamless and convenient.

What is One Touch Login?

One touch login, also known as Facebook Login, is a feature offered by Facebook to streamline the login process on third-party apps and websites. It allows you to use your Facebook account credentials to log into other services quickly and easily.

When you see the option to “Log in with Facebook”, it means the website or app supports Facebook Login. When you click this button, you will be prompted to connect your Facebook account if you haven’t already. Once connected, you can log into that service using your Facebook login details rather than creating new login credentials specifically for that site or app.

How Does Facebook One Touch Login Work?

Here is an overview of how Facebook’s one touch login works:

  1. A third-party app or website integrates Facebook Login into their platform.
  2. When you visit the site/app for the first time, you’ll see the option to “Log in with Facebook.”
  3. Clicking this button redirects you to Facebook’s authorization page.
  4. Facebook asks you to confirm that you want to allow the app/site access to some basic information from your Facebook account.
  5. Once authorized, you’ll be redirected back to the app/site, now logged in using your Facebook account.
  6. The next time you visit, you can click “Log in with Facebook” again and you’ll log in instantly without needing to re-enter credentials.

Essentially, Facebook Login allows you to leverage your existing Facebook account to instantly authenticate into new apps and sites without needing to set up new logins for each one. The first time requires authorization but then one click logs you in each subsequent time.

Why Use Facebook One Touch Login?

Here are some of the benefits of using Facebook Login instead of traditional logins:

  • Simpler and faster login – Just click once rather than remembering usernames and passwords.
  • Works across devices – Log in on your phone, tablet, laptop with the same click.
  • Don’t need to remember credentials – Your Facebook login works anywhere it’s accepted.
  • Secure – Your account is protected by Facebook’s security.
  • Less data entry – Apps can pre-populate info from your Facebook account.

For end users, it’s clearly much more convenient than managing countless separate logins. For developers, it provides a quick and robust authorization system without having to build their own login solution from scratch.

How to Set Up Facebook One Touch Login

Ready to start using Facebook Login to simplify signing into apps and sites? Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Make sure you have an active Facebook account. If not, join Facebook first.

  2. Visit a website or app that offers Facebook Login. Look for the “Login with Facebook” button.

  3. Click the “Login with Facebook” button and log into your Facebook if not already.

  4. You’ll be prompted to authorize the app to access your Facebook info – click Okay.

  5. That’s it! You’re now logged into the app with your Facebook account.

The first time takes a few more clicks to authorize the connection. After that initial setup, you’ll be able to log in with just one click when you return to the site or app.

How to Use Facebook One Touch Login on Mobile

Using Facebook Login on your mobile device is just as easy as on desktop. Here’s how:

  1. Download the website/app you want to use with Facebook Login.

  2. When you open the app or mobile site for the first time look for the “Login with Facebook” option.

  3. Tap the Facebook Login button and log into Facebook in your browser/the Facebook app when prompted.

  4. Authorize the app’s access to your Facebook account info.

  5. You’ll automatically be returned to the app, now logged in with your Facebook credentials.

The next time you return to the app, you can skip directly to step 3 and tap the Facebook Login to instantly sign in. No passwords needed!

Apps and Sites that Support Facebook One Touch Login

Thousands of apps and websites have integrated with Facebook Login for quick and easy authentication. Some of the most popular include:

  • Spotify
  • Pinterest
  • Airbnb
  • Uber
  • Lyft
  • Tinder
  • LinkedIn
  • SoundCloud
  • Instagram
  • Hulu

And many, many more! Anywhere you see the Facebook Login button you can use your Facebook account to instantly sign in.

Customizing Facebook One Touch Login

You have some options for customizing Facebook Login to control what account info is shared. Here are a few tips:

  • When authorizing an app, pay close attention to the account info being requested and select only what’s needed for that app to function.

  • In Facebook Settings, you can remove access for any app you’ve previously authorized.

  • Configure the privacy settings on your Facebook profile and be selective in what you share publicly.

  • Avoid connecting your Facebook account on unfamiliar or sketchy apps/sites when possible.

Taking the time to manage your app authorizations and privacy settings allows you to enjoy the convenience of Facebook Login without oversharing your account data.

Pros and Cons of Facebook One Touch Login

Facebook Login simplifies logging into apps and websites by reusing your Facebook credentials. But is it right for you? Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  • Fast, one-click login after initial setup.
  • Avoid needing separate credentials for each app/site.
  • Works seamlessly across mobile and desktop.
  • Leverages Facebook’s secure login system.
  • Apps can pre-populate data from your Facebook account.


  • Requires sharing basic Facebook account info.
  • Risks your account being compromised if Facebook security is breached.
  • No ability to use unique passwords for each app/site.
  • Need a Facebook account to use it.

Overall, the simplicity and convenience often outweigh the downsides for most people. But consider your own priorities in terms of privacy, security, convenience, and Facebook integration.

Troubleshooting Facebook One Touch Login

Facebook Login usually works seamlessly. But here are some troubleshooting tips if you encounter issues:

  • If you can’t see/find the Facebook Login button, the site/app may not support it. Look for alternative login options.

  • Make sure you’re logged into Facebook in your browser/app before clicking the login button.

  • Double check you authorized the app during your initial login – if not, redo the authorization process.

  • Try clearing cookies/cache and reloading the page. Or reinstall the app entirely.

  • Log out then back into your Facebook account, then try logging into the app again.

If issues persist, contact the app developer’s or website’s customer support. They may need to troubleshoot on their end to get Facebook Login working properly.


Facebook’s one touch login provides a simple and convenient way to sign into supported apps and websites using just your Facebook account. After a quick initial setup, a single click logs you in instantly wherever you see the “Login with Facebook” button.

This avoids the headache of managing dozens of unique usernames and passwords. It also allows apps to conveniently access your Facebook data to pre-populate forms and content.

Overall, Facebook Login eliminates login friction while locking down security in one easy step. Just be thoughtful in authorizing apps selectively and leveraging Facebook’s privacy settings to only share what’s needed. With that care taken, one touch login can make signing in almost everywhere a breeze.