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How to do live gaming on Facebook?

How to do live gaming on Facebook?

Live gaming has become increasingly popular on Facebook in recent years. More and more gamers are streaming their gameplay live on Facebook to connect with fans and grow their audience.

Live gaming on Facebook allows you to showcase your skills, interact with viewers in real time, and build a community around your channel. It’s an exciting way to engage with fellow gamers and potentially make some money while doing what you love.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about live gaming on Facebook, including:

  • The benefits of streaming games on Facebook
  • What you need to get started
  • How to set up your Facebook Page and gaming profile
  • Tips for growing your gaming audience
  • Monetization options for earning money from live gaming
  • Rules and best practices to follow

Whether you’re just starting out or already have some experience with streaming, this guide will help take your Facebook live gaming to the next level. Let’s dive in!

The Benefits of Live Gaming on Facebook

There are several key advantages to using Facebook for live game streaming compared to other platforms:

Massive built-in audience

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook gives you instant access to a huge potential audience for your gaming content. You don’t have to start from scratch trying to build an audience on a niche platform.

Many people scroll through their Facebook feeds looking for entertaining content, so you can capitalize on this existing traffic if you create compelling livestreams.

Powerful algorithm

Facebook’s algorithm heavily favors live video, so your gaming streams are more likely to stand out in the News Feed. When you go live, Facebook will proactively push notifications to your existing followers to draw them to your stream.

The algorithm will also recommend your live gaming content to new viewers who share similar interests. This gives your channel a boost in discoverability.

Multiple monetization options

Facebook provides several ways to generate revenue from your live gaming efforts, including ad revenue sharing, paid channel subscriptions, and viewer donations through Stars.

Once you build a sizable following, you can turn your passion into a lucrative side business or even a full-time career. We’ll explore monetization options in more detail later.

Powerful analytics

Facebook offers insightful analytics so you can closely monitor the performance of your livestreams. You can view metrics like peak concurrent viewers, average view duration, total comments, and more.

These stats help you fine-tune your approach over time to create more engaging, popular streams. You can see what strategies work well and double down on those.

Cross-platform support

In addition to the Facebook website and mobile apps, you can also broadcast your live gaming content on Facebook Gaming and Facebook Watch.

This gives fans more ways to discover and watch your streams. And you may reach people who aren’t frequent Facebook users but do visit Facebook Gaming or Watch.

Built-in community

Every Facebook user has a built-in community of friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances. When you begin live gaming, you can share your streams with people you already know to get a core audience right away.

Then you can expand beyond your existing connections to reach new gaming fans organically or through Facebook ads. But having astarting community gives you a boost.

Interactive features

Facebook Live has interactive features like comments and reactions that enable you to actively engage with viewers in real time as you’re gaming. This creates a more dynamic, two-way viewing experience.

Fans can cheer you on, ask questions, or chat with each other, making them more invested in your streams. You can respond verbally or using Facebook’s commenting features.

What You Need to Get Started

Getting started with live game streaming on Facebook doesn’t require fancy professional equipment and a big setup. Here are the basic essentials:

A Facebook account

First, you need a standard personal Facebook account. This will serve as the basis for your gaming presence on the platform.

You can use an existing personal profile or create a new Facebook account dedicated solely to your gaming content.

A Facebook Page

To go live on Facebook and unlock other key features, you need to create a Facebook Page in addition to your personal profile. This represents your public presence as a gamer.

You can title the Page using your name, gaming handle, or brand. The Page is where fans will follow you and watch your livestreams.

Streaming software

One of the easiest ways to go live on Facebook is by using streaming software like OBS Studio or Streamlabs. This allows you to broadcast directly from your computer.

The software records and encodes your gameplay footage and audio commentary, then streams it all to Facebook. OBS and Streamlabs have free versions.

A webcam and microphone

While not absolutely necessary, having a webcam pointed at you and a quality microphone enables fans to see your reactions and hear your commentary clearly as you play.

This creates a more engaging, interactive streaming experience. Decent starter models are affordable.

A supported game

Make sure the game you want to stream is supported for live streaming and broadcasting on Facebook. Most major PC, console, and mobile games are fine, but double check the publisher guidelines.

A high-speed internet connection is also recommended for smooth, uninterrupted streaming. With just these basics covered, you can start live gaming on Facebook!

How to Set Up Your Facebook Page and Gaming Profile

Once you have the core equipment and an account, follow these steps to get your Facebook Page set up:

Step 1 – Create a Facebook Page

From your personal profile, click to create a new Page. Choose the category that best fits your content, like Gamer or Entertainment.

Add your Page name, description, profile image, and cover photo that represents your brand. Complete the rest of the fields and click to create the Page.

Step 2 – Install Facebook Live Producer

To unlock Facebook Live, install the complementary Facebook Live Producer software on the computer where you’ll be streaming from. This integrates with your streaming program.

When installed, connect and authorize Live Producer using your Facebook login credentials to link it to your account and Page.

Step 3 – Set up your gaming profile

From your Page, click to create your Facebook Gaming profile. This is like your hub on Facebook Gaming. Add profile and cover images, description, etc.

Link your Facebook Page so your livestreams get shared here. You can also link other social accounts like YouTube and Twitch.

Step 4 – Choose a category and title

When you go live from your Page, you’ll need to first choose a game category and add a title that describes your stream. This helps viewers find your content.

Make titles interesting so they stand out. For example, “Beating the TOP RANKED player in Fortnite!”

Step 5 – Test your setup

Do some test streams privately to friends only to check that your streaming software, webcam, mic, and internet connection are working properly before going public.

Refine anything that isn’t working, like adjusting webcam framing, microphone levels, or in-game settings.

Tips for Growing Your Gaming Audience on Facebook

Now that your Page and streaming setup are ready to go, let’s look at some proven tips to grow your gaming audience:

1. Create an eye-catching cover image and profile photo

These visuals will be the first impression for visitors to your Page. Make sure they clearly convey you’re a gamer and represent your brand identity.

Use bold text, relevant imagery, and your name/logo. Profile pics look best when cropped square.

2. Add a compelling description

Briefly explain who you are, what games you play, your streaming schedule, and why people should tune in. This gives viewers context right on your Page.

3. Stream consistently

Pick set days/times for streaming, like Monday – Friday from 7-9 PM, and stick to the schedule. This trains fans to expect and attend your streams regularly.

Consistency is key – don’t stream sporadically or take long breaks. Even a simple weekly schedule is better than streaming randomly.

4. Promote your streams

Don’t rely solely on people stumbling onto your Page. Leverage your personal profile and other social media accounts to proactively promote when you’ll be streaming.

Share posts before going live to build anticipation. You can also run Facebook ads targeted to gaming fans.

5. Engage with chat in real time

When streaming, frequently interact with viewers through Facebook’s commenting and reactions. Respond to questions, call out people by name, and ask for feedback.

This makes people feel valued as part of a community. They’ll be more engaged and likely to return.

6. Comment on your own streams after

After a stream ends, go back and add substantive comments responding to the live chat, answering unanswered questions, etc. This maintains the conversation.

Also give people next steps like when you’ll stream next or asking them to subscribe to your Page for notifications.

7. Collaborate with other streamers

Consider teaming up with other gaming creators for collaborative streams. You can cross-promote to each other’s audiences and introduce your fans to someone new they may like.

Just make sure you collaborate with streamers who share a similar style and values. Look for streamers with engaged communities who create content your audience would enjoy. This is a strategic way to tap into a new viewer base.

8. Give fans subscriber perks

You can offer exclusive perks for people who subscribe to your Page, like access to “Members only” private livestreams, community chat groups, and behind-the-scenes updates between public streams.

These extras incentivize fans to not just watch occasionally, but subscribe to your Page so they don’t miss out. This helps you build a dedicated following.

9. Reward Stars with shoutouts

When viewers spend their hard-earned Stars to support your streams, regularly call out and thank people by name on the live video and in chat.

People love recognition. This shows you appreciate their support and motivates viewers to send more Stars.

Monetization Options for Facebook Live Gaming

If you want to earn money from your gaming content beyond just growing your personal brand and audience, Facebook provides several built-in monetization options:

Facebook Ad Revenue

When you get at least 60,000 post reach and 600,000 3-second video views in a month, you can apply for the Facebook Ad Revenue Sharing program.

If approved, you’ll earn a 55% revenue share on ads displayed before, during, or after your gaming livestreams and video on demand (VOD) clips.


Fans can purchase and send virtual Stars during your livestreams as a way to tip and support you. One star costs $0.01. Facebook takes a 30% platform fee.

You earn more Stars as you move up creator levels determined by how many stars you’ve previously received. Top creators can earn up to $0.015 per star sent.


You can offer paid monthly subscriptions through your Page starting at $4.99/month. Fans get access to exclusive content and perks.

After fees and taxes, you earn 100% of subscription revenue under $50k, and 95% after you exceed $50k in a year.

Gaming video ads (IGVL)

If you have at least 10,000 followers and 600,000 views in the last 60 days, you can run video ads through Facebook’s in-game video library (IGVL).

You earn 55% revenue share on these ads placed in your VODs and livestream archives.

branded content

You may be able to collaborate with brands relevant to your audience on sponsored streams and videos. Rates vary greatly depending on your audience size and niche.

But sponsored content, when done tastefully, presents another potential moneymaker

Rules and Best Practices for Facebook Live Gaming

While Facebook wants creators to find success with live gaming, they do enforce certain rules and policies you need to follow:

Don’t spam invites and links

Avoid repeatedly spamming notification feeds and groups with links to your streams and Page. This comes off as desperate and annoying.

Let your content speak for itself and use ads or organic sharing to promote yourself instead of aggressive self-promotion.

Moderate chat appropriately

As the stream host, you’re responsible for moderating your live chat in a reasonable, unbiased manner. Don’t censor fair opinions you simply disagree with.

But do timeout or ban truly disruptive viewers who spam or harass others based on race, gender, etc. Discrimination has no place in a gaming community meant for entertainment.

Keep it family-friendly

Facebook aims to be an open platform for all ages. Excessive nudity/sexual content, gore, violence, and profanity could get your gaming streams shut down.

Families and kids may be watching, so keep your content at a PG-13 level maximum. Swearing occasionally out of frustration may be fine, just avoid overtly adult-only themes and excessive cursing.

Choose non-controversial titles

Make your stream titles accurately reflect the gaming content itself. Don’t include exaggerations just to stir up controversy and clicks.

Also avoid anything related to politics, social issues, tragedies, etc. Stick to neutral gaming-focused titles.

Don’t stream copyrighted content

You can’t livestream games, movies, TV shows, or music without owning the rights or having explicit permission from the copyright holder. This includes content playing in the background.

Stream your own commentary and reactions, but don’t illegally rebroadcast entertainment properties.

Disclose sponsorships properly

If you do any sponsored branded content, transparently disclose this according to Facebook’s guidelines, such as using #ad in descriptions.

Don’t try to pretend sponsored content is organic. Be upfront when you receive compensation to review or promote products on your gaming streams.

Appeal bans and flagging

If your gaming content gets removed or you receive a stream ban, you can appeal these actions if you believe they were done in error based on the context.

Just be professional in your appeals. Harassing Facebook staff will not help your case.


Live gaming on Facebook is an exciting and potentially lucrative way to share your passion while building an audience. The massive built-in community gives you a running start in finding fans.

Just remember to tap into interactive features like chat, collaborate with fellow streamers, and give fans special perks for subscribing and supporting your success as a creator.

Stay consistent with your stream schedule, post quality engaging content, follow Facebook’s rules, and most importantly, have fun connecting through games!

With the proper dedication and strategy, you can go from unknown gamer to live streaming superstar on Facebook.