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How to do keyword research for fb ads?

How to do keyword research for fb ads?

Keyword research is a crucial first step when creating Facebook ads. Choosing the right keywords allows you to target your ads to users who are likely to be interested in your product or service. This results in higher clickthrough and conversion rates compared to targeting broad audiences.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through the key steps for researching and selecting effective keywords for Facebook ads:

Understanding the importance of keyword research

Here are some key reasons why keyword research is critical for creating successful Facebook ad campaigns:

– Helps you find and target interested audiences – Keyword research allows you to identify and focus on terms that are highly relevant to your offering. This enables you to reach users who are actively searching for solutions like yours.

– Improves ad relevance – Ads containing closely matched keywords tend to be more relevant to users. This improves clickthrough rates, lowers costs, and boosts conversions.

– Identifies new marketing opportunities – Researching keyword terms can reveal new product categories and verticals you can target. Expanding to related keywords is a great way to grow your business.

– Informs ad copy – Knowing what terms users are searching empowers you to craft more compelling ad creative focused on their needs and interests.

– Enables effective bidding – Understanding keyword demand and competitiveness allows you to set optimal bids to achieve advertising goals.

Choose the right keywords

The first step is generating a list of potential keywords to target. Here are some tips for choosing effective keywords for Facebook ads:

– Leverage semantics – Include synonyms, related terms and long-tail variations for a wider reach. For example, use “social media marketing” as well as “Facebook ads” and “Facebook advertising”.

– Consider seasonality – Factor in keywords tied to seasons, events, and trends throughout the year.

– Analyze competitors – Study keywords used by competitors through Facebook’s Ad Library and tools like SEMrush.

– Brainstorm categories – Compile keywords for every product line, service, industry, and local area you advertise to.

– Use negative match – Adding negative keywords (phrases prefixed with a – sign) helps avoid irrelevant queries. For example, -Zappos blocks the brand name.

Keyword research tools

Dedicated keyword research tools are designed to streamline discovering and analyzing keywords. Here are some top options:

Facebook Keyword Planner

Facebook’s free tool provides keyword suggestions as well as data on monthly searches, competition, and audience size. It integrates directly with Facebook ads.


SEMrush offers robust keyword research capabilities including search volume, CPC data, and SERP analysis. The paid tool also monitors competitor keywords.

Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google’s keyword planner provides search volume data and related keywords. Keep in mind it excludes some sensitive terms.


Ubersuggest is a free keyword research tool that generates extensive suggestions and provides search volume estimates.

Answer the Public

This creative tool generates keyword suggestions based on common question formats like “how to”, “what is”, etc.

Optimize for relevance

Facebook matches keywords based on relevance, not exact match. To boost relevance:

– Use 2-3 word long phrases like “social media advertising” instead of single words

– Insert frequently searched modifiers like your brand name, location, etc.

– Add words defining the customer like “lawyer”, “startup”, “non-profit”

– Use conversational language like “running shoe reviews”

Analyze keyword performance

Once you start advertising, track which keywords drive the best results in Facebook Ads Manager. Metrics to monitor include:

– Relevance score – Helps refine targeting

– CPC – Lower is better

– CTR – Higher indicates greater relevance

– Conversions – Keywords delivering sales

Optimize bids on the best-performing keywords while culling ones with poor results.

Step-by-Step Keyword Research Process

Now let’s put keyword research tips into practice. Follow this step-by-step workflow to identify effective keywords for Facebook advertising:

Step 1: Brainstorm baseline keywords

Start by developing a broad list of keyword ideas. Leverage these techniques:

– Add your brand keywords like product and service names

– Include category terms around what you offer

– Use parameters like location, demographics, etc.

– Build out semantics with synonyms, variants, and long-tail versions

Step 2: Use keyword tools

Next, turn to keyword research tools for expansion and prioritization. Take these steps:

– Plug your starting keywords into Facebook Keyword Planner and jot down suggested terms.

– Export search volume estimates to gauge interest.

– Add negative match terms to exclude unwanted results.

– Create keyword grouping such as brands, products, services, demographics, geos, etc.

Step 3: Research competitor keywords

Glean new keyword opportunities from analyzing competitors’ ads:

– Search for competitor brand names in the Facebook Ad Library.

– Note down keywords used in their active ad copy and audiences.

– Check SEMrush for additional terms ranked by search volume.

– See what’s working for leaders in your space.

Step 4: Organize keywords

With your robust keyword list, start classifying terms for better management:

– Group keywords by product/service line, ad campaign, offer, etc.

– Label keywords by match type like broad, phrase, exact, negative.

– Add modifiers like location to tailor keywords.

– Tag keywords by performance metrics like CTR, conversions, etc.

Here’s a template to organize keywords for Facebook campaigns:

Campaign Keyword Match Type Monthly Searches Location Ad Group
Summer Sale women’s swimsuit Broad 5000 San Diego Swimwear
Back to School backpacks Broad 9000 Los Angeles Bags

Step 5: Set up campaigns

With your organized keywords, it’s time to implement them in Facebook ad campaigns:

– Create an ad set for each product line, service, offer, etc.

– Add tightly grouped keywords to the appropriate ad set.

– Set bids based on keyword demand and value.

– Write targeted ad copy using exact match keywords.

– Use broad and phrase match keywords for wider reach.

Step 6: Monitor performance

Continuously monitor keyword performance to identify winners:

– Track metrics like CTR, CPC, conversions per keyword.

– Lower bids on underperforming keywords.

– Increase bids on keywords delivering results.

– Cull irrelevant and low-potential keywords.

– Add new keywords suggested by Facebook.

Regular optimization ensures maximum ROI from your keyword research efforts.

Tips for effective keyword targeting

Here are some pro tips to further enhance your keyword targeting on Facebook:

Leverage negative keywords

Negative keywords prevent your ads from showing for irrelevant queries. Make sure to add common exclusions like competitor brand names.

Test ad variations

Create multiple ads with different keywords to determine which resonate best. This allows you to refine messaging.

Factor in audience nuances

Tailor keyword lists according to the interests and behaviors of each target audience. Terms attracting women may differ from men, for instance.

Align with the sales funnel

Use broad keywords at the top of the funnel to attract new visitors. Further down, target precise terms of those ready to convert.

Update over time

Keyword research is an ongoing process as market conditions and trends change. Revisit your lists quarterly to capture new opportunities.

Common keyword research mistakes to avoid

While doing keyword research, beware of these common missteps:

Relying solely on generic keywords

Too many broad terms will attract low-quality traffic. Supplement with longer, more specific phrases.

Not reviewing negative match keywords

Negatives added once may become irrelevant. Continuously refine this list to eliminate wasteful spends.

Failing to group keywords

Unorganized keywords lead to scattered campaigns. Methodical grouping improves targeting and performance tracking.

Forgetting bid management

Set aside time to actively change bids based on keyword performance. Don’t leave them stagnant.

Abandoning low search volume terms

Long-tail keywords with low searches can still generate conversions through ultra targeted messaging. Give them a test budget before discarding.

Keyword research checklist

Follow this checklist to ensure you cover all the key bases of effective keyword research for Facebook ads:

– ☑️ Use a mix of keyword match types (broad, phrase, exact, negative)

– ☑️ Include location and demographic modifiers

– ☑️ Leverage tools like Keyword Planner for expansions

– ☑️ Analyze competitor keywords for new ideas

– ☑️ Organize keywords into campaigns and ad groups

– ☑️ Set initial budgets and bids based on potential

– ☑️ Create tightly aligned ad copy and creatives

– ☑️ Continuously monitor keyword performance

– ☑️ Refine low-performing terms and bids

– ☑️ Add new keywords and negative matches


Comprehensive keyword research provides the foundation for successful Facebook advertising. Dedicating time to research relevant, high-potential terms will significantly boost your campaign performance. Follow our step-by-step guide and best practices to identify keywords that attract your ideal audience. With testing and ongoing refinement, your keyword targeting will drive greater campaign results over time.