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How to do high quality Facebook Live?

How to do high quality Facebook Live?

Facebook Live is a powerful tool that allows you to broadcast live video to your Facebook followers. It’s an engaging way to connect with your audience in real time. With more and more people consuming video content on social media, Facebook Live is an opportunity you don’t want to miss out on. But simply going live isn’t enough – you need to learn how to create high quality live videos that resonate with viewers and get results for your business. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to create successful Facebook Live videos.

Why Use Facebook Live?

Here are some of the key benefits of using Facebook Live for your business:

  • Increase reach and visibility – Your live videos get shown higher in News Feeds and shared more than regular video
  • Engage your audience – Viewers can comment, react and interact in real-time during your broadcast
  • Authenticity – The live, raw nature of streaming makes your videos seem more genuine and credible
  • Flexibility – You can go live at any time, for any duration, whether planned or spontaneous
  • Analytics – Facebook provides robust analytics so you can assess performance and optimize
  • Lead generation – Live videos make it easy for viewers to convert directly by clicking links or CTAs

Clearly, Facebook Live offers some major advantages when it comes to connecting with your target audience and growing your business. But in order to reap the benefits, you need to plan and execute your live videos strategically.

Plan Your Live Video Strategy

The first step is developing an effective Facebook Live strategy. Here are some key things to think about:

Choose Your Goal

What are you trying to achieve with your Facebook Live videos? Some potential goals include:

  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Generate leads and sales
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Engage your existing audience
  • Share news, updates or announcements

Having a clear goal will help shape the type of content you create and optimize for success.

Pick Your Video Topic and Format

Once you know your goal, narrow down the topic and format for each live video:

  • Q&As, interviews, tutorials, demos, behind-the-scenes – Get creative with different video styles
  • Tie topics to your products, content, events, etc. – Choose relevant themes
  • Have a content calendar to plan videos in advance
  • But also leave room for spontaneous or timely videos

Choose When and How Often to Go Live

Determine your streaming schedule based on when your audience is most likely to tune in:

  • Peak viewing times – Afternoon or early evening on weekdays
  • Start small – 1 or 2 live videos per week to begin
  • Build up as you gain experience and traction
  • Mix planned and spontaneous broadcasts
  • Use Facebook Analytics to find your audience’s preferred times

Promote Your Live Videos

It’s not enough to just go live – you need to let your audience know it’s happening:

  • Promote in advance through your other marketing channels – email, social media, website, etc.
  • Send notifications right before you go live to build momentum
  • Promote the replay after on your channels to maximize views
  • Run Facebook ads to expand your reach

Following a strategic plan will set you up for live video success on Facebook.

Set Up Your Broadcasting Equipment

Now it’s time to get your tech setup ready for seamless streaming. Here’s the basic live streaming equipment you’ll need:

A Camera

The built-in camera on your smartphone works fine, but for professional quality consider:

  • A DSLR camera and encoder to connect to your computer
  • A dedicated webcam with 1080p resolution or higher
  • The camera on your laptop if streaming from a computer

A Microphone

Audio quality is critical for live videos. Use an external microphone such as:

  • A lapel mic clipped to your clothing
  • A shotgun mic mounted on top of your camera
  • A direct microphone input connected to your camera or computer

Avoid relying solely on your device’s built-in mic.

Stable Internet Connection

Live streaming requires consistent, high-speed internet access. Connect to WiFi and test your upload speeds.

Streaming Software

To connect your camera gear and broadcast live, you’ll need:

  • The Facebook Live Producer app for desktop
  • Streaming apps like OBS Studio or Streamyard
  • Encoder hardware if using a DSLR camera

Take time to test everything beforehand to ensure smooth streaming.

Mounts, Lighting, Backdrop

Other helpful equipment includes:

  • A tripod or stabilizer to hold your camera steady
  • Proper lighting aimed towards your face
  • A clean, professional backdrop

Investing in the right live streaming gear will elevate your production quality.

Set Up Your Facebook Page

Now it’s time to configure your Facebook Page and settings for live streaming:

Create a Facebook Page

If you don’t already have one, set up a Facebook Page for your brand. Use it exclusively for live streaming.

Enable Live Capabilities

From your Page settings, turn on the option to “Go Live.” This activates live streaming.

Check Your Streaming Software

Connect the Facebook Live Producer app or third-party streaming software to your Page.

Create a Stream Key

Generate a stream key in Facebook to connect your software. Keep this private.

Customize Your Title and Description

Add a compelling title, description and thumbnail image to define your broadcast.

Post Your Streaming Schedule

Let viewers know when to expect new live videos by posting your streaming schedule.

With the right Page setup, you’re ready to broadcast professional live streams.

Execute a Polished Live Video Broadcast

You have your strategy planned, gear ready and Page configured – now it’s go time! Follow these best practices for polished, engaging live streams:

Start With a Strong Opening

Hook viewers right from the start by:

  • Welcoming viewers as they join the stream
  • Introducing yourself and your topic
  • Explaining what viewers can expect
  • Keeping the intro short and concise

Engage With Your Audience

The big advantage of live video is interacting with real-time comments from viewers.

  • Greet familiar faces in the comments by name
  • Respond to questions and feedback
  • Ask viewers questions to get them involved

Maintain High Energy and Enthusiasm

Project energetic body language, tone of voice and facial expressions. Be passionate!

Avoid Awkward Pauses or Distractions

Keep the broadcast flowing smoothly without technical glitches or awkward dead air.

Watch Your Time

Keep an eye on how long you’ve been streaming and wrap up when planned. Live videos can’t exceed 4 hours.

Close Out Strong

End your broadcast by recapping, promoting what’s next and thanking your audience.

With practice and experience, your live streaming skills will continue improving.

Optimize Your Video After Streaming

Your work isn’t done when the live video ends. To maximize results, be sure to:

Save the Video

Download your live video file to repost later. Native videos uploaded directly to Facebook have better reach.

Share Clips on Other Channels

Snippet shorter clips from your stream to share on Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Edit and Refine If Needed

You can edit the permanent video file to polish things up before re-sharing.

Monitor Performance Metrics

Check Facebook Insights for views, reach, engagement and other analytics. See what content resonates.

Respond to Comments

Stay engaged by replying to viewer comments on the saved video.

Repurpose Your Content

Recycle segments from live videos into blog posts, smaller clips, ads and more.

Optimizing your live streams even after they end will help maximize your ROI from video.

Promote Your Live Video Content

Amplify your live streams and grow your audience by promoting your content across channels:

Share on Facebook

Post your live videos directly on your Facebook Page and in relevant Groups. Encourage viewers to follow your Page.

Run Facebook Ads

Create video ads from your live streams to reach new audiences. Test different targeting.

Post on Other Social Platforms

Share snippets, trailers or highlights from your live videos on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Embed on Your Website

Add a video player or embed code to feature your live streams on your website.

Link in Your Email Newsletters

Promote your live streams and replay videos in your email marketing campaigns.

Analyze Results

Track viewing metrics across channels to identify which promotion tactics work best.

Promoting your content will extend the shelf life and viewership of your live videos.

Provide Value to Viewers

At the end of the day, high quality live videos are about providing value to your audience. Focus on serving their needs and you’ll see great results.

  • Ask: How does this help my viewers? What will they learn or gain?
  • Educate, entertain, inform – Create truly useful content
  • Make it about the audience – Not overt self-promotion
  • Provide tangible takeaways and next steps
  • Listen to feedback to improve continually

By creating consistent value, you’ll build an engaged audience eager to tune into your live streams.

Measure and Analyze Performance

To refine your approach over time, dig into the data and analytics around your Facebook Live videos:

  • Watch time, reach and engagement metrics in Facebook Insights
  • Viewer drop-off rates to see when people lost interest
  • Traffic to your website driven by live videos
  • Leads and sales generated from live videos
  • Audience growth and follower count increase
  • Viewership by time of day, day of week, etc.

Use these insights to shape future live video strategy and topics.

Refine Your Approach Over Time

As with any new marketing tactic, expect a learning curve as you work to master Facebook Live. But it gets easier with experience.

  • Learn what content resonates best with your audience
  • Improve your on-camera presence and skills
  • Get comfortable engaging with live comments
  • Optimize production quality and techniques
  • Troubleshoot technical issues
  • Develop a consistent streaming schedule

Analyze data, solicit viewer feedback and keep refining your live videos to maximize results over time.


Facebook Live provides an extremely effective way to engage your audience in real time through the power of video. By planning a smart live video strategy, setting up your streaming gear and Page, executing high quality broadcasts, optimizing your content, analyzing performance and refining over time, you can build a successful Facebook Live presence with stellar results. Just be sure to focus on creating value for your viewers above all else. With the techniques in this guide, you have everything you need to take your Facebook Live game to the next level. Now get out there, start streaming, and engage your audience!