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How to do good Facebook ads?

How to do good Facebook ads?

Facebook ads can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach new audiences and drive sales. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides an unparalleled opportunity to get your brand and products in front of a massive group of engaged potential customers.

However, creating effective Facebook ads takes time, testing, and knowledge of best practices. Simply creating an ad and putting some money behind it is unlikely to generate great results. You need to understand the different ad formats and objectives available, how to target your ads properly, design ads that grab attention, test different elements, and analyze performance data to optimize your campaigns.

Follow this comprehensive guide to learn how to create high-converting, cost-effective Facebook ads.

Why Run Facebook Ads?

Here are some of the key advantages of advertising on Facebook that make it worthwhile:

– Huge and targeted audience: With billions of users, you can target very specific demographics, interests, behaviors and more to ensure your ads reach the right people.

– Incredibly powerful ad platform: Facebook has some of the most advanced targeting and optimization tools of any advertising platform.

– Improved brand awareness: Well-designed ads on Facebook can dramatically improve brand visibility and reach.

– Generate new leads: Facebook’s Lead Ads make it easy to collect new leads for your business straight from Facebook.

– Drive website traffic: Send visitors directly to your website from your ads.

– Remarketing: Remarket to people who have already visited your website to drive conversions.

– Support sales: Optimized ads can increase online and in-store sales of your products or services.

– Cost-effective: Facebook ads can achieve a low cost-per-result compared to other advertising methods.

– Flexible budgets: You can spend as little or as much as you want on Facebook ads based on your budget and goals.

In summary, the massive reach, advanced targeting, remarketing capabilities and proven performance make Facebook ads one of the best digital marketing channels available today for driving real business results.

Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook offers a variety of different ad formats and objectives to meet different marketing goals. Here are some of the main types of Facebook ads available:

Photo Ads

Image ads featuring a single image and messaging. Can highlight specific products, promotions or brand messaging.

Video Ads

Video ads play in-stream or in the news feed. Allow you to demonstrate products, tell brand stories or explain services.

Carousel Ads

Feature multiple images and/or videos that users can horizontally scroll through. Allow showcasing more content.

Slideshow Ads

Display a series of still images or videos that advance automatically like a slideshow. Good for multiple products or images.

Collection Ads

Highlight a product catalog, promote special sales, or share content offers. Contain multiple products or posts.

Lead Ads

Generate leads by displaying a form in ads that users can fill in with contact details right from Facebook.

Instant Experience Ads

Interactive canvas ads that allow users to browse products, watch videos, play games and more without leaving Facebook.

Dynamic Ads

Automatically promote products from your catalog targeted to people’s interests. Don’t need to manually create ads.

Brand Awareness Ads

Reach broader audiences to increase brand awareness and recall. Aim for reach over direct response.

Traffic Ads

Drive clicks through to your website to increase site traffic. Ideal for retailers or content sites.

The options go on, but these represent the major formats. Choose options aligned with your campaign goals.

Setting Campaign Objectives

Each Facebook ad must have one campaign objective selected. This focuses the optimization of your ad delivery and reporting metrics.

Some top campaign objectives include:

– Traffic: Drive visits to your website

– Engagement: Increase post engagement and reach

– Conversions: Get people to take specific actions on your site

– Catalog Sales: Promote product catalog to generate sales

– Store Visits: Increase foot traffic to physical stores

– Lead Generation: Gather lead information from interested users

– Brand Awareness: Increase awareness and reach

– Reach: Show ads to the maximum number of relevant people

– Video Views: Increase views of video ads

Choosing the right objective will depend on your goals and what you want to achieve. Traffic and conversions are common e-commerce objectives. But first determine what success means for your campaign.

Audience Targeting Options

One of Facebook’s biggest strengths is the ability to target ads to very specific audiences. Here are some of the main ways to target ad viewers:


Target by age, gender, relationship status, education level and more. Allows aligning with your ideal customer demographic profile.


Target by country, state, city, postal code and more. Use radius targeting around a location.


Choose users based on their interests and hobbies on Facebook. Categories include sports, cooking, technology and thousands more.


Target based on purchase behaviors, business owner status, job titles, mobile device usage and more.


Reach audiences connected to your Facebook page or who have engaged with your content already.

Custom Audiences

Create tailored audiences from your customer email lists, website visitors, app users and more.

Lookalike Audiences

Have Facebook identify new potential customers who share similarities with your existing customers.

The best practice is to layer demographics, interests, connections and custom audiences together to reach your ideal customers. Test and refine your targeting over time.

Geography Targeting

In addition to audience targeting, you need to set the geographic locations to run ads in. Key geography targeting options include:

– Countries: Target one or multiple countries.

– Cities: Target by specific cities or towns.

– Radii: Target within a certain mile radius around a location.

– Zips: Target based on 5-digit zip code prefixes in the US.

– Regions: Target by regions like states/provinces.

– Locations: Target around a specific lat/long coordinate location.

Be sure to gather analytics on where your customers and audience are located to inform your targeting. Layering cities with a radius around them is an advanced tactic to hone in on local customers.

Placement Options

Facebook allows you to choose where your ads appear across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and their partner network of apps and sites. Main placements are:

– Facebook Feed: News feeds on Facebook app and desktop.

– Facebook Right Column: Column ads on right side of Facebook.

– Instagram Feed: Photo and video feeds on Instagram.

– Instagram Stories: Full-screen ads between stories.

– Audience Network: Ads on Facebook partner sites.

– Messenger: Sponsored messages inside Messenger.

Again, testing different placements is key to finding what works for your goals and audience. Most aim for Facebook and Instagram feeds, then expand placements from there.

Bidding and Budgeting

Facebook ads use an auction bidding model where you only pay when people click or view your ads. You control the bid amount and daily budget caps.

Key bidding and budgeting options:

– Bid Amount: Max bid per click or thousand impressions. Start low to test.

– Budget: Daily spend cap across campaigns, ad sets or ads.

– Bid Strategy: Automatic low cost bidding or manual control.

– Scheduling: Set daily ad schedules to control when they run.

– Pacing: Daily/lifetime spend pacing or spend budget evenly over time.

– Optimization: System automatically optimizes based on conversions or other objectives.

Best practices are to start with a manual low bid and small daily budget to test performance before increasing. Use pacing and scheduling to gain control over budget flows.

Ad Creation Tips

Creating compelling ad creative is crucial for generating high reach and engagement with your target audience. Follow these tips:

Catchy Visuals

Have eye-catching images and video that quickly grab attention and convey your brand. Be consistent with visual branding.

Clear Messaging

Communicate a clear, concise message focused on one call-to-action. Keep text short and compelling.


Ensure your visuals and text clearly relate to your promoted product, offer or content.

Emotional Appeal

Tap into emotions like humor, warmth or excitement based on your brand personality and audience.


Consider limited-time offers or quantity messaging to spur immediate action. But don’t overdo it.

Social Proof

Use positive ratings, reviews or customer images to indicate social approval and build trust.

Clear CTA

Every ad should guide the viewer to a specific action like “Shop Now”, “Sign Up”, or “Learn More”.

Brand Consistency

Maintain consistent branding, messaging tone and visual style across campaigns and platforms.

Taking the time to create compelling, professional ads will pay off in better response rates long-term.

Split Testing Ad Elements

Split or A/B testing different versions of ad elements is crucial to optimize performance. Elements to test include:

– Headlines: Test headline wording and emojis.

– Images: Test different image compositions and text overlays.

– Calls-to-action: Test different CTA phrasing like “Buy Now” vs “Shop Sale”.

– Ad copy: Test paragraph, sentence or word changes in copy.

– Layout: Test the arrangement and sizing of ad elements.

– Offers: Test different discounts or limited-time promotions.

– Targeting: Test different audience, age and placement targeting.

Facebook lets you duplicate existing ads to test new variants against the originals. Be sure to let tests run for enough time to gather statistically significant results. killed split testing will greatly improve the power of your campaigns.

Measuring Performance

It’s critical to actively monitor and measure results to optimize efforts over time. Key Facebook ad metrics include:

– Reach: Number of unique people who saw the ad.

– Impressions: Times ads were displayed.

– Frequency: How often the average user saw the ad.

– Clicks: Clicks on the ad to your site or destination.

– CPC (Cost-Per-Click): What you pay on average per click.

– CPM (Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions): What you pay per 1000 impressions.

– CTR (Click-Through-Rate): Clicks divided by impressions.

– Conversions: Key goal actions like sales, sign-ups, checkouts etc.

– ROAS (Return On Ad Spend): Revenue generated divided by cost of ads.

Analyze both performance data like clicks and CTR as well as conversion metrics to see true ROI. Use learnings to eliminate low performing ads and build on what’s working.

Ad Optimization Best Practices

Here are some top tips for continually optimizing and improving your Facebook ad performance:

– Analyze detailed reports frequently, at least weekly. Look for trends.

– Leverage Facebook’s automated ad guidance tools.

– Kill consistently underperforming ads and allocate budget to better ads.

– Duplicate your top performing ads to test small improvements.

– Adjust targeting to reach more of your best customers.

– Change ad placements to determine optimal locations.

– Monitor cost metrics like CPC and CPM. Aim to reduce costs over time.

– Watch competitor ads for inspiration and new ideas.

– Use compelling creative that builds an emotional connection.

– Ensure ads are consistent with your brand image.

– Drive conversions by focusing ads on products/offers most likely to sell.

– Remarket across devices and platforms to past customers.

Ongoing optimization is what will take your results to the next level over time. Dedicate 15-30 minutes per week to review data and refine your ad approach.

Advanced Facebook Ad Strategies

Once you have the basics down, here are some more advanced Facebook ad tactics to try:

Retargeting Ads

Remarket to people who have already visited your website or interacted with your brand across devices.

Lookalike Audiences

Identify new potential customers who are similar to your current customers using interest and behavior data.

Video Views Objective

Optimize ads to gain more video views to increase awareness and storytelling.

Lead Ads

Collect lead contact information directly within Facebook ads without sending users to your site.

Captions for Sound-Off Video

Include captions and text overlays in video ads to keep messages clear when no sound plays.

Messenger Ad Sequence

Send a series of 3-10 personalized ads via Messenger to stay top of mind with prospects.

Boosted Posts

Amplify reach and engagement for your top performing organic Facebook and Instagram posts via paid promotion.

Dynamic Product Ads

Automated ads that promote specific product catalog items people are likely to be interested in.

Testing and layering these advanced tactics into your paid social approach can take campaigns to the next level.

Top Facebook Ad Creation Tools

Leveraging tools to streamline and manage the ad creation process is recommended. Here are some top Facebook ad creation platforms:

Tool Key Features
AdEspresso Visual ad builder, A/B testing, campaign management
Shakr Customizable templates, collaboration tools, drag-and-drop builder
AdParlor Automated image ads, copywriting assistant, performance analyzer
Ad Manager Native Facebook tool simplifies ad creation process
Adobe Creative Cloud Design tools like Photoshop to craft high-quality ad visuals

These tools, paired with the Facebook Ads Manager platform itself, provide robust capabilities to streamline ad production and optimization.

Putting It All Together

Creating stellar Facebook ad campaigns requires many moving parts working together. Here is a quick checklist to follow:

– Research your audience and competitive landscape

– Set measurable campaign objectives and goals

– Identify the right target audience and geography to focus budget

– Use creative and compelling ad copy, images, and video

– Optimize for conversions or other key results where possible

– Track performance metrics and fine-tune targeting and creative

– Take advantage of advanced tactics like retargeting and lookalikes

– Make refinement and testing an ongoing process

With these steps, your Facebook ad results can surpass expectations. It takes diligence and commitment, but the rewards are worth it.


Facebook’s advertising platform drives incredible value for businesses when leveraged correctly. Following Facebook’s best practices around campaign structure, audience targeting, creative testing and performance analysis sets you up for success. Measure results, learn from metrics and continually refine your approach. With the massive audience and advanced options, Facebook ads offer an unparalleled opportunity to grow your business and bottom line if you use them effectively.