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How to do Facebook ads step by step?

How to do Facebook ads step by step?

Facebook ads can be a very effective way to reach your target audience and promote your business, product, or service. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides an unparalleled opportunity to connect with potential customers. However, creating successful Facebook ad campaigns requires following the right steps. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire Facebook ads process from start to finish.

Step 1: Set Up Your Facebook Business Manager Account

The first step is to set up a Facebook Business Manager account. This is the hub where you will manage your ad accounts, ad campaigns, and more. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Go to and click “Create Account”
  2. Enter your business name and contact info
  3. Accept Facebook’s terms and conditions
  4. Verify your account via SMS code or call

Once your Business Manager account is created, you can use it to create new ad accounts, grant access to other teammates, and organize all your Facebook ads assets.

Step 2: Create a Facebook Ad Account

Within your Business Manager, you will need to create a Facebook ad account. This is where your individual ad campaigns will live. Follow these steps:

  1. In Business Manager, click “+ Create” and select “Ad Account”
  2. Choose the category that best fits your business
  3. Enter an account name and contact info
  4. Accept Facebook’s terms and select a payment method

Be sure to choose the right category and vertical that matches your business. This will determine the types of audiences, placements, and objectives you can target with your ads.

Step 3: Set Your Campaign Goals and Objectives

Now it’s time to start planning your first campaign. The first step is defining what you want your campaign to achieve. Common Facebook campaign goals include:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Generate leads or conversions
  • Increase engagement with your posts
  • Get more followers

Once you’ve identified your campaign goal, select the objective that aligns in Facebook Ads Manager. The main objectives are:

  • Awareness: Brand awareness, reach
  • Consideration: Traffic, app installs, video views
  • Conversion: Leads, conversions

Setting the right objective will ensure your ads are optimized to achieve your goals.

Step 4: Define Your Target Audience

One of the key advantages of Facebook advertising is the ability to target your ads to specific demographics, interests, behaviors and more. Take time to research and precisely define your target audience for each campaign. Ways to target your ads include:

  • Location: Target users by city, state/province, or country.
  • Age: Target specific age ranges.
  • Gender: Target men, women, or all.
  • Interests: Target based on users’ interests, hobbies, and Pages they’ve liked.
  • Behaviors: Target based on purchase history, intent, or device usage.

The more precise your audience targeting, the better your ad results will be. You can start broad and narrow down over time.

Step 5: Choose Your Ad Placements

Facebook offers a wide variety of placements for your ads. You can show ads in the Facebook News Feed, right column, Instagram Feed and Stories, Messenger inbox, and more. Consider which placements will put your ads in front of your target audience. Some top placement options include:

  • News Feed – Desktop and mobile
  • Instagram Feed and Stories
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Right column on desktop
  • Messenger inbox
  • Audience Network on partner websites and apps

You can select automatic placements to let Facebook optimize, or choose specific placements manually. Test different options to see which works best.

Step 6: Design Effective Ad Creative

The visuals and copy of your ads will have a big impact on their success. Keep these tips in mind when designing your Facebook ad creative:

  • Use high-quality, eye-catching images and video
  • Convey your key message clearly in the ad copy
  • Make sure your branding is consistent
  • Tailor messaging and visuals to your audience
  • Try different headlines, images, and copy
  • Follow Facebook’s ad policies and guidelines

Create ads with the proper dimensions and specs for each placement. Test different versions of your ads to see what resonates best.

Step 7: Set Your Bid Strategy

Facebook advertising uses an auction-based system where advertisers bid against each other for ad placement. You will need to set a bid strategy for your campaign. The main options are:

  • Lowest cost: Automatically bid to get the most impressions for your daily budget
  • Cost cap: Bid to keep your cost per result below a target amount
  • Manual bid: Manually set your bid per action or impression

If optimizing for conversions, start with lowest cost. If driving brand awareness, manual bidding can make sense. Adjust your bids over time based on performance.

Step 8: Set Your Budget and Schedule

Next, determine the budget and schedule for your campaign:

  • Set a daily budget that aligns with your goals and cost per result
  • Choose your campaign start and end dates
  • Select an ad schedule – always on, specific hours, or weekend-only

Monitor performance closely and adjust your budget as needed. Use schedules to align with peak times when your audience is most active online.

Step 9: Launch the Campaign

Once your campaign settings are complete, it’s time to launch your campaign! Follow these steps:

  1. Double check your campaign elements – objective, audience, placement, ads, and budget
  2. Add tracking pixels to your website to track conversions
  3. Submit your campaign for review if needed based on your ad content
  4. Click the “Launch Campaign” button

Facebook will review your ads if your account is new or your ads include certain elements. Most ads are approved within 24 hours.

Step 10: Track and Optimize Your Ad Performance

Once your ads start running, you’ll want to closely monitor their performance and continuously optimize. Some key metrics to track include:

  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Clicks and CTR
  • Conversions and conversion rate
  • CPM and CPC
  • ROAS

Use Facebook’s Ad Manager tools to track these metrics. Look for trends and opportunities to refine your targeting, bids, creative, and placements to improve results.


Running successful Facebook ad campaigns requires carefully following each step in the advertising process. The keys are understanding your goals, defining your target audience, designing compelling creative, optimizing for results, and constantly testing and improving. With the right strategy and execution, Facebook advertising can drive impressive ROI and growth for your business.