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How to do content moderation in Facebook?

How to do content moderation in Facebook?

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q3 2023. With so many users constantly posting content, Facebook relies heavily on content moderation to maintain a safe and positive environment on their platform.

Content moderation involves reviewing user-generated content and deciding if it violates Facebook’s Community Standards. Moderators may delete or hide content, disable accounts, or escalate issues as needed. This is an important responsibility, as failures in moderation can allow misinformation, hate speech, bullying, and other problematic content to spread.

Why is content moderation important for Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why content moderation is crucial for Facebook:

  • Protecting users – Content moderation aims to protect users from harmful experiences like harassment, threats, hate speech, and exposure to violent or sexually explicit material.
  • Maintaining trust – Effective moderation helps maintain user trust in Facebook as a platform for positive interactions. Without it, many users may abandon the platform.
  • Complying with laws – Facebook must remove content that violates local laws related to areas like privacy, copyright, and illegal material in the geographies it operates in.
  • Preventing misinformation – Moderation seeks to limit the spread of false news, medical misinformation, manipulated media, and other content with potential to cause real-world harm.
  • Protecting brands – For advertisers and partners, Facebook provides moderation to ensure their brands are not associated with offensive or controversial content.

Overall, moderation aims to create a safe, compliant, and credible environment on Facebook. It’s a challenging task at their global scale, but vital to maintaining a usable platform.

How does content moderation work on Facebook?

Facebook uses a mix of people and technology to moderate content at scale:

AI moderation systems

AI tools automatically review posts and flag potentially policy-violating content for human review. This includes:

  • Image matching – Identifies photos and videos matching known illegal or harmful content like child exploitation, terrorist propaganda, and graphic violence.
  • Language processing – Detects text similar to phrases like hate speech, bullying, and spam.
  • Group and page rules – Automatically removes posts based on rules set for specific groups and pages, like removing profanity.

AI is efficient at surfacing potentially problematic posts for human moderators to assess, though it still makes mistakes and cannot fully understand context.

Human content moderators

Facebook employs thousands of human moderators in-house and through outsourcing vendors to review reports and AI flags. Moderators go through special training to apply Facebook’s content policies consistently and understand cultural contexts.

Reviews involve looking at the full context – text, images, videos, page histories, user reports, etc. Moderators can then take appropriate action like removing content, disabling accounts, or escalating legal issues. Humans are vital for understanding nuance and interpreting gray areas where AI struggles.

User reporting

Facebook users can report content that may violate policies. These reports are reviewed by moderators. User reports are important for identifying policy breaches that AI did not detect.


For complex cases like repeated violations or legal issues, moderators may escalate to specialized teams at Facebook. These teams take additional actions like removing violating accounts or engaging law enforcement if needed.

By combining AI detection, human reviews, user reports, and escalations, Facebook aims to keep harmful content prevalence to a minimum while maximizing free expression.

Moderation Method Role
AI systems Automatically flag potential policy violations at massive scale for human review
Human moderators Conduct detailed reviews of context, nuance, and gray areas where AI falls short
User reports Surface problematic content humans and AI may have missed
Escalations Enable specialized teams to handle complex legal, safety, and integrity issues

What content is and isn’t allowed on Facebook?

Facebook maintains extensive Community Standards outlining what is and isn’t permitted on their platform. Here are some key areas covered in the standards:

Allowable with caution

These types of “borderline” content are generally allowed, but may require additional moderation:

  • Controversial, offensive or vulgar humor
  • Strong graphic violence in newsworthy contexts
  • Nudity in artistic or historic contexts
  • Profane terms when used metaphorically or self-referentially

Context is important in assessing whether borderline content violates policies. Moderators are instructed to allow free expression in cases where offenses are mild.

Not allowed

Examples of content strictly prohibited on Facebook:

  • Graphic violence against people or animals
  • Hate speech targeting protected groups
  • Terrorist propaganda and recruitment
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Sexual solicitation, exploitation or predation
  • Non-consensual intimate imagery
  • Threats that could lead to death or physical harm
  • Spam and fake accounts
  • Impersonating others
  • Self-harm content encouraging or promoting suicide or eating disorders

This type of clear policy-violating content is immediately removed when detected.

Country-specific policies

Some content policies like nudity and hate speech have country-specific standards based on local laws and cultural context.

Advertising policies

Facebook also maintains strict advertising policies governing areas like misinformation, discrimination, political ads, and more. Advertisers are held accountable for complying with policies, and violators can have current and future ad privileges revoked.

How can users help improve content moderation?

Facebook users play an important role in helping report content that may violate policies. Here are some tips for effective user reporting:

  • Clearly explain your concerns – Provide concise context on why something may be objectionable or unsafe.
  • Report inaccurate news – Flag content containing false news,satire taken out of context, manipulated media, or health misinformation.
  • Submit firsthand examples – If personally targeted by bullying, threats, or harassment, report the original violating content.
  • Avoid false reports – Do not report content you simply disagree with morally or politically. Only report clear policy violations.

You can report content directly through Facebook tools like report links and forms. User input helps moderators understand issues and improve policy enforcement.


Facebook content moderation is a monumental task crucial to protecting users, maintaining trust, and preventing real-world harm. Through a combination of AI tools, human reviewers, user reports, and policy experts, Facebook works to limit misinformation, hate, harassment, and other dangerous content.

Moderation aims to balance safety with freedom of expression by focusing on clear policy violations and considering context carefully. Users can help by reporting content that credibly violates Facebook rules so it can be reviewed and removed if appropriate.

With thoughtful policies and effective moderation processes, Facebook seeks to enable positive connections and discussions among its billions of diverse global users.