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How to do a Facebook live fundraiser?

How to do a Facebook live fundraiser?

Facebook live fundraisers are a great way to raise money for a cause or organization. With Facebook live, you can fundraise in real time and connect directly with your audience. It allows you to share your mission, story and fundraising progress as it happens. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to create a successful Facebook live fundraiser.

Preparing for Your Facebook Live Fundraiser

Here are some key tips to help you prepare for your Facebook live fundraising event:

Choose a Compelling Cause

Pick an issue people can easily understand and connect with on an emotional level. This could be raising money for a local animal shelter, helping families affected by natural disasters, funding cancer research etc. Make sure to explain why you’re passionate about this cause.

Set a Fundraising Goal

Decide how much money you want to raise during your live video. Setting a concrete goal gives people something to work towards. Make your goal ambitious but realistic.

Get Your Charity Setup

To raise funds directly through Facebook live, you need to connect your fundraiser to a registered nonprofit. Confirm they have the ability to receive donations through Facebook.

Spread the Word

Promote your upcoming Facebook live fundraiser on all your social media channels and email contacts. Create posts, graphics and videos to generate excitement. Ask people to tune in and donate.

Practice and Prepare Talking Points

Conduct a practice run of your live fundraiser to smooth out any issues. Have clear talking points and facts ready about your cause and fundraising needs.

Choose an Ideal Location

Select a quiet, distraction-free area with good lighting. Make sure your internet connection is strong. Have power cords, chargers, water and notes on hand.

Check Your Tech Setup

Use a steady tripod for your phone/camera. Test your audio and video quality beforehand. Make sure viewers can hear and see you clearly.

How to Create Your Facebook Live Fundraiser

Here are the steps to setting up your Facebook live fundraiser:

Step 1: Go Live on Facebook

Open the Facebook app on your phone or computer. Click “Live” and select “Fundraiser” from the options. Give your fundraiser a title and description.

Step 2: Choose Your Nonprofit

Search for and select the verified nonprofit you want donations to go to. Pick an organization relevant to your cause.

Step 3: Set a Fundraising Goal

Enter the fundraising goal amount for your Facebook live. You can adjust this later if needed.

Step 4: Complete Fundraiser Details

Add an eye-catching cover photo and compelling fundraiser title. Write a detailed description about why you’re raising money and how it will help.

Step 5: Double Check Your Settings

Confirm your fundraiser is public and labeled as “For a Cause.” Turn off comments if you only want donations.

Step 6: Go Live!

Click “Go Live” and start your video. Share your passion for this cause and explain why viewers should donate. Have fun interacting with your audience!

Maximizing Donations During Your Facebook Live Fundraiser

Here are some tips to optimize donations during your live video:

Share Your Personal Connection

Briefly explain your relationship to the cause. Donors want to support fundraisers who have an emotional investment in their mission.

Offer Donor Incentives

Encourage people to donate by offering small prizes or gifts based on contribution levels. This could be shirts, mugs, named shoutouts, etc.

Have a Donation Counter Visible

Display your real-time fundraising total on-screen. Seeing the number go up motivates more giving.

Use Call-to-Action Graphics

Hold up signs or screens that say “Donate Now” or “Every Dollar Counts.” Visual cues help prompt donations.

Thank Viewers for Donations

Gratefully acknowledge people when they donate. Say their name and thank them for their support. This personal touch means a lot.

Share the Impact

Talk about the good their donations can accomplish. For example, “$25 provides a shelter dog with food for 10 days.” Specific impact unites donors.

Wrapping Up Your Facebook Live Fundraiser

Finish strong and keep momentum going after your live video ends. Here are some final tips:

Thank Your Audience

At the end, sincerely thank everyone who tuned in, shared and donated to your fundraiser. Let them know how much you appreciate their generosity.

Announce Your Final Total

Excitedly share your final fundraising amount and congratulate viewers for hitting your goal. If you didn’t hit your target, assure them every dollar still helps.

Keep Your Video Posted

Leave your fundraiser video up on your Facebook page. People can continue discovering it and donating after it ends.

Follow Up with Donors

Send each person who donated a thank you message. This extra acknowledgment makes them feel good about giving.

Share Fundraiser Impact

Post updates showing how the money raised is helping your cause. This gives donors a rewarding sense of their tangible impact.

Top Tips for Successful Facebook Live Fundraisers

Here are some final best practices to ensure your Facebook live fundraiser achieves maximum results:

  • Be passionate and authentic when presenting your cause
  • Have great lighting, audio, and a steady video frame
  • Engage and interact with viewers during your live video
  • Promote your fundraiser extensively before going live
  • Offer donor perks like t-shirts, raffles, and shoutouts
  • Have a CTA graphic and on-screen counter visible
  • Personally thank donors and share how funds help
  • Follow up with each donor after your live video
  • Keep your fundraiser video posted for extended impact
  • Let viewers know how much their support means to you


Facebook live provides an interactive, exciting way to fundraise for your cause in real time. By crafting an appealing call-to-action, engaging your audience, and optimizing your video strategy, you can conduct a highly successful fundraiser. Just remember to plan ahead, leverage donor incentives, and follow up for maximum impact. With passion and preparation, your Facebook live fundraiser has huge potential to exceed your fundraising goals.