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How to do a Facebook event invitation?

How to do a Facebook event invitation?

Facebook events are a great way to publicize your in-person or online event to a targeted audience. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides access to a huge potential attendee base for your event. Creating an effective Facebook event invitation is key to getting the word out about your event and driving attendance. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to create a compelling Facebook event that generates interest and RSVPs.

Why Use Facebook for Your Event?

Here are some of the key benefits of creating a Facebook event for your next in-person or virtual event:

  • Reach a huge audience – With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides access to a massive attendee base.
  • Target a specific demographic – Facebook’s detailed targeting options allow you to zero in on your ideal target audience.
  • Social engagement – Guests can easily share and interact with your event among their own networks, helping it go viral.
  • Build credibility – Being active on Facebook shows guests you have an established social media presence.
  • Track RSVPs – Facebook provides real-time tracking of who is planning to attend your event.
  • Promote pre and post-event – You can create event updates to promote ahead of time and share photos/videos after.

With its expansive reach and built-in tools, Facebook is likely the most powerful promotional channel for getting the word out about your next event.

Step 1: Create the Facebook Event

Here is how to create your Facebook event:

  1. Go to and log into your Facebook account.
  2. Click on the “Events” link in the left sidebar.
  3. Click the blue “+ Create Event” button at the top.
  4. Choose if you want the event to be in-person or online (virtual).

Next, you will be taken through various sections to fill out details about the event:

  • Details: Enter your event name, date/time, venue, ticket info, and more.
  • Guests: Choose who can see the event and who can invite others.
  • Promotion: Select a Facebook page to host the event.
  • Discussion: Designate whether guests can create public posts.

Be sure to provide as much detail as possible so guests know what to expect. The Details section also allows you to customize questions to collect RSVP information.

Important Facebook Event Settings

Here are some key settings to configure for your Facebook event:

  • Make the event Public if you want anyone on Facebook to be able to find and see the event page.
  • Consider turning on the Guest List feature so people can see who is invited and who has RSVP’d.
  • Enable posts on the Discussion tab so guests can ask questions and interact.
  • Allow guests to invite friends if you want your attendees to help promote.

Adjusting these settings can help drive greater interest in your event and make it easy for attendees to connect with each other.

Step 2: Invite Guests

Once you’ve created the event page, it’s time to start inviting guests. Here are some tips for effectively inviting people to your Facebook event:

Invite Connections Individually

Go through your friends list and invite those you think would be interested by clicking “Invite” next to their name. Personalized invites show guests you want them there and boost open/response rates.

Invite Friends of Guests

Enable the setting allowing guests to invite their friends. Guests inviting friends is one of the most effective ways to spread the word, as people are more likely to attend events recommended by those they trust.

Use Facebook Ad Targeting

You can create Facebook ads targeted to people interested in your event category, location, etc. Consider spending a small budget to get your event in front of a bigger pool of potential attendees.

Post in Relevant Groups

Search for Facebook groups related to your event topic and share your event posting there. Join the conversation in the group first to build trust before promoting.

Send a Direct Message

Consider sending the event link via Facebook Messenger to share a personal note on why you hope they can make it. The notification can help drive quick responses.

Tag Friends in Posts

When sharing event updates on your Page, tag friends who might be interested. The @mention will alert them about your event and prompt them to check it out.

Step 3: Promote Your Event

To generate excitement and boost attendance, you’ll want to promote the event on an ongoing basis up until the event date. Here are some tips for promoting your Facebook event:

Share Previews

Post sneak peeks of the event venue, glimpses of the agenda, speaker spotlights, special promotions, and other inside looks to show what makes your event unique. Give people a reason to FOMO.

Post Countdown Updates

In the weeks leading up, make countdown posts like “2 weeks until [Event]!” to create momentum and remind people to RSVP. As it gets closer, make the countdown more frequent.

Go Live Before/During Event

Stream video live from the event or do a walkthrough of the venue before the event starts. Live video drives interest and showcases the experience.

Spotlight Speakers

Share speaker photos/bios and noteworthy details to highlight why attendees will value hearing them speak at your event. Tag the speakers to extend reach.

Run Retargeting Ads

Create ads displaying your event to re-engage people who visited your event page but didn’t RSVP yet. Keep your event top of mind.

Offer Discounts

Post special offers like early bird pricing or discounts on multi-ticket purchases to incentivize booking. Exclusivity helps create urgency to secure tickets.

Post Event Recaps/Photos

Share photos and highlights during and after your event. Recaps and visuals get people excited for the experience they missed out on, prompting them to attend next year.

Step 4: Use Tools to Enhance Your Event Page

You can tap into Facebook tools to add helpful features and visual appeal to your event page:

  • Insert images, videos, maps, or other rich media to make the page more engaging.
  • Enable ticket sales through Facebook to simplify the booking process.
  • Create shortcuts like “Get Tickets” to key actions you want attendees to take.
  • Add stickers or filters to your event cover photo to make it pop.
  • Link out to your website, blog, or online community to drive traffic.

Enhancing the look, navigation, and convenience of your Facebook event will make it more compelling for attendees and give it a professional sheen.

Step 5: Advertise Your Event on Facebook

Spending a little budget to advertise your event on Facebook can be well worth it in terms of driving added exposure beyond your immediate network. Here are some best practices for Facebook event advertising:

Target Local Area

For in-person events, geo-target people located near the event’s physical location. Drive awareness among those able to conveniently attend.

Laser Focus Demographic

Use Facebook’s detailed targeting to only show ads to your ideal attendee persona based on age, interests, behaviors, and more. Get your event in front of people likely to be interested.

Promote Early

Start running ads 1-2 months out from your event date to get on people’s radar early when planning. Allow time for momentum to build.

Retarget Website Visitors

Create custom audiences of people who have visited your event website and retarget them with ads. Remarket to high-intent users.

Experiment with Messaging

Try different creative messages and images to convey the value of your event. Measure results and double down on what resonates best.

Drive Clicks to Your Page

Structure ad messaging to get clicks directly to your event page where people can learn more and RSVP. Remove friction from taking action.

Step 6: Continue Engagement After the Event

Don’t let your event promotion end once your event wraps up. Here are some ways to continue engagement:

  • Thank attendees by posting a recap video or photo album from the event.
  • Send out a feedback survey to capture testimonials and reviews.
  • Schedule your next event and invite those who attended to get early access.
  • Join related Facebook groups and share your experience hosting your event.
  • Engage with attendees through Facebook Messenger to foster ongoing relationships.
  • Direct people to take any related post-event call-to-actions.

Sustaining engagement helps build rapport with your new contacts gained through the event and primes them for participating again next time.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key tips to ensure your Facebook event is a success:

  • Provide extensive event details and configure promotion settings to maximize exposure.
  • Personally invite relevant connections and encourage sharing to spread the word.
  • Post creative previews, speaker spotlights, discounts and other content to generate buzz.
  • Enhance the event page with rich media, ticketing, and other features to look professional.
  • Run targeted Facebook ads to reach interested people beyond your immediate network.
  • Follow up with attendees afterward to collect feedback and drive ongoing engagement.

Executing a strategic and multi-channel promotional strategy can help take your Facebook event reach and engagement to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about creating Facebook events:

How far in advance should I create a Facebook event?

Aim to create your Facebook event 1-2 months before the event date. This gives you enough time to ramp up promotions and generate early interest.

What’s the ideal Facebook event image size?

Your event image will be displayed at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktop. Ensure your key messaging and imagery shows up clearly at that size.

Should I create a dedicated Facebook event or use my Page?

Creating a standalone Facebook event makes it easier for people to find, RSVP, and engage. You can still promote it from your Facebook Page.

Can I schedule Facebook event posts in advance?

Yes, you can use Facebook’s Creator Studio or scheduling tools like Hootsuite to schedule your event posts ahead of time and queue up reminders.

How often should I post event updates?

Post 2-4 times per week in the 1-2 months leading up to your event. As the event gets closer, post daily updates and reminders about key info.


By tapping into Facebook’s immense reach and built-in event tools, you can take your event marketing to the next level. Strategically promoting your Facebook event, inviting guests, running ads, and sustaining engagement can help attract more RSVPs and deliver an event experience people will remember. Use the tactics in this guide to create a buzzworthy Facebook event that drives results.