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How to do a call now button on Facebook?

How to do a call now button on Facebook?

A call now button on Facebook allows users to call your business directly from your Facebook page or ads. This can be a great way to encourage conversions and sales by making it easy for customers to contact you. Here are some key things to know about adding a call now button on Facebook:

The call now button is available for Facebook pages and in Facebook ads. You can add it directly in page settings or when creating/editing an ad.

The button uses click-to-call technology to initiate a phone call on mobile devices. When clicked, it will call the phone number set in the button options.

It can help capture more leads and increase engagement by encouraging users to call your business directly from Facebook.

You’ll need to add some metadata to your website for the call now button to work properly on mobile devices.

The call now button is only available to Pages and not personal profiles. You’ll need to convert to a Facebook Page first.

There are character limits and requirements for the phone number you use in the call now button.

Understanding these basics will help you successfully add a call now button to your Facebook presence. Read on for more details on how to set up this feature.

Adding a Call Now Button to Your Facebook Page

Here are step-by-step instructions to add a call now button to your Facebook Page on desktop:

1. Go to your Facebook Page and click “Settings” in the top navigation bar.

2. Select “Templates and Tabs” from the left sidebar.

3. Click on the “Page Settings” tab.

4. Scroll down and click on the “Call Now Button” section.

5. Toggle the button to enable the call now feature.

6. Enter your phone number in the provided field. Make sure to include country code.

7. Click “Enable” to activate the call now button on your Page.

Once enabled, the call now button will appear on your Facebook Page on mobile devices. It may take some time to populate after you first activate it.

You can customize the text that appears on the button in the settings. This allows you to replace “Call Now” with a message like “Call for Appointment.”

That’s all there is to it to add a call now button directly on your Facebook Page. Now let’s go over how to add it to Facebook ads.

Adding a Call Now Button to Facebook Ads

Here is how to add a call now button when creating or editing ads on Facebook:

1. Select the ad you want to edit or start creating a new ad.

2. If creating a new ad, choose your objective, audience, placement and budget as usual.

3. When you get to the ad content screen, click on “Add a Button.”

4. Select “Call Now” from the button type options.

5. Enter your phone number in the provided field.

6. Customize the button text if desired.

7. Finish creating/editing your ad as normal.

The call now button will now show up in your ad on mobile platforms. The button will be clickable and initiate a phone call when tapped.

One thing to keep in mind is that the call now button will only show for mobile ads. It will not be visible on desktop.

Make sure to test your ad and call now button across devices to ensure everything is working properly.

Call Now Button Requirements

There are a few requirements you must meet for the call now button to function properly:

– You must have an active Facebook Page, not just a personal profile.

– The phone number should be the one you want calls routed to from the button.

– Include country code with phone number.

– Phone number character limit is 60.

– Use numeric characters only in number field.

– Button text character limit is 20.

Meeting these requirements will help ensure your call now button is set up completely and will work for users who engage with it.

Mobile Configuration for Call Now Button

For the call now button to work on mobile devices, you need to configure some metadata in the header section of your website code.

Here are the key meta tags to include:

– <meta property=”al:iphone:url” content=”your website URL goes here”>

– <meta property=”al:iphone:app_store_id” content=”your app ID in the App Store goes here”>

– <meta property=”al:iphone:app_name” content=”your application name goes here”>

– <meta property=”al:android:url” content=”your website URL goes here”>

– <meta property=”al:android:app_name” content=”your application name goes here”>

– <meta property=”al:android:package” content=”your application package name goes here”>

– <meta property=”al:web:url” content=”your website URL goes here”>

These tags tell Facebook how to route the call on mobile platforms when someone taps your call now button.

Without this mobile configuration, the call now feature may not perform properly on mobile devices.

Troubleshooting Call Now Button

Here are some troubleshooting tips if your Facebook call now button is not working properly:

– Confirm your page or ad is being viewed on a mobile device – call now only works on mobile.

– Check that your mobile metadata tags are added to your website header code.

– Try adding your phone number again from scratch in case of typos.

– Verify your phone number follows the proper format and character limits.

– Test clicking on the button to ensure the call connects and goes through.

– If the call connects but there are audio issues, check your mobile metadata configuration.

– Confirm your Facebook page is published and available publicly.

– Wait up to 24 hours for new call now settings to populate.

– Report any persistent issues to Facebook support for additional troubleshooting.

Following these tips should help resolve any problems with your call now button and get it working properly on mobile.

Benefits of Adding a Call Now Button

There are a number of potential benefits to having a call now button on your Facebook page and ads:

– Increased ad and post engagement – makes it easy to act now

– Higher conversion rates from ads and organic content

– Lower cost per lead or sale by encouraging call contact

– Improved customer experience by enabling direct call access

– Better quality leads and sales conversations

– Flexibility to change call text copy to suit needs

– Seamless experience by keeping users on Facebook

– Valuable analytics on button clicks and call volume

– Higher ROI from Facebook presence and marketing spend

Analyze the metrics after adding call now to see how it impacts your key Facebook marketing objectives.

Best Practices for Using Call Now Button

Here are some best practices when it comes to adding a call now button on Facebook:

– Only use it when your team is ready and able to answer calls.

– Have a system and team in place to handle any spike in call volume.

– Use compelling text like “Call Now” or “Limited Time Offer.”

– Test different button text options and see what converts best.

– Place it above the fold and prominently in ads and organic posts.

– Make sure metadata is implemented properly so calls connect.

– Monitor performance and optimize based on results.

– Thank people who call for taking action.

– Remain compliant with any telemarketing regulations.

– Disable call now button if necessary during high call volume times.

Optimizing when and how you use the call now button is key to driving results. Analyze the data and continue refining your usage over time.

Comparisons to Other Click-to-Call Options

Facebook’s call now button provides some advantages over other click-to-call options:

– More seamless user experience within Facebook.

– Nothing extra needed beyond a phone number.

– Included analytics in Facebook metrics.

– No third party provider required.

However, there are some limitations to keep in mind:

– Only works on mobile, not desktop.

– Less customization and tracking vs dedicated click-to-call tools.

– Limited to Facebook platform only.

Dedicated click-to-call tools often provide:

– Flexibility across platforms.

– Rich analytics and tracking.

– Customizable phone numbers and extensions.

– Call recording and note capabilities.

So while the Facebook call now button offers convenience, third party tools provide more robust features and flexibility. Determine what’s right for your needs and business.


Adding a call now button to your Facebook page and ads makes it easy for interested customers to contact your business directly. Just follow the steps outlined here to enable the call now feature and configure the necessary mobile metadata.

Be sure to analyze button performance, optimize usage over time, and craft compelling accompanying text. When used strategically, the call now button can become a valuable tool for increasing conversions and sales from your Facebook presence.

With some strategic testing and optimization, you can determine how best to leverage the call now button on Facebook to grow your business.