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How to delete Facebook account immediately without waiting 14 days?

How to delete Facebook account immediately without waiting 14 days?

Many people decide to delete their Facebook accounts for various reasons – concerns over privacy, too much time spent on the platform, desire to take a break from social media, and more.

While Facebook does have a built-in account deletion option, it takes 14 days after requesting account deletion for the account to be permanently disabled. During this waiting period, the account is deactivated but can still be reactivated if the user logs back in.

Some people want to delete their Facebook accounts immediately without having to wait out the 14 day period before permanent deletion. This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to delete a Facebook account instantly so there is no waiting period.

Why Delete a Facebook Account?

Here are some of the top reasons people decide to delete their Facebook accounts:

  • Privacy concerns – Facebook has frequently changed its data policies over the years, prompting privacy worries for some users. Deleting Facebook eliminates concerns over how personal data is collected and shared.
  • Reduce social media time – For those seeking to spend less time on social media, deleting Facebook can help break habit of constantly checking the platform.
  • Focus issues – Having a Facebook account can be distracting and reduce productivity. Removing the account improves focus.
  • Drama – Arguments, political debates, and drama in comments can make Facebook stressful for some. Deleting the account avoids these problems.
  • Addiction – Checking notifications and newsfeeds can become addictive behaviors. An immediate account deletion stops this cycle.
  • Take a break – Some people want to take a vacation from social media. Deleting Facebook lets them take a break from the platform without worrying they will reactivate the account.

These are just some of the motivations people have for permanently deleting their Facebook accounts. The ability to instantly delete an account allows people to take control and remove Facebook from their lives right away.

How Does Facebook’s Account Deletion Process Normally Work?

Normally, when you request account deletion on Facebook, this is what happens:

  1. You go to your Facebook account settings and request account deletion. You may be asked to confirm this request.
  2. Facebook will deactivate your account and change your profile name to “Deleted User.” You will no longer be findable in searches.
  3. For 14 days after requesting deletion, your account is in deactivated mode. During this time, you can still log back in and reactivate your account if you change your mind.
  4. After 14 days, your account is permanently deleted from Facebook. All data, connections, photos, and other account details are removed.

The key thing is that 14-day waiting period between steps 2 and 4. Your account is essentially held in limbo during that time. If you immediately regret deleting your account, you have a window to reverse the process.

For those who want to delete their accounts instantly with no waiting period, this 14-day deactivated mode is frustrating. But there are ways to get around it.

How to Delete Facebook Account Right Away

If you are committed to deleting your Facebook account now without waiting 14 days, here is a step-by-step process to instantly and permanently delete your account:

Step 1: Download your Facebook data

Before deleting your account, you may want to download a copy of your Facebook data for your records. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left column
  3. Click “Download Your Information” and select date range for data you want
  4. Click “Create File” to request data download

Facebook will assemble all your account data available for download and send you a link when it is ready to download. This can take a few minutes up to a few days depending on how much data is involved.

Step 2: Delete Facebook app from phone

The next step is removing the Facebook app from your smartphone if you have it installed:

  • iPhone – Hold finger on Facebook app icon until icons shake. Tap X icon to delete app.
  • Android – Open Settings > Apps & Notifications > See all # apps. Tap Facebook then Uninstall.

This ensures you won’t be able to easily log back into your account later from your phone.

Step 3: Unlike all pages and unfriend connections

To accelerate the account deletion process, you need to unlink your account from anything it might be connected to:

  1. Unlike all pages you have liked – This can be done unlike pages from your News Feed.
  2. Unfriend all Facebook friends – Unlike pages individually or remove chunks of friends at once.

This clearing of all connections and pages speeds up account deletion significantly.

Step 4: Request account deletion

Now you are ready to permanently delete your Facebook account:

  1. Click account menu (top right) > Settings & Privacy
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in left column
  3. Click “Delete Your Account and Information”
  4. Choose “Delete Account”
  5. Enter your password and click “Continue to Account Deletion”
  6. Click “Delete Account”

Step 5: Change account passwords

Finally, once your account is deleted, you should change the passwords for any other accounts that may have used the same or similar password as your Facebook account. This improves security.

Some accounts to update passwords for:

  • Email accounts
  • Other social media accounts
  • Online shopping accounts
  • Financial accounts
  • Anything else you accessed via Facebook login

Doing this last step helps protect you from potential security vulnerabilities now that your Facebook account is gone.


By following this 5-step process, you can permanently delete your Facebook account instantly with no 14-day waiting period. The key steps are:

  1. Download Facebook data for your records
  2. Remove Facebook mobile app
  3. Unlike pages and unfriend connections
  4. Request account deletion
  5. Change account passwords

Deleting social media accounts can be tough, but ultimately empowering. Doing a complete and permanent deletion allows you to take control of your online presence and move forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to delete a Facebook account instantly?

Yes, it is possible to delete a Facebook account immediately without waiting 14 days. By following the steps in this article, you can permanently delete your account right away without any waiting period.

Can I reactivate my Facebook account after deleting it?

If you follow the instant deletion process outlined here, reactivating your deleted Facebook account will be very difficult or impossible. However, if you use Facebook’s standard 14-day deletion process, you may be able to recover your account within that 14 day window by logging back in.

What happens to my Facebook data after I delete my account?

Facebook claims to delete all your data, photos, posts, and account information after account deletion is complete. However, some data may remain in Facebook’s systems. This is why it’s recommended to download your data before deleting your account.

Will people be notified if I delete my Facebook account?

No, Facebook does not notify your friends or followers if you delete your account. Your account will simply disappear from their friend lists. Some may notice you are gone if they try to view your profile.

Can I create a new Facebook account after deleting my old one?

Yes, it is possible to create a brand new Facebook account using a different email and phone number after deleting your previous account. Facebook does not prohibit creating new accounts after deleting old ones.

The Bottom Line

Deleting a Facebook account instantly takes some extra steps compared to Facebook’s standard 14-day process. But by unlinking your connections, deleting the app, and requesting permanent deletion, you can remove your account immediately and take control of your privacy. Just be sure to download your data and reset passwords beforehand!