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How to create Facebook logo in HTML and CSS?

How to create Facebook logo in HTML and CSS?


This sets up the standard HTML boilerplate with the DOCTYPE declaration, html tags, head and body sections.

Inside the head, we add the page

which will show up in the browser tab.<!-- Ezoic - wp_under_first_paragraph - under_first_paragraph --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-112" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_under_first_paragraph - under_first_paragraph --> <p>Then inside the body is where we will put our Facebook logo code.</p> <h2>Step 2 – Add the HTML for the Logo Text</h2> <p>Now we can begin structuring the Facebook logo text using HTML elements.</p> <p>Directly inside the body, add a </p><!-- Ezoic - wp_under_second_paragraph - under_second_paragraph --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-113" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_under_second_paragraph - under_second_paragraph --> <div> element that will become the parent container for the logo: <p>“`html</p> <div class="facebook-logo"> </div> <p>“`</p> <p>Inside this div, we’ll add the text content of the logo in heading 1 </p><!-- Ezoic - wp_mid_content - mid_content --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-114" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_mid_content - mid_content --> <h2> tags: </h2><p>“`html</p> <div class="facebook-logo"> <h2>facebook</h2> </div> <p>“`</p> <p>This renders the simple text “facebook” on the page.</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_long_content - long_content --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-115" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_long_content - long_content --> <p>Next, we’ll convert that first letter f to uppercase using HTML:</p> <p>“`html</p> <div class="facebook-logo"> <h2><span class="first-letter">f</span>acebook</h2> </div> <p>“`</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_longer_content - longer_content --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-116" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_longer_content - longer_content --> <p>The <span> tag around the first letter allows us to target just that letter with CSS later to change it to uppercase.</span></p> <p>This will render as “facebook” with the structure in place for making the f uppercase next.</p> <h2>Step 3 – Add Custom Font Styles</h2> <p>Now we can begin adding some custom CSS font styling to mimic the Facebook logo typography.</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_longest_content - longest_content --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-117" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_longest_content - longest_content --> <p>In the head section, link to the font styles we want to use:</p> <p>“`html<br> </p> <link href=",500,700" rel="stylesheet"> <p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_5 - incontent_5 --></p><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-118" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_5 - incontent_5 --><br> “` <p>This links to the Roboto font from Google Fonts which we’ll use for the logo text.</p> <p>Then in a </p> <style> tag, target the h1 and add the font styling: <p>```html<!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_6 - incontent_6 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-119" data-inserter-version="2"></style></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_6 - incontent_6 --> <style> <p> h1 { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 45px; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: -1px; margin: 0; } </style> <p>```</p> <p>This makes the logo text use Roboto font, sets it to 45px size, bold 700 font weight, slightly tighter letter spacing, and no margins.</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_7 - incontent_7 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-120" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_7 - incontent_7 --> <h2>Step 4 - Uppercase the First Letter</h2> <p>To make that first letter f uppercase, we can target it specifically with CSS:</p> <p>```css<br> .first-letter {<br> text-transform: uppercase;<br> }<br> ```</p> <p>The text-transform property will convert it to uppercase.</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_8 - incontent_8 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-121" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_8 - incontent_8 --> <p>Now our logo text reads "Facebook" with the correct font styling applied.</p> <h2>Step 5 - Color the Logo Text</h2> <p>Let's add the iconic Facebook blue color to our logo text.</p> <p>In the CSS, add this rule:</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_9 - incontent_9 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-122" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_9 - incontent_9 --> <p>```css<br> h1 {<br> color: #3b5998;<br> }<br> ``` </p> <p>This colors the text the specific Facebook blue shade with the hex code #3b5998.</p> <h2>Step 6 - Add the Stylized Letter F Icon</h2> <p>Now for the most distinctive part of the Facebook logo - the stylized capital F icon.</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_10 - incontent_10 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-123" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_10 - incontent_10 --> <p>We'll add this using a span element before the logo text:</p> <p>```html</p> <div class="facebook-logo"> <p> <span class="fb-f-icon"></span></p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_11 - incontent_11 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-124" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_11 - incontent_11 --> <h2>Facebook</h2> </div> <p>```</p> <p>Then in the CSS we can style this element:</p> <p>```css<br> .fb-f-icon {<br> background: #3b5998;<br> height: 55px;<br> width: 20px;<br> position: relative;<br> float: left;<br> margin-right: 10px;<br> }<br> ```</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_12 - incontent_12 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-125" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_12 - incontent_12 --> <p>This gives the element a blue background color, sets the height/width for dimensions, uses position relative to allow positioning of a pseudo-element, and floats it left to place it before the text.</p> <h2>Add the Pseudo-element for the Icon Curve</h2> <p>To create the curved cutout effect in the icon, we can use a ::before pseudo-element.</p> <p>In the .fb-f-icon styles add this:</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_13 - incontent_13 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-126" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_13 - incontent_13 --> <p>```css<br> .fb-f-icon::before {<br> content: '';<br> position: absolute;<br> height: 20px;<br> width: 10px;<br> background: #fff;<br> left: 5px;<br> border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;<br> }<br> ```</p> <p>The ::before element is positioned absolutely within its parent .fb-f-icon, given a white background, and curved borders to create the curved effect.</p> <p>The Facebook icon is now complete!</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_14 - incontent_14 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-127" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_14 - incontent_14 --> <h2>Step 7 - Polish the Logo Styling</h2> <p>Almost there! Now we just need to polish up some of the styling details.</p> <p>First let's center the logo overall by setting the wrapper to display: flex and centering:</p> <p>```css<br> .facebook-logo {<br> display: flex;<br> align-items: center;<br> justify-content: center;<br> }<br> ```</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_15 - incontent_15 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-128" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_15 - incontent_15 --> <p>Next we'll add some spacing between the icon and text:</p> <p>```css<br> h1 {<br> padding-left: 15px;<br> }<br> ```</p> <p>Finally let's scale the logo up:</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_16 - incontent_16 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-129" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_16 - incontent_16 --> <p>```css<br> .facebook-logo {<br> transform: scale(1.5);<br> }<br> ```</p> <p>And now we have a large, centered Facebook logo with proper spacing and styling!</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>Creating the Facebook logo with HTML and CSS involves a few key steps:</p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_17 - incontent_17 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-130" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_17 - incontent_17 --> <p>1. Set up the overall document structure<br> 2. Add the text content in a </p> <h2> structured with a <span> around the first letter<br> 3. Apply the custom font styling, sizing, weight, etc<br> 4. Uppercase the first letter<br> 5. Color the logo text blue<br> 6. Create the unique stylized F icon using a span, blue background, and ::before pseudo-element<br> 7. Polish spacing, centering, and scaling <p>With these steps, you can recreate the iconic Facebook logo in HTML and CSS for your own projects. The full code is shown below:</p> <p>```html<br> <br> </p><!-- Ezoic - wp_incontent_18 - incontent_18 --><div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-131" data-inserter-version="2"></div><!-- End Ezoic - wp_incontent_18 - incontent_18 --> <p></p><br> <title>Facebook Logo

.fb-f-icon::before { content: ''; position: absolute; height: 20px; width: 10px; background: #fff; left: 5px; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; }

h1 { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 45px; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: -1px; margin: 0; padding-left: 15px; color: #3b5998; }

.first-letter { text-transform: uppercase; }


This can be easily adapted and customized to create variations of the logo for your own sites and apps!

Further Improvements

A few ways the code could be improved further include:

- Using an SVG for the F icon for better scaling
- Animations on hover/focus
- Making the logo responsive for mobile sizes
- Accessibility improvements like aria labels

There are many possibilities to enhance the logo beyond the basics covered here. The core HTML and CSS provides a solid foundation to build upon.

I hope this tutorial gave you a good overview of how to recreate the Facebook logo with HTML and CSS! Let me know if you have any other questions.