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How to create a Facebook page for an organization without personal account?

How to create a Facebook page for an organization without personal account?

Many organizations and businesses want to have a presence on Facebook to reach new audiences. However, Facebook requires you to have a personal account to create a Facebook Page. This can present challenges for organizations that want to maintain separation between personal and professional social media accounts. Fortunately, there are a few different options that allow organizations to create Facebook Pages without a personal account.

Can you create a Facebook Page without a personal account?

Yes, it is possible to create a Facebook Page without having a personal Facebook account. There are a few different options to do this:

Use a business manager account

Facebook allows you to create business manager accounts that are separate from personal accounts. Business manager accounts are specifically designed for managing business Pages and ad campaigns. Once you create a business manager account, you can use it to create and manage unlimited Facebook Pages, without needing to link to a personal profile.

Have an employee create the Page with their personal account

If your business doesn’t want to maintain a business manager account, another option is having an employee create your Facebook Page using their personal account. Once the Page is created and ownership transferred, the employee can remove their personal account from the Page. The Page will continue existing without being associated with any personal account.

Hire an agency

There are social media marketing agencies that will handle creating and managing your business Pages for you. This removes the need for any employee or organization member to use their personal account. However, this option does come with a cost for hiring the agency.

Step-by-step guide to creating a Facebook Page with a business manager account

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a Facebook Page for your business using a separate business manager account, rather than linking to a personal profile:

Step 1 – Create a business manager account

– Go to and click “Create Account”
– Enter your business name and contact info
– Agree to Facebook’s terms and submit

Step 2 – Verify your business manager account

To verify the account, you will need to submit:

– Business name
– Business address
– Phone number
– Tax ID number (optional)

Facebook will send a confirmation code to the address or phone number provided. Enter this code to verify your business manager account.

Step 3 – Add someone as an admin

– In business settings, click “Add People”
– Enter the name and email address of the person you want to give admin permissions
– Check the box to give them “Admin” role

Step 4 – Create your Facebook Page

– Click “Create Page” at the top
– Select the category that best fits your business
– Enter your business name, address and contact info
– Click “Get Started”

Your Facebook Page is now created and ready to be managed via your business manager account!

Creating a Facebook Page without any account

Previously, it was possible to create a Facebook Page without any account by finding the “Create a Page” form through Google search. However, Facebook removed this option. Pages can no longer be created fully anonymously without an associated account. Your options are:

– Use a business manager account
– Have someone on your team create it with their personal account
– Work with an agency

So while you can’t create a 100% anonymous Page anymore, business manager accounts provide separation between your organization and personal accounts.

Adding a cover photo and profile picture

Once your Page is created, you can customize it by adding a cover photo and profile picture. This helps brand your Page:

Cover photo

– Upload a photo that is at least 1080 x 314 pixels. Landscape/horizontal images work best.
– Choose a photo that represents your organization or promotions/events.
– The cover photo appears at the top of your Facebook Page.

Profile picture

– Upload a square photo at least 180 x 180 pixels.
– Use your organization’s logo or a promotional image.
– The profile picture appears next to your organization’s name.

Filling out the About section

The About section of your Page lets you share information about your organization. Be sure to fill it out so visitors can learn about you:

– Add a description of your organization’s mission, history and offerings.
– List your website URL, contact info and location.
– Add categories that describe what your business does.
– Listing open hours keeps followers informed.
– Sharing founder information personalizes your Page.

Settings for creating a useful Page

There are a few key settings to configure when first creating your Page:


Set up notifications so you’re alerted to comments, posts and activity on your Page. This lets you respond promptly.


Enable messaging so users can send private messages to your Page. Respond to messages within 24 hours.

Visitor posts

Allowing visitors to post on your Page creates engagement. Moderate posts to control spam.

Age restrictions

If your organization has age limits, set age restrictions on who can view your Page.

Country restrictions

Restrict which countries can access your Page if you only serve certain regions.

Inviting people to like your Page

Once your Page is set up, start inviting people to like it:

– Share the Page on your website and other marketing channels.
– Promote it on your existing social media profiles.
– Run a Facebook ad campaign to your target demographics.
– Ask partners and suppliers to share and invite their network.
– Send employees a link to like and follow the Page.
– Ask happy clients to go like your new Page.

Posting content regularly

Post relevant, engaging content at least a few times a week to build your audience. Types of content to post include:

– Industry news and company updates
– Photos and videos
– Promotions, sales or contests
– Client testimonials or reviews
– Employee highlights and human interest stories
– Holiday messages and greetings
– Polls, questions and surveys to engage followers
– Relevant articles, tips or how-tos
– Upcoming events and registrations

Experiment to see what types of content resonate most with your followers.

Facebook Page analytics

Facebook provides Page Insights so you can view analytics to monitor your Page’s performance. Key metrics to analyze include:

Follower growth

How quickly is your follower count increasing? A steady upward trend means your content is engaging.

Post reach

The number of unique users who saw your posts. Aim to increase reach over time.

Engagement rate

The percentage of people who interact with your posts through likes, comments, shares and clicks. High engagement is good.

Traffic source

Where visitors go to your Page from – Facebook search, external referrals, etc. This helps inform promotion strategies.

Most popular content

Identify your best-performing posts based on engagement and reach. Do more of that type of content.

Promoting your Facebook Page

Once your Page is established, continue promoting it to support ongoing growth:

– Run Facebook ad campaigns targeted to your audience.
– Include your Facebook URL on your website, emails and other marketing content.
– Add a Facebook follow button to your blog, online store, etc.
– Promote new followers with contests and giveaways.
– Cross-promote Facebook through your other social channels.
– Publish social media buttons to make it easy to share your posts.
– Analyze data in Page Insights to optimize efforts.

Facebook Page maintenance

After the initial setup, ongoing maintenance keeps your Facebook Page engaging and effective:

– Check notifications and messages daily and respond promptly.
– Review comments on your posts and reply to them when appropriate.
– Keep cover photo, profile picture and About info updated.
– Post new content and engage followers frequently.
– Monitor Insights at least weekly and fine-tune strategies.
– Promote your Page periodically with contests, special offers, etc.
– Thank and acknowledge people who engage with your content.
– Remove spam comments and ban offensive followers if needed.


Creating and optimizing a Facebook Page provides valuable benefits for driving awareness, leads and sales for an organization. While a personal account is needed to initially set up a Page, options like business manager accounts allow you to create and manage Facebook Pages separately from any individual’s profile. Maintain your Page’s momentum by frequently posting engaging content and promotions, responding to followers, monitoring analytics and employing periodic promotion tactics. A well-run Facebook presence can connect you with new customers and strengthen relationships with existing ones.