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How to configure Facebook login API?

How to configure Facebook login API?

Facebook Login is a feature that allows users to log into third-party websites and applications using their Facebook account. Implementing Facebook Login can be beneficial for both developers and users – developers don’t have to manage separate login systems and users can sign in quickly without creating yet another account. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add Facebook Login to your website or app.


Before you can start integrating Facebook Login, there are a few prerequisites:

  • A Facebook app – This is required to get the App ID and App Secret needed to implement Facebook Login.
  • A website or app to add Facebook Login to – This will use the Facebook SDK to allow users to log in.
  • Basic knowledge of the programming language used by your website/app.

Step 1 – Create a Facebook App

To use any Facebook APIs and products, such as Login, you need to first create a Facebook app. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook for Developers site and log in with your Facebook account.
  2. Click on “My Apps” in the top menu bar and then select “Create App”.
  3. Choose a display name, contact email and category for your app.
  4. Accept the policy agreements and click “Create App”.
  5. Take note of the App ID and App Secret provided on the dashboard.

This creates a new Facebook app that can be used to integrate Login.

Step 2 – Install the Facebook SDK

The Facebook SDK contains libraries that allow you to call Facebook APIs from your website or app. To add it:

  • Go to the SDK download page and choose the latest stable version.
  • Follow the installation instructions for your platform (Web, Android, iOS etc).
  • Initialize the SDK with your App ID.

This integrates the SDK with your code so you can call Facebook APIs.

Step 3 – Add the Login Button

To allow users to log in with Facebook, you need to add a Login button. Here’s how:

  1. In your HTML, add a
    with an id where you want the button to render.
  2. Using the SDK, call FB.login() to initialize Login.
  3. Render the button using FB.XFBML.parse().
  4. Example:

    <div id="fb-root"></div>
    <div id="fb-login-button" data-width="" data-size="large" data-button-type="login_with" data-auto-logout-link="false" data-use-continue-as="false"></div>
      // Initialize SDK  
        appId      : 'your-app-id',
        cookie     : true, 
        xfbml      : true,
        version    : 'v2.11'

    This displays the standardized Facebook Login button on your site.

    Step 4 – Handle the Login Response

    When a user clicks the Login button, a response will be sent containing their data or an error. Handle this:

    • Define a callback function to process the response.
    • Check the status field to determine if login succeeded.
    • If successful, extract user data like name and email.
    • Handle errors gracefully by displaying a message.


    function fbLoginResponse(response) {
      if (response.status === 'connected') {
        // Logged in successfully
      } else {
        // Error occurred

    Now your app knows when a user has successfully logged in with Facebook.

    Step 5 – Make API Calls

    Once login is successful, you can make Graph API calls to get user data:

    • The response object contains an access token.
    • Pass this access token with Graph API calls.
    • Example: /me returns profile info for logged in user.


    function getUserData() {
      FB.api('/me', {fields: 'name,email'}, function(response) {
        // Insert user data into database

    This allows you to collect relevant user data to personalize their experience.

    Step 6 – Check Login State

    It’s important to know if the user is still logged into Facebook:

    • Call FB.getLoginStatus() to get current auth status.
    • If needed, prompt user to log in again to renew permissions.
    • Keep renewing the access token to maintain an active session.


    FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
      if (response.status === 'connected') {
        // User is logged in and session is valid.
      } else {
        // Show login button again to prompt re-login

    This ensures your app detects if the Facebook session has expired.

    Step 7 – Add Permissions

    By default, only basic profile data is available after login. To get additional permissions:

    • When calling FB.login(), pass a scope parameter.
    • This specifies permissions such as email and user_friends.
    • Prompt the user to agree to these new permissions.

    Example requesting email permission:

    FB.login(function(response) {
      // Handle response
    }, {scope: 'email'});

    Refer to the Permissions guide for all available options.

    Step 8 – Handle Logout

    Provide a way for users to log out of your app:

    • Add a logout link/button on your site.
    • When clicked, call FB.logout() to log user out.
    • Clear any cached user data from your app.


    function fbLogout() {
      FB.logout(function(response) {
        // User logged out, clear session data

    This logs the user out of Facebook and your app.


    That covers the main steps to add Facebook Login to your website or app! Key points:

    • Create a Facebook app
    • Install the Facebook SDK
    • Add a Login button
    • Handle login responses
    • Make Graph API calls
    • Check login state
    • Request additional permissions
    • Implement logout

    Facebook Login provides a quick and convenient way for users to sign-in without managing separate credentials. Integrating the Login API increases engagement for apps and websites.


    Here are some common questions about implementing Facebook Login:

    Does Facebook Login work on mobile apps?

    Yes, the Facebook SDKs for Android and iOS allow implementing Facebook Login in mobile apps for those platforms.

    What user data is available after login?

    By default, you get access to basic profile info such as name, email and profile photo. Additional permissions can be requested to get access to more data.

    How do I customize the Login button?

    You can customize the text, size and other attributes of the button using parameters when rendering the button. See docs for options.

    Is Facebook Login free to use?

    Yes, Facebook provides Login for free to developers implementing it in apps and websites per their terms and policies.

    What platforms support Facebook Login?

    Facebook Login can be integrated across web, iOS, Android, Windows, Unity and other major platforms that Facebook provides SDKs for.

    Should my app handle user registration?

    If storing user data, you should handle registration in your database along with collecting any additional profile data not provided by Facebook Login.

    How often should I check login state?

    Check login state frequently on the frontend to detect session expiry. On the backend, check login state on each request before making Graph API calls.


    Here are some helpful references for integrating further with Facebook Login:


    In summary, here is an outline of the steps to configure Facebook Login for your website or app:

    1. Create a Facebook app and get App ID/Secret.
    2. Install the Facebook SDK.
    3. Add Login button code.
    4. Handle login response in a callback.
    5. Use access token to make Graph API calls.
    6. Check login state frequently.
    7. Request additional permissions as needed.
    8. Allow users to logout.

    Facebook Login provides a turnkey solution for registration and authentication. It can significantly boost engagement when implemented properly. With the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to successfully integrate Facebook Login into your next web or mobile project!