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How to check your monetization eligibility on a Facebook page or profile?

How to check your monetization eligibility on a Facebook page or profile?

Facebook offers creators and publishers the ability to monetize their pages and profiles through advertising and other money-making features. However, not all Facebook accounts are eligible for monetization. Facebook has specific guidelines and criteria that accounts must meet in order to apply for and access monetizing tools.

Checking your monetization eligibility on Facebook is an important first step if you want to earn money from your page or profile. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to determine if your Facebook account is eligible for monetization and the requirements you must meet.

Why Check Monetization Eligibility

There are a few key reasons why you should check your monetization eligibility before trying to monetize your Facebook page or profile:

  • Avoid wasted time and effort – If your account is not eligible, any work you put into trying to monetize will be for nothing.
  • Understand Facebook’s policies – Checking eligibility will give you insight into what Facebook looks for in a monetizable account.
  • Identify areas for improvement – Knowing where your account falls short of eligibility requirements can help guide your strategy.
  • Maximize earning potential – Once you’ve confirmed you’re eligible, you can start monetizing right away.

Taking a few minutes to check eligibility first can save you time and effort down the road. It helps ensure you meet Facebook’s standards before trying to earn money from your account.

Ways to Monetize a Facebook Page or Profile

There are a few main ways Facebook enables accounts to make money:

Facebook Ad Monetization

One of the most popular monetization features is Facebook ad placements. Eligible pages and profiles can earn a cut of the revenue from ads served alongside their content. Facebook Ad Monetization is open to accounts with a range of audience sizes and content types.

Facebook Subscriptions

Facebook Subscriptions allow followers to pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content from creators. Fans must “subscribe” to gain access. This feature is best for accounts producing unique content worth paying for.

Facebook Stars

Fans can support creators by purchasing digital “stars” to show appreciation for live videos. Creators then earn money based on Star buys during their broadcasts. This is ideal for accounts doing frequent live streaming content.

Facebook Brand Collabs Manager

Brand Collabs Manager connects eligible creators and publishers with interested brands for sponsored content opportunities. This allows you to monetize through paid partnerships with advertisers.

In-Stream Ads

If eligible, you can earn a portion of the revenue from video ads that play in the middle of your video content. In-Stream ads are suitable for accounts with a focus on video.

Facebook Monetization Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to monetize with the above tools, Facebook pages and profiles must meet certain baseline criteria. While requirements vary slightly by program, there are general eligibility standards:

Page Authenticity

– The account must represent a real business, brand, organization, or person.
– Fake, duplicate, or impersonator accounts are prohibited.
– Page name and content must accurately represent the brand or entity.

Content Quality

– The account must have a history of posting quality, original content.
– Content should inform, entertain, inspire, or educate the audience.
– Accounts must adhere to Facebook’s content policies and community standards.

Audience Engagement

– The account’s follower count and engagement metrics should meet program-specific minimums. Higher is generally better.
– There must be an established audience interacting with content.
– Engagement includes reactions, comments, shares, views, etc.

Account History and Reputation

– Accounts must be in good standing without a history of policy violations.
– Any prior enforcement does not automatically disqualify eligibility, but is reviewed.
– Pages should not have a reputation for spammy or misleading behavior.

Ad Targeting Optimization

– Accounts must enable Facebook’s ad targeting and measurement tools.
– Page admins must agree to Facebook’s monetization policies and terms.

Meeting the above standards is key for monetization eligibility. Specific program requirements provide additional criteria.

How to Check Your Monetization Eligibility

You can check your overall monetization eligibility through your Facebook page or profile settings. Here are step-by-step instructions:

From a Facebook Page

1. Go to your Facebook Page
2. Click “Settings” in the top right drop-down menu
3. Select “Monetization Eligibility” from the left menu
4. Review the eligibility overview and status
5. Click “Learn More” to see requirements for specific programs

From a Facebook Profile

1. Go to your Facebook Profile
2. Click the three-line “hamburger” menu icon in the top right
3. Choose “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings”
4. Go to the “Ads” section in the left menu
5. Click “Monetization Eligibility”
6. Review the overview and status details
7. Select “Learn More” to see program requirements

The eligibility page will provide an at-a-glance view of whether your account meets the standards to monetize. A green “Eligible” indicator means you can apply for monetization features. A red “Ineligible” means your account currently falls short of requirements.

If ineligible, the page will highlight areas that need improvement to meet eligibility criteria. Common reasons accounts fail to qualify include:

– Too few followers/engagement
– No or low-quality content
– Using fake names/profiles
– Violating Facebook policies

Working to resolve these issues can help make your account eligible for monetization in the future.

Important Eligibility Factors

While Facebook evaluates accounts holistically, there are some key factors that strongly influence monetization eligibility:

Follower Count

Having an established audience on Facebook is a baseline eligibility requirement. While minimums vary, accounts generally need 1,000+ followers to be considered. The more followers you have, the greater your earning potential.

Content Quality and Consistency

Accounts must have a consistent history of posting high-quality, original content. Low-value content like memes or copied videos can hurt eligibility. Posting valuable content daily or weekly demonstrates your commitment to engaging an audience.

Engagement Metrics

Total followers alone are not enough. Your content must inspire interaction and engagement. Pages with strong like, comment, share, and view metrics are preferred. High engagement signals an active, responsive audience.

Page Transparency

Facebook wants monetized pages to provide accurate info about their business, brand, organization, or persona. Pages should have clear descriptions, contact info, and owner details. Using fake or misleading profiles hurts eligibility.

Community Standards Compliance

Accounts must abide by Facebook’s content policies around prohibited material, intellectual property, hate speech, harassment, etc. Violations of community standards can disqualify monetization, even if other criteria are met.

Focusing on the above areas gives your page or profile the best shot at meeting eligibility requirements for Facebook monetization.

Tips to Improve Your Monetization Eligibility

Here are some top tips to optimize your Facebook account for monetization eligibility:

  • Grow your audience – Focus on posting engaging content daily to build a loyal base of followers.
  • Engage followers – Encourage likes, shares, and comments on your posts to drive up engagement.
  • Provide value – Share helpful, entertaining, or inspiring content that keeps people coming back.
  • Post consistently – Establish a regular content schedule so fans know when to expect new posts.
  • Enhance page transparency – Fill out descriptions, contact info, and owner details to build trust.
  • Avoid policy violations – Carefully review and follow Facebook’s rules and standards.
  • Be authentic – Represent yourself or your brand accurately and honestly.
  • Check eligibility regularly – Monitor your progress to see if you meet minimum requirements.

Meeting eligibility takes time and effort. But creating value for your audience through great content will get you there. Stay persistent if your account does not yet qualify – optimization is an ongoing process!

Other Facebook Monetization Programs

In addition to the core monetization tools covered above, Facebook offers creators several other programs to earn money:

Facebook Gaming

Live stream games and build an audience on Facebook Gaming. Monetize through Stars and subscriptions.

Facebook Reels Play Bonus Program

Earn payouts for creating quality Reels content on Facebook. Currently available only in some regions.

Facebook Shop

Set up an online Facebook Shop to easily sell products directly on Facebook and Instagram.

Paid Online Events

Host live or pre-recorded paid events for your audience and keep 100% of ticket sales.

Peer-to-Peer Payments

Receive payments and tips directly from supporters through Facebook P2P payments.

Each program has specific eligibility rules and requirements to review. But in most cases, meeting the core monetization criteria makes an account eligible.

Appealing Ineligible Monetization Status

If your page or profile is deemed ineligible for monetization, you can take steps to appeal:

  • Review the eligibility checklist and recommendations in your Settings.
  • Work to resolve any issues or violations highlighted.
  • Once improvements are made, request a review of your status.
  • Provide details on how you’ve addressed the ineligibility feedback.
  • Wait for Facebook’s review team to reassess your account.
  • The team may request additional information from you.
  • If approved, your account becomes eligible for monetization tools.

With a focus onOptimization and policy compliance, many accounts can successfully appeal an ineligible finding. But improvements take time and your request may not always be approved right away.

Partnering with a Media Company

If your independent page or profile is not monetization eligible, another option is partnering with a Facebook-approved media company. Media partners manage your account and content while providing monetization access and services.

Benefits of Partnering with a Media Company

  • Gain immediate access to monetization tools.
  • Let the media company handle optimizing your content.
  • Leverage the partner’s resources and audience reach.
  • Receive a portion of the revenue generated from your content.
  • Get guidance creating content optimized for monetization.

Reputable media partners must meet Facebook’s eligibility standards. Partnering allows you to monetize through their compliant standing even if your independent account is ineligible.

Considerations for Partnering with Media Companies

  • You may earn a smaller revenue share compared to monetizing directly.
  • The media company controls and manages your content and account.
  • Exclusivity terms may prevent you from monetizing independently.
  • Vet potential partners thoroughly – some engage in policy-violating practices.

If you go the partnership route, carefully research media companies to find a legitimate match that meets your needs.

FAQs about Facebook Monetization Eligibility

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions around checking monetization eligibility for a Facebook page or profile:

How often does Facebook check eligibility?

Facebook reviews eligibility regularly by analyzing account data. Significant changes like a spike in followers or content violations can trigger a reassessment. You can also request a manual review at any time.

Can I monetize multiple Facebook accounts?

You are allowed to monetize multiple accounts, but each must individually meet eligibility requirements. Accounts connected to the same ad account may have eligibility assessed collectively.

Does Facebook preview my content before approving monetization?

Facebook does not typically do a manual review of all your content upfront. Eligibility is based on your overall history, engagement levels, violations, etc. But ongoing policy compliance is monitored.

Can I earn money from Facebook with a personal profile?

Monetization is only available to Facebook Pages representing real businesses, brands, organizations and creators. Personal profiles are not eligible. You need to convert your profile to a Page first.

How long does it take to become eligible for monetization?

There is no set timeframe – eligibility depends on how quickly you can build an audience and establish a history of high-quality content. Typically it takes months to years to meet minimum requirements, but some accounts never become eligible.


Checking your Facebook monetization eligibility is a simple process that provides valuable insight into whether your account meets the requirements to earn money from Facebook tools like ad placements, Stars, and subscriptions.

Spending time growing your audience, crafting engaging content, and avoiding policy violations gives you the best chance at qualifying for monetization. But be patient, as building an eligible presence takes consistent time and effort.

Monitor your progress regularly. Optimize areas where your account falls short. And consider a media partnership if you need monetization access before meeting eligibility on your own.

With a strategy focused on providing value to your followers, your hard work can pay off with access to money-making opportunities on Facebook.