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How to check who viewed my Facebook profile and how many times?

How to check who viewed my Facebook profile and how many times?

Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2021. With so many people using Facebook, it’s common for users to wonder who has been viewing their profile and how often.

Unfortunately, Facebook does not have a built-in feature that shows you who has viewed your profile. Facebook’s policy is to protect the privacy of its users, so they do not provide data on profile views to users.

However, there are some methods you can use to get an estimate of who has viewed your profile.

Use Facebook Viewer Apps

Several third-party apps claim to track your Facebook profile views. Some examples include:

  • Profile Viewer
  • Profile Views for Facebook
  • ViewsBoost
  • Viewser

These apps will ask for permission to connect with your Facebook account. They work by analyzing your friend list to make educated guesses on who has likely viewed your profile.

The apps match friends who have interacted with your profile recently, such as liking or commenting on your posts. The more recent the interaction, the more likely it is that they viewed your profile.

However, it’s important to note that these apps are not 100% accurate. They are making guesses based on available data, but they do not have access to actual view data from Facebook.


  • Easy to set up and use
  • Provides estimates without having to analyze data yourself
  • Apps are free to use


  • Results may not be completely accurate
  • Privacy concerns over giving third-party apps access to your profile
  • Some apps have ads or paid premium options

Check Your Facebook Access Log

Facebook does keep logs of certain activities that occur on your account. You can access a log of logins, logouts, and unauthorized access attempts:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click on Security and Login
  3. View login history under “Where You’re Logged In”

This shows you the time, browser, and location of access to your Facebook account. It can give you an indication if someone you know accessed your profile if you recognize the device or location.


  • No third-party apps required
  • Can directly see logins and access attempts


  • Does not track profile views, only account access
  • Location data may not be precise enough to identify viewers
  • Tedious to analyze log for potential viewers

Use Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager provides analytics on how your ads and posts are performing. This includes data on engagement and reach.

You can use the Audience Insights tool to see demographic data on who your posts are reaching. Applying filters to your target audience can give clues on who may be viewing your profile.

For example, you can filter by location, age, interests to see your audience makeup. Seeing an uptick in reach from a certain demographic may indicate friends in that group are checking out your profile.


  • Can segment audience data in different ways
  • May reveal demographic trends in profile views
  • No third-party apps required


  • Requires ads or posts to track engagement
  • Provides inferred data on profile views, not actual views
  • Time-consuming to filter and analyze audience data

Check Your Facebook Search History

If you have searched for your own profile from another account, this activity will show up in your search history. You can check your search history to see if any friends or connections have searched for your name.

To view Facebook search history:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right
  2. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings
  3. Click on Your Facebook Information in the left column
  4. Select Activity Log > Your Searches

Look through your search history for queries containing your name. Those searches likely indicate someone looking up your profile.


  • Directly shows if others searched for your name/profile
  • No third-party apps required


  • Only shows your own searches for your profile, not all profile views
  • People may search anonymously without it showing up
  • Does not indicate how often your profile was viewed

Check Your Profile Views Weekly

One way to get a sense of how often your profile is being viewed is to periodically check one of the metrics above.

For example, take note of the viewer count on a third-party app on a weekly basis. Or check your audience demographics on Ads Manager from week to week. Look for spikes or patterns over time.

Seeing constant fluctuations or upward trends may indicate your profile is attracting a lot of views. Steady numbers likely mean more sporadic profile checking by others.

While you won’t have exact view counts, observing trends over time can give you a ballpark idea of your Facebook profile traffic.


  • Can notice general trends in profile views
  • Help track growth or spikes in attention
  • Give a rough estimate for how often profile is viewed


  • Still does not provide actual view data
  • Time-consuming to track week-over-week
  • Hard to draw solid conclusions from limited data points

Adjust Your Privacy Settings

If you are concerned about who is viewing your Facebook profile, you can adjust your privacy settings to limit visibility:

  • Profile privacy – Choose whether your profile is public or only viewable by friends/connections
  • Limit past posts – Restrict access to old posts on your timeline
  • Review tags – Approve any tags people add of you before they appear on your profile

With stricter privacy settings, you can reduce the number of people able to browse and view your Facebook profile.


  • Limits your profile visibility as desired
  • Can hide old posts you no longer want public
  • Prevents unwanted tags revealing info you wish to keep private


  • Cannot completely block all views of your profile
  • Friends/connections may still browse your limited profile
  • Too much privacy can limit engagement on your posts

Use a Fake Profile to View Your Own

You can create a fake profile to view your real profile as others would see it. This essentially allows you to monitor your own profile views.

Make a new Facebook account using an alternate name and email. Do not connect it with any existing friends. Use this fake account to search for and view your real profile periodically.

You’ll be able to see exactly the public information visible to anyone else viewing your profile. You can also try liking posts and browsing your timeline to see data Facebook uses to estimate profile views.


  • Can view your exact public profile info
  • Interact with your profile to gauge view tracking
  • Full control over fake account versus third-party apps


  • Time-consuming to manually check own profile
  • Requires creating and managing a separate account
  • Does not show you real profile viewers

Install Tracking Pixels

Tracking pixels or web beacons are small transparent images embedded in web pages. They can log information like IP addresses of visitors and number of pageviews.

Some Facebook profile apps claim to use tracking pixels to identify profile visitors. However, Facebook prohibits apps from using these pixels for surveillance and blocks them.

You could try embedding a pixel in a post or your bio to capture data on profile views. But Facebook likely blocks or limits any data you try to collect.


  • Can directly track profile views if implemented


  • Facebook blocks tracking pixels and view data collection
  • At best provides very limited information
  • Difficult to implement without getting blocked

Use Profile View Notifications

Some Facebook apps claim to send you notifications when certain people view your profile. They ask you to enter the names of friends you want to “watch” for.

However, these notifications are not real-time alerts when those people view your profile. They are just guesses based on past interactions like liking posts.

Facebook does not provide data to apps on individual profile views in order to protect privacy. Any apps claiming to directly notify on viewers are inaccurate.


  • May motivate you to post more if you think certain people view your profile often


  • Notifications are fabricated, not real-time views
  • Inaccurate data since Facebook doesn’t share view data
  • Profile views are not actually being tracked

Use Social Media Management Tools

Social media management platforms like Hootsuite and Sprout Social provide analytics on your social media accounts. Their dashboard may show data on Facebook profile views.

However, these tools do not have special access to Facebook profile view data. They can only make estimations based on your profile traffic and engagement. Their view counts are not exact.

These platforms may be slightly more accurate than random guessing third-party apps. But you should still take their profile view data with a grain of salt.


  • Provides profile analytics along with other social media data
  • View estimates may be moderately accurate


  • Tools lack actual view data from Facebook
  • Metrics like “reach” are vague regarding profile views
  • Requires paying for social media management software

Consider Public Information Settings

Keep in mind that anything set to public on your Facebook profile can be seen by anyone online. While your profile itself may be private, individual posts and information may be completely public.

You can check your public information settings here:

  1. Click the down arrow at top right
  2. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings
  3. Click on Public Posts under Your Facebook Information

Review any posts, photos, videos, and information visible to the “public” setting. This content could be seen and spread by anyone without even needing to view your main profile.

You may wish to limit old posts or photos no longer representative of you. But know that anything truly public on Facebook can end up being seen by unintended viewers.


  • Can directly control what information is public
  • Prevents unwanted public spread of private content


  • Public content could still be shared beyond Facebook
  • Friends may screenshots public info even if you delete it
  • Has no effect on private profile views still possible by friends


Facebook does not provide users with data on who views their profile or how often. While third-party apps claim to track views, they can only make guesses based on limited available data.

Some methods like checking your audience demographics, login history, and search history can provide clues on potential profile viewers. But there is no way to know exactly who viewed your Facebook profile.

If you are concerned about profile views, your best options are to lock down privacy settings, minimize public information, and periodically check metrics that might indicate spikes in profile traffic. But ultimately you will not have definitive view counts for your Facebook profile.