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How to check if a username is available on all social media accounts?

How to check if a username is available on all social media accounts?

In the digital age, choosing the right username for your social media accounts is crucial. A unique and memorable username allows you to establish your personal brand across multiple platforms. However, with so many people online, finding a username that is available on all major social media sites can be a challenge.

Why is it important to have the same username everywhere?

Having a consistent username across social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more makes you easily discoverable and recognizable. It strengthens your personal brand and presence online. Other benefits include:

  • Helps your audience find you easily on different platforms.
  • Creates cohesiveness and professionalism in your online presence.
  • Saves you the hassle of remembering multiple usernames and passwords.
  • Allows you to promote your other social accounts easily.
  • Prevents impersonators from stealing your identity.

How to brainstorm a good username

When creating a username, think of it like a brand name. You want it to represent you well and be memorable. Here are some tips for brainstorming a good username:

  • Use your real name or a variation of it
  • Include your profession or niche interests
  • Add numbers if common words are taken
  • Use phrases or word combinations that represent you
  • Mix uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Incorporate alliteration or rhymes
  • Make it simple and easy to spell
  • Keep it short enough to fit most sites

How to check username availability

Once you have a few username ideas, it’s time to see if they are available across major social platforms. Here are some tips for checking availability:

  • Search for the username on Google – see if it’s taken on any known social profiles
  • Check major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit
  • Search for url variations like,,
  • Use online username checkers that search hundreds of sites
  • If taken, try adding extra numbers or words
  • You may have to get creative with spelling variations

Manually searching each platform can be time consuming. Luckily there are some handy online tools that can check availability across many sites quickly. Here are some good username checkers to try:


KnowEm is a free username checker that searches nearly 500 popular social networks, ecommerce sites and domain extensions to find available variations. Just enter your desired username and it will instantly check availability across all platforms.


NameChk searches over 70 top social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and sees if your desired username is available. It’s completely free and easy to use.


NameCheckr checks availability of your username on over 100 social networks like YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit. The free plan allows 50 searches per month.


UserSearch queries 100+ social sites like Medium, Discord, Tumblr to find username availability. It’s completely free with no registration required.

Tips for modifying an unavailable username

If your preferred username is taken, don’t despair. You have options. Here are some creative ways to modify it:

  • Add your middle name or middle initial
  • Use your middle name instead of your first name
  • Append words like official, real, theoriginal before the name
  • Add your birth year, career field, or location after the name
  • Separate words with dashes or underscores
  • Spell with unique variations like krisssstennnn
  • Substitute letters with numbers like gr3g
  • Add extra numbers like username123 or username12345

Getting creative with spelling and characters can help you find a version that is still available. You can also try combining your first and last name or using a nickname.

What to do if it’s taken everywhere

If the username you want is completely taken across all major platforms, you have a few options:

  • Pick a slightly different name not currently in use
  • Use your business or blog name as your handle
  • Add your city or state to differentiate it
  • Include your middle initial or name
  • Append a descriptive word related to your niche
  • Adjust it by replacing letters with numbers
  • Add extra words like “the real” or “official”

The key is to get creative until you find something distinctive. You can also choose to use slightly different variations of the name on each platform to secure your brand.

Should you buy the username?

If your ideal username is taken, some sites like Facebook and Instagram allow you to submit requests to claim inactive accounts. However, if the person is active you cannot force them to give it up.

If the username you want is taken by someone inactive across many sites, you could consider purchasing it from them. Here are some pros and cons of buying a desired username:

Pros Cons
Get the exact unique name you want Could be expensive depending on the seller
Strengthens personal brand recognition No guarantee the seller will follow through
Saves time of generating alternatives Security risks if purchasing from an unknown seller
Allow consistent username across platforms Ethics of buying established brand names

Purchasing coveted usernames can get pricey and may not even be an option if the accounts are active. Only consider buying an inactive username that is central to your personal brand and niche.


Choosing a consistent, brandable username for all your social media accounts takes effort but is worth it. Brainstorm options based on your name, interests and personal brand. Use online tools to check availability across major sites. Get creative with variations if your first choice is taken. Consider modifying the name or purchasing inactive accounts if it’s essential. With persistence, you can find the ideal username to represent your unique presence online.