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How to chat with girls on fb?

How to chat with girls on fb?

Chatting with girls on Facebook can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With some strategic planning and care, you can have great conversations that lead to building meaningful connections. The key is being considerate, avoiding common pitfalls, and keeping the conversation fun and lighthearted. Here are some tips to successfully chat with girls on Facebook.

Overcome shyness and hesitation

Many guys feel some hesitation when messaging a girl over Facebook, especially for the first time. It’s easy to overthink it and wonder if you’ll say the right thing. While it’s understandable to feel nervous, don’t let shyness paralyze you. Most girls are open to chatting as long as you’re respectful and thoughtful. Build up your courage to say hi. Once you get the conversation started, the hardest part is over.

Craft an opening that’s personalized and casual

You’ll make a better first impression if you avoid generic opening lines like “Hey, what’s up?” or excessively formal greetings. Read her profile to find clues about her interests and personality. Then craft a casual opening message that shows you put some effort into engaging with her specifically. Reference a place she’s traveled, compliment her cool dance photos, or ask about her favorite music. This personalized approach makes her feel special.

Limit yourself to thoughtful compliments

Girls generally don’t appreciate excessive flattery from someone they barely know. But a genuine, non-appearance based compliment can be flattering. For example, you could say “That landscape photo you took on your hike looks so beautiful. You must be a talented photographer.” This shows you’re focusing on her interests, talents, and personality versus just her looks.

Have engaging conversations

To move from introductions to an actual conversation, be prepared with open-ended questions and observations. Avoid yes or no questions that can stall discussions. Bring up topics you actually want to hear her perspectives on. Here are conversation strategies to help you have engaging chats.

Ask open-ended questions

Questions that require some thought and explanation keep conversations flowing versus simple yes or no questions. For instance, asking “What kind of music are you into?” opens up possibilities to discuss artists, share playlists, or bond over favorite songs. But “Do you like pop music?” allows for a one-word answer.

Discuss multiple topics

Conversations last longer when you connect on different topics versus just one. Once you’ve asked a few questions about her recent vacation, also ask about her job, family, hobbies, or books she’s reading. People appreciate when someone shows interest in every aspect of their life.

Share things about yourself too

Don’t just pepper her with questions. Girls want to get to know you too. After asking about her favorite movies, mention yours as well. Self-disclosure and sharing experiences helps you find common ground and establishes trust. But don’t monopolize the conversation either. Make sure to keep asking questions to learn more about her.

Tell stories and jokes

Humorous anecdotes and light jokes liven up conversations. If she mentions she loves hiking, tell that funny story about the time you ran into a bear on a trail. But don’t tell anything offensive or inappropriate. Keep things respectful. Storytelling demonstrates personality and allows her to get to know you in an entertaining way.

Compliment thoughtfully

Occasional compliments are nice if worded carefully and focused on less superficial qualities. For example, if she mentions adopting a pet, you could say “That’s really kindhearted of you to adopt. Not enough pets find caring homes.” This shows you admire her compassion versus just her looks.

Avoid common pitfalls

When chatting with girls on Facebook, there are some common conversational pitfalls to avoid. Being mindful of these will help your chats go more smoothly.

Don’t be pushy or aggressive

Being too assertive or aggressive is off-putting. Don’t insist she keeps talking if she seems bored or busy with something else. Don’t pepper her with constant messages if she hasn’t responded in a while. And definitely don’t make demands or ultimatums. This pushy behavior will make girls avoid conversing further.

Don’t overshare personal details early on

At the start of a conversation, focus on light, easy topics. Don’t get too personal or reveal private details about your life. Oversharing intimate problems or trauma can make girls uncomfortable, especially if you barely know each other. Let the substantive conversations develop slowly over time.

Avoid awkward sexual comments

Flirty jokes or sexual innuendos almost never go over well, especially from someone she’s just starting to chat with. Keep the conversation respectful. Girls will immediately lose interest if you say something crass or objectifying. There will be opportunities later to subtly interject humor if you develop rapport.

Don’t obsess over delays in response time

People get busy with work, family, or other commitments that keep them off Facebook for stretches of time. Avoid bombarding her with “are you there?” messages if she hasn’t written back for a few hours. Be patient. When she checks Facebook again, she’ll respond if she’s interested. Obsessive messages seem desperate.

Watch out for dry conversations

If she’s giving lots of one-word answers and showing little engagement, she may not be interested in continuing the chat. That’s OK. Politely wrap up the conversation instead of forcing it. Say you enjoyed the chat and wish her a nice day. Don’t harass or beg her to keep talking. Move on to connecting with others.

Strive for friendly connections versus romantic interest

When starting conversations with girls on Facebook, your initial goal should simply be making a new friend versus dating. While romance could develop down the road, set expectations low at first. Have casual, friendly chats focused on getting to know each other better. With this mindset, rejection stings less if she ultimately isn’t interested. Any quality connection is a win, whether platonic friendship or potentially more.

Ask open-ended questions focused on her life and interests

Asking about her favorite books, college studies, family, and hobbies gives you great conversation starters. Discuss travel destinations she mentions, artists she likes, causes she cares about, or career dreams. Don’t just stick to small talk. Show genuine interest in what makes her uniquely her. The more you learn, the more conversation gateways open.

Avoid treating it like a romantic interview

While getting to know her is good, don’t approach the chat like a romantic screening interview. Don’t rapid fire date-like questions about her past relationships, views on marriage, or number of kids she wants. This gives the impression you’re auditioning her as a girlfriend versus just making a connection. Keep it light and friendly instead.

Let any flirting emerge naturally

At first focus on being personable and learning about her as a human being. But if she seems engaged and interested, light flirting may emerge naturally as you develop rapport. If she jokes or flirts a bit, you can reciprocate, but avoid crossing lines. Flirting shouldn’t become the primary focus early on. Build a friendship foundation first.

Suggest meeting in person casually

If you’ve had some great chats and really clicked, suggest meeting casually, like for coffee or lunch. Say something like “It’s been really fun talking, but it would be great to continue our conversations in person sometime. Let me know if you might be interested in meeting up for coffee.” Low-pressure suggestions are best versus intense date invitations.

Don’t take rejection personally

There will certainly be times a girl isn’t interested in meeting up or continuing the conversation. Don’t make her feel guilty or get defensive. Just respond politely with a message like “No problem at all. I enjoyed our chat. Take care and have a wonderful day!” Handling rejection gracefully ensures you make a good impression even if romance doesn’t result.

Use strategic communication approaches

Certain communication strategies can also optimize your chats and interactions:

Send messages at optimal times

People tend to be most active on Facebook mid-week around lunchtime and in the evenings. Increase your chances of getting a response by messaging at peak hours versus 3am on a Saturday. Pay attention to when she’s posting updates and likely to be checking her account.

Keep messages concise

Craft messages that feel chatty but aren’t excessively long. A few conversational paragraphs are enough to get an engaging chat going. Giant blocks of text can be daunting or hard to respond to. She’ll appreciate thoughtful messages that are still quick and convenient to reply to.

Reply in a timely manner

Let the conversation flow naturally by having a back-and-forth exchange. When she writes you, make an effort to respond in a reasonably prompt manner, when possible, instead of making her wait days. But avoid being overeager and responding immediately every time. Find a respectful balance.

Use emoticons sparingly

The occasional smiley or winky face is fine, but don’t overdo it. Excessive emoticons can seem immature or unprofessional. Use them only when relevant to punctuate a joke or express excitement. Keep most of your messages emoticon-free so she takes your comments seriously.

Check for typos and grammar errors

Before hitting send, quickly proofread your messages. Having typos and grammatical errors in early messages sets a bad impression. Avoid abbreviations and text slang in your initial outreach too, at least until you get to know each other better. Proper spelling shows you’re making an effort.

Day of Week Best Times to Message
Monday 12 – 1 pm, 5 – 8 pm
Tuesday 12 – 1 pm, 6 – 9 pm
Wednesday 12 – 2 pm, 5 – 7 pm
Thursday 1 – 3 pm, 8 – 10 pm
Friday 1 – 3 pm, 7 – 9 pm
Saturday 10 am – 12 pm, 7 – 9 pm
Sunday 11 am – 1 pm, 7 – 8 pm


Chatting with girls on Facebook can be intimidating, but doesn’t need to be. Approach it with thoughtful care and interest in making a human connection versus seeking romance immediately. Craft personalized opening messages, ask engaging questions, share amusing stories, and look for common interests to bond over. Avoid being pushy, inappropriate, or obsessive if she’s slow to respond or shows disinterest. With practice and consideration, you’ll be chatting comfortably and making meaningful connections. The more value you place on simply learning about someone new, the more likely romance may organically develop later.