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How to change profile picture on Facebook without losing likes?

How to change profile picture on Facebook without losing likes?

Changing your Facebook profile picture is a great way to freshen up your look, but it can be concerning if you’re worried about losing likes in the process. The good news is that with the right strategy, you can change your profile photo without taking a major hit to your like count.

Why You May Lose Likes When Changing Your Profile Picture

When you change your profile picture, some of your followers may not immediately recognize you with the new photo. As a result, they may unlike your page until they realize it’s still you.

Additionally, some people may just dislike your new look or feel you don’t look as good in the new photo. This can prompt them to unlike your page.

The sheer change in appearance may also lead to a small drop in likes, as people need some time to get used to your new look.

Tips to Minimize Losing Likes When Changing Profile Picture

Here are some tips to help prevent losing too many likes when you change your profile photo:

1. Change Photo Gradually

Rather than changing directly from your old photo to your new one, consider using an intermediate profile picture first. This could be a slight variation on your existing photo or a completely different transitional image.

Stay with the intermediate photo for a few weeks or a month so your audience gets accustomed to something new. Then you can switch to your final new photo.

2. Use the Same Style

Try to keep your new photo in the same style as your previous one. For example, if your original was a close-up headshot, choose a new close-up headshot. Or if you were using a full body image, stick with that.

Keeping the same style makes it easier for your followers to recognize you and realize it’s still your profile.

3. Stick With Similar Clothing or Background

Consider wearing the same style of clothing and having a similar background to your original photo. This could be the same outfit in both pictures, or just a similar color scheme.

Again, this makes it easier for people to tell it’s still you and that they should keep liking your profile.

4. Use the Same Angle

Choose a new photo that was taken from the same angle as your old one, such as straight on or slightly angled. Avoid switching from a straight on headshot to a profile image.

The familiar angle will help people recognize you and connect the two photos.

Original Photo New Photo
Straight on headshot Straight on headshot from same angle just with different clothes and background
Profile headshot Profile headshot from same side view and angle

5. Add a Caption Indicating It’s You

When posting your new profile picture, add a caption that lets people know it’s still you. This prevents confusion and having people unlike you before realizing it’s just a new photo.


  • “New profile pic – still the same me though!”
  • “Just updating my look with a fresh new profile photo!”
  • “Decided it was time for a new profile picture. Like it?”

6. Post a Similar Cover Photo

Your cover photo serves as further confirmation of your identity. Try posting a new cover photo that matches your new profile picture.

For instance, both photos could be from the same photoshoot and have the same backdrop or theme. This confirms the new profile pic is still you.

7. Update Your Profile Picture Slowly

Rather than changing your photo instantly, do it gradually over time. Start using the new photo for other social media sites first.

You can also start using it for Messenger and certain friend lists on Facebook before switching over completely. This softens the transition.

8. Schedule the Change for the Best Times

Check your Facebook Insights to see when your followers are most active and tend to engage with your posts the most. Try to update your profile picture during these prime times.

For example, if your followers are mostly active during weekday mornings and evenings, change your photo during one of those high traffic periods.

Day of Week Most Active Time Period
Monday 8-10am, 6-9pm
Tuesday 7-10am, 5-8pm
Wednesday 9am-12pm, 6-11pm

9. Test with a Small Percentage First

Use Facebook’s photo testing tool to change your profile picture for a small percentage of your audience, like 5%. Monitor whether it impacts likes or engagement on your page.

If all goes well, slowly roll it out to larger percentages over a few days or weeks until it’s visible to your full audience.

10. Post Engaging Content After the Change

To recoup any potential lost likes, make an effort to post particularly engaging content in the days after changing your profile photo. This could include:

  • Live videos
  • Interesting photos
  • Entertaining or funny memes and graphics
  • Polls and quizzes
  • Contests or giveaways

Posting exciting content gives people more reason to stay engaged with your profile and keeps the likes rolling in.

Be Strategic About the New Photo

In addition to the transition strategy, choose a new profile picture that is likely to resonate with your audience and attract likes. Here are some tips:

Select an Appealing, High-Quality Photo

Pick a photo where you look your best! Choose something flattering, well-lit, in focus and visually appealing.

Having an attractive, clean photo will make people more inclined to like it.

Show Your Face Clearly

Be sure your face is clearly visible in the photo so people can easily recognize you.

Avoid obscuring your face with shadows, objects, odd angles, filters or distortions.

Use a Warm, Friendly Expression

Opt for a photo where you have a warm, approachable facial expression. This could be a smile, laugh or cheerful look.

This makes your photo more enticing than a serious or stern expression.

Convey Your Brand or Personality

Select a photo that conveys your personal or brand image. This could include clothing, background, poses or props that reflect who you are.

Your followers will engage with a photo that aligns with your brand identity.

Highlight Your Assets

If applicable, pick a photo that draws attention to your positive physical attributes, like nice hair, eyes, muscles or style.

Tastefully highlighting your best features can boost likes.

Use Props or Scenery Relevant to Your Audience

Incorporate props, accessories or scenery that your target audience would find interesting. This might include items related to their demographics, hobbies, interests or lifestyle.

For example, for an audience of golfers, pose with golf clubs on a course.

Consider Trends and Seasonality

Tailor your photo to current trends, seasons or holidays. This could mean using popular poses, filters, props or outfits.

Timely, seasonal photos tend to perform well.

Showcase Your Relationships

Photos that depict your close friendships, romantic relationships or family connections tend to be popular. Consider a group shot with loved ones.

This gives a sense of intimacy that resonates with viewers.

Use Images That Have Performed Well in the Past

Check your past posts and ads to see which specific photos have resonated best with your audience. Reusing a similar style of photo that you know they already like can help.

Test Some Options

Try uploading several potential profile photos and use Facebook’s testing tool to see which ones perform best with your audience and get more likes.

Then you can confidently choose the top pick to display to your full following.

Avoid Major Appearance Changes

In most cases, you’ll want to avoid changing your appearance too drastically all at once. For example:

  • Getting a significantly different hairstyle or hair color
  • Growing or shaving a beard
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Noticeably different makeup or clothing style
  • Using heavy filters

These types of major appearance shifts can make it harder for people to recognize you. Introduce more dramatic changes gradually over multiple profile photo updates.


Changing your Facebook profile picture doesn’t have to result in a loss of likes, especially if you use the right strategy. Here are a few key tips:

  • Make small gradual changes over multiple updates
  • Keep a similar style, angle and composition
  • Add captions indicating it’s still you
  • Post great content after changing it
  • Select photos that complement your brand and resonate with your audience
  • Avoid drastic appearance changes

With smart and strategic profile photo updates, you can freshen up your look without taking a major hit to your like count. Just be sure to make followers aware it’s still you and give them time to adjust.