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How to change Facebook profile picture without likes and comments?

How to change Facebook profile picture without likes and comments?

Changing your Facebook profile picture is a great way to update your look or share a new photo with your friends. However, some people prefer to change their picture without prompting notifications and comments from their Facebook friends.

Luckily, Facebook offers settings that allow you to change your profile picture privately, without likes and comments. In this article, we’ll explain why you may want to change your profile picture privately, and walk through the steps to do it.

Why Change Facebook Profile Picture Without Likes & Comments?

Here are some common reasons people prefer to change their profile picture privately on Facebook:

  • Avoid too many notifications – Changing your profile picture normally triggers notifications and comments from your friends. If you prefer less activity and notifications, you can disable this.
  • More privacy – If you want to update your photo without broadcasting it to all your friends, you can change it privately.
  • Professional profile – If you use Facebook for professional networking and don’t want to prompt personal reactions from your contacts, you can change your picture discreetly.

The option to change your profile picture privately has been available on Facebook for several years now. Keep in mind that your new profile picture will still be visible to your friends – but it simply won’t generate notifications informing them that you changed it.

Step 1: Uploading a New Profile Picture

Start by uploading a new profile picture to Facebook:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top left corner
  2. Select ‘Update Profile Picture’
  3. Choose a new photo from your computer to upload
  4. Click ‘Save’

This will upload your new profile picture to Facebook. But don’t worry, it hasn’t been published yet. Your old picture is still visible to your friends.

Step 2: Changing Visibility Settings

Next, use Facebook’s visibility settings to change your profile picture privately:

  1. Click the three dots beside your profile picture, then choose ‘Update Profile Picture Visibility’
  2. Uncheck the box next to ‘Share this update on your timeline’
  3. Uncheck the box next to ‘Share this update on your profile’

This ensures your new profile picture won’t be posted on your timeline or profile. Without these boxes checked, your friends won’t receive notifications about your profile picture changing.

Step 3: Saving the Changes

The final step is to confirm the changes and make your new profile picture live:

  1. Click ‘Save Changes’
  2. Click ‘Okay’ to confirm

Your new profile picture is now live on your account. But your friends didn’t receive any notifications or prompts to like or comment on the change.

Changing Back to Public Updates

You can reverse these steps at any time to resume public profile picture updates. Just go back to your profile picture settings, check the boxes to share the update publicly, and confirm the changes.

After following these steps, your next profile picture change will again post to your timeline and profile, notify your friends, and allow them to react to the update.

Other Ways to Update Profile Picture

In addition to uploading photos directly, there are a couple other ways to change your Facebook profile image:

  • Use a profile picture from Instagram – Go to your Facebook profile picture settings and choose ‘Update with Instagram’
  • Revert to an old profile picture – Facebook saves your 5 most recent profile pictures. You can select one to revert back to.

You can follow the same steps above to change the visibility settings after updating your picture through Instagram or reverting to an old image.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re having trouble changing your profile picture without notifications, check these troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check visibility settings – Make sure the updates are unchecked before publishing your new picture.
  • Try different web browsers – Sometimes settings don’t save properly on all browsers.
  • Update Facebook app – An outdated app can cause issues with profile picture changes.
  • Check privacy settings – Adjust broader privacy controls if your profile is very public.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does changing profile picture without likes and comments remove old likes and comments?

No, changing your profile picture privately only stops new notifications and reactions. Any likes and comments on your previous profile picture will remain.

Can I prevent some friends from seeing my new profile picture?

No, there is no option to hide your new profile picture from specific friends. It will be visible to all your connected friends.

Will my new profile picture appear in friends’ feeds?

No, since you disabled timeline and profile updates, the new picture will not show up in any of your friends’ News Feeds.

Can I change visibility settings on the mobile app?

Yes, you can change the profile picture audience on both the Facebook mobile app and desktop site.

Will changing my profile picture reset likes and comments?

Changing your profile picture will not remove any previous likes and comments. They will remain visible, but new ones will stop unless you re-enable public updates.


Changing your profile picture privately on Facebook is straightforward once you know the right steps:

  1. Upload new profile picture
  2. Uncheck timeline and profile sharing
  3. Save changes and confirm

This prevents notifications, stops the update from being shared, and gives you a quiet profile picture change. Just be sure to toggle the settings back on when you want friends to see your profile picture updates again.