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How to ban someones Facebook account?

How to ban someones Facebook account?

Facebook has become an integral part of many people’s lives, allowing them to stay connected with friends and family. However, sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where you want to ban or block someone from your Facebook account due to harassment, bullying, or other inappropriate behavior. While Facebook does have tools to unfriend, block, and report users, permanently banning someone’s account is not something you can directly do.

In this article, we’ll explore the options available to you if you want to get someone banned from Facebook and prevent them from making new accounts.

Why You May Want to Ban Someone’s Facebook Account

There are several reasons why you may want to ban someone’s Facebook account:

They are harassing or bullying you or others

Repeated abusive comments, sharing private information without consent, making threats, and other forms of cyberbullying are against Facebook’s policies. Banning them from the platform may be the best way to stop the harassment.

They are spreading misinformation or hate speech

If someone is consistently posting false information or content that attacks certain groups or individuals, banning them can help limit the reach of that harmful content.

They are spamming your page or friends’ pages

Spammers who repeatedly post unwanted commercial content or links can be very annoying. Banning their account removes their ability to continue spamming.

They are impersonating or catfishing you

Fake accounts pretending to be you in order to scam your friends and connections can cause real harm. Removing their ability to do this protects you and others.

They are compromising your privacy and safety

If someone is accessing your private information or contacts without consent and using that in inappropriate ways, banning them may be necessary to secure your account.

Can You Directly Ban Someone’s Facebook Account?

Many people want to know – can I permanently ban someone from Facebook myself? The short answer is no. Regular users do not have the ability to directly and permanently ban other accounts. However, there are some actions you can take to request for someone’s account to be banned:

Report them for Terms of Service violations

The best way to get someone banned from Facebook is to file reports detailing how they are violating Facebook’s Terms of Service and Community Standards. You can file reports for things like bullying, harassment, hate speech, graphic violence, nudity, and much more.

Block them

Blocking prevents the user from viewing your profile or interacting with your content. The more people that block the harassing account, the more likely Facebook will be to investigate and potentially remove it.

Flag specific content as abusive

If they have specific posts, photos, comments or other content that violates policies, flagging each item helps build a stronger case for banning the account.

Collect evidence and escalate your reports

The more evidence of policy violations you can provide to Facebook, the better. Screenshot abusive messages, keep a log of harassment incidents, record any threats made. Escalating your reports to Facebook’s contacts for legal requests may yield results.

What Happens When You Try to Ban Someone on Facebook?

Here is an overview of what typically happens when you try to get someone banned from Facebook:

You block the user

This prevents you from seeing their content and them from finding you, but does not ban them. They can still use Facebook and interact with others.

You report violations to Facebook

Facebook reviews the reports and may remove specific pieces of content that violate policies. However, they typically don’t ban on first offense.

You continue reporting further violations

By persistently reporting any new policy-breaking behavior, you build a stronger case for removing the account. Facebook will take patterns of bad behavior more seriously.

Facebook issues a warning or temporary suspension

After multiple violations or a serious incident, Facebook may issue a warning that threatens to disable the account if behavior doesn’t change, or implements a temporary suspension for a set time period (ex. 24 hours, 7 days, etc).

Facebook disables the account

For repeat offenders or those committing egregious violations, Facebook may make the determination to disable or permanently ban the account. This removes their ability to log in and use Facebook services.

They may create a new account

Banned users often try creating new accounts to get around the ban. This starts the process over and requires diligence in reporting the new account.

Steps to Try to Get Someone Banned from Facebook

If you feel you are being harassed, threatened, or targeted by inappropriate behavior from another Facebook user, here are the steps to try to get their account banned:

1. Document all incidents and collect evidence

Compile screenshots, photos, links, and other proof of any abusive comments, inappropriate photos tagged with your name, threatening messages, etc. The more examples you have the better.

2. Block the user

Go to their profile and select “Block”. This prevents them from viewing your content or finding your profile while you continue reporting them.

3. Report violations to Facebook

Use the “Report” link on any content in violation of Facebook’s policies. Select the relevant options like harassment, hate speech, bullying, nudity, etc.

4. File an additional detailed report to Facebook

Go to Facebook’s Help Center and file a personalized report detailing all the abuse, harassment, or threats that have occurred. Provide any evidence you collected.

5. Rally others to block and report the account

Ask supportive friends to also block and report the account for the same violations. The more complaints Facebook receives the more action they may take.

6. Keep reporting any new policy violations

If the behavior continues, keep using the report process for any new abusive content or messages. Repeated offenses are more likely to warrant disabling the account.

7. Escalate to Facebook’s legal channels if needed

For serious threats or dangerous harassment, you can send a legal request to Facebook through a form online or by mail.

What Happens When a Facebook Account is Banned?

When Facebook makes the decision to ban an account, here’s what typically happens:

The account is disabled

This makes the account inaccessible. The user can no longer log in or use any Facebook services.

Friends may see a disabled notification

Friends and connections may see notices that the account was disabled for violations of Facebook’s policies.

Content remains, but may be harder to find

Posts, photos and other content from the account remain on Facebook but may be harder to find or access.

Loss of Facebook services

The user loses ability to post, comment, participate in groups, use Messenger, create ads, develop apps and more.

Difficulty creating a new account

Facebook bans are often tied to other identifying info like name, email, device ID, etc. Making a new account with these can result in it being banned too.

Ability to appeal the ban

In some cases, Facebook may allow submitting an appeal to claim the ban was an error. Success depends on the nature of the violations.

Pros of Getting Someone Banned from Facebook

Here are some potential benefits of getting someone banned from Facebook:

Stops harassment and bullying

The primary benefit is it stops any form of cyberbullying or harassment from that person on Facebook. This provides safety and peace of mind.

Limits reach of hate speech or misinformation

For accounts spreading harmful lies or content attacking others, banning them reduces their audience and reach.

Reduces spam to you and friends

Banning spammers removes their ability to repeatedly blanket your social media feeds with unwanted content.

Increases security of your personal information

Accounts accessing your info without consent are unable to if banned. This protects your privacy.

Sends a message that abusive behavior has consequences

Particularly for repeat offenders, a ban shows this type of conduct violates policies and has penalties. This may deter attacks on you or others in the future.

Cons of Getting Someone Banned from Facebook

Banning someone from Facebook also has some potential drawbacks to consider:

They may retaliate or escalate attacks

Abusive people who get banned may see it as an attack on them, causing them to retaliate in other ways like via text, other social media, or offline.

You may lose access to observe their activity

A ban removes your ability to monitor their posts and interactions for continued bad behavior. If they create a new account, you may not know about it.

It may fuel misleading free speech arguments

High profile bans are sometimes criticized as impinging on free speech rights. This story may amplify their views rather than diminish them.

Legal risks if accusations are false

If you report someone who has not actually violated policies, they may pursue legal retaliation for defamation or false accusations.

They may still harass others

While you are protected by them being banned, they may continue similar bullying or attacks against other people.

Appeals or new accounts could resume access

If Facebook overturns a ban on appeal or they create new accounts, the protections may be temporary. Continued diligence would be required.

Alternatives to Banning Someone on Facebook

In some cases, there are alternatives to pursuing an outright ban:

Restrict their ability to interact with your content

Instead of fully blocking the user, you can use privacy settings to limit their access to your posts, photos, etc. This reduces their ability to harass you.

Delete or limit past content they could target

Review your previous Facebook posts and information for anything private or that could enable harassment. Deleting or limiting access to this old content can help.

Temporarily deactivate your own account

If the source of issues is largely confined to Facebook itself, deactivating your own account for a period of time may give you a needed break while reducing their opportunities to attack you.

Report them through legal authorities if needed

Serious threats or harassment may warrant escalating to law enforcement rather than Facebook only. Police have additional investigative and enforcement options.

Have a lawyer issue a cease and desist letter

For repeated serious cases of defamation, privacy violations, or harassment, consider having a lawyer draft a stern cease and desist letter demanding the person stop this behavior immediately or face legal action.

Can a Facebook Ban Be Appealed or Reversed?

In some instances, a banned user may be able to appeal the decision and regain access to their account:

Facebook may allow appeals for certain violations

The ability to appeal depends on the nature and severity of the violation. Minor or accidental offenses are more likely to have appeal options.

User must submit appeal through Facebook’s process

Appeals involve filling out online forms detailing why the ban was incorrect or should be reversed. Submissions are reviewed by Facebook staff.

Success depends on the details of the case

Outcomes of appeals vary on a case-by-case basis. Particularly severe or intentional violations are less likely to be overturned.

Getting supporters to vouch for good behavior may help

If friends, coworkers or other connections submit statements supporting the claim that the behavior was atypical and won’t be repeated, it may improve appeal chances.

Limited windows for appeal

Facebook only allows a short time frame after a ban to submit appeals, such as 24 hours. After this, there are no appeal options.

New accounts often banned too

Users who create new accounts after being banned typically find those accounts disabled as well once Facebook links them to the prior banned account.

Can You Be Banned from Facebook for Life?

For severe violations, Facebook may implement permanent lifetime bans:

Certain crimes can warrant lifetime ban

Convictions for sexual crimes, murder, human trafficking, terrorism and child exploitation can result in an unconditional permanent ban.

Multiple account or ID violations can lead to lifetime ban

Repeated creation of fake accounts, misrepresentation of identity, or evading prior bans often leads to permanent removal of access.

Some severe threats may be lifetime ban worthy

Credible threats of violence against private individuals or public figures may be considered too risky to ever reinstate.

No path to appeal after lifetime ban

Unlike other bans, typically no appeals exist after a permanent ban. The only recourse may be hiring a lawyer to contact Facebook.

IP and device restrictions further limit access

Lifetime bans are tied to devices, IP addresses and other identifiers. This prevents easily creating new accounts from the same computer or phone.

Legal action has succeeded in some cases

In rare instances, lawsuits challenging improper permanent bans have succeeded in getting Facebook to rescind them. But this is difficult and costly.

Key Takeaways

– Regular users cannot directly ban others from Facebook, but you can report Terms of Service violations to request Facebook disable accounts.

– Harassment, threats, hate speech, nudity and other serious violations are valid reasons to report someone for banning.

– Collect evidence of violations, block the user, report all incidents, and rally support from others to build a strong case for Facebook to ban someone.

– Banned accounts lose access to Facebook services. While appeals are sometimes possible, bans for severe violations are often permanent and difficult to overturn.


Getting someone banned from Facebook requires submitting detailed reports of violations to Facebook for review. While users cannot directly delete others’ accounts, by persistently reporting activity that breaks Facebook’s rules, you may be able to convince Facebook to disable harassing or abusive accounts. However, bans are not guaranteed even with legitimate reports, so managing your own privacy settings and connections is important. In severe cases of threats or harassment, working with law enforcement may be the best path to protect your safety both online and offline.