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How to add workplace on Facebook without posting on timeline?

How to add workplace on Facebook without posting on timeline?

Adding your workplace to your Facebook profile allows you to connect with coworkers and share company updates, while still maintaining some privacy. If you want to add where you work on Facebook but don’t want it to automatically post on your timeline, there are a few simple steps you can take.

Why Add a Workplace on Facebook?

Here are some of the benefits of adding your workplace on Facebook:

  • Network with coworkers – Easily find and connect with coworkers on Facebook.
  • Join internal groups – Get access to internal company groups for announcements and discussions.
  • Show company pride – Display where you work and your role publicly on your profile.
  • Find new opportunities – Connect with company alumni and discover new job openings.
  • Participate in company culture – Engage with company-related content and build camaraderie.

How to Add Workplace without Posting

Follow these steps to add your workplace while limiting automatic timeline posts:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on “About” in the left sidebar.
  2. Under “Work and Education”, click on “Add a Workplace”.
  3. Search for your company name and select it when it appears.
  4. Fill in your job title, employment dates, location, and description (optional).
  5. In the audience selector, choose “Only Me” so it’s not public.
  6. Uncheck the box next to “Let employers post on your timeline” to prevent automatic posts.
  7. Click “Add Workplace” to save your information.

Once you add your workplace, it will only be visible to you and not shared on your timeline without your explicit consent. You can change the audience at any time to share your employment more publicly.

Limiting Timeline Posts

In addition to preventing employer posts when first adding your workplace, you can limit timeline posts at any time through your settings:

  1. Go to “Settings” and select “Timeline and Tagging” in the left menu.
  2. Under “Timeline Review”, uncheck boxes for types of posts you don’t want shared automatically.
  3. To limit employer posts, uncheck “Workplace can post on your timeline.”
  4. For more granular control, select “Use Recent Activity Review” to approve posts individually.

Using Activity Log to Limit Exposure

Your Facebook activity log allows you to manage all your posts and profile information. Use it to curate what’s visible on your timeline:

  1. Go to “Settings” and find “Activity Log” in the left menu.
  2. Review recent timeline posts, profile changes, and other activities.
  3. For any items you don’t want public, click on the three dots icon next to the post.
  4. Select “Limit Past Audience” and change the visibility to “Only Me.”
  5. The post will be removed from your public timeline.

Checking your activity log regularly lets you maintain the content you share publicly.

Using Friend Lists to Segment Connections

Facebook friend lists allow you to group connections and specify what content they can see:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Friends” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the button for “Create List.”
  3. Give the list a name like “Coworkers” and start adding friends.
  4. With the list made, click on it and select “Edit Settings.”
  5. Choose specific posts like “Workplace” that only list members can see.

Curating friend lists takes some work but gives you granular control. It ensures you share the right content with the right people.

Using Separate Accounts for Work and Personal

The most intensive approach is having entirely separate profiles for your personal and professional connections:

  • Sign up for a second Facebook account with your work email.
  • Use your personal profile to connect with close friends and family.
  • Use your work profile to network with coworkers and industry contacts.
  • Keep both accounts active but avoid overlapping connections.

This method requires switching between two accounts but guarantees your personal life stays private from colleagues.

Best Practices for Workplace Privacy

In addition to limiting your workplace visibility, use these tips for keeping your personal and professional lives separate:

  • Review all privacy and security settings. Make personal content as private as possible.
  • Be selective about accepting coworker requests. Don’t feel obligated to connect with every colleague.
  • Keep work communications professional. Avoid discussions about your private life.
  • Consider the impact before posting about work. Avoid sharing confidential or negative information.
  • Create lists to organize coworkers, close friends, family members, etc. and customize the privacy of content shared with each.

The Benefits of Workplace Connections

While keeping some separation between your work and personal life, connecting with colleagues on Facebook can provide many benefits:

  • Foster better relationships through casual social interactions.
  • Discover common interests through shared posts, photos, and events.
  • Receive updates about company news, promotions, policies, and changes.
  • Feel more engaged, included, and informed as part of the team.
  • Build professional connections that can enhance your career and future opportunities.


Adding your workplace to Facebook lets you enjoy the social advantages of connecting with coworkers without oversharing your personal life. Take advantage of privacy settings, limit employer posts, organize friend lists, and consider a separate work account. With some thoughtful effort, you can find the right balance for you.