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How secret is Facebook Dating?

How secret is Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating launched in the United States in 2019 as a new way for people to find romantic matches through Facebook’s platform. The feature allows users to create a separate dating profile within Facebook and potentially match with friends of friends or strangers with similar interests.

Some key questions about Facebook Dating are:

Is my Facebook Dating profile visible to all my Facebook friends?

No, your Facebook Dating profile is not visible to your Facebook friends unless you choose to match with them. When you set up your Facebook Dating profile, you have the option to select friends you are interested in matching with. However, your friends will not see your dating profile or know you’ve selected them unless they have also added you to their Secret Crush list.

Can people outside my specified age and location preferences see my dating profile?

No, your Facebook Dating profile and preferences are only visible to others within the age range and location radius you set in your profile settings. Facebook will only show your profile to potential matches that meet your criteria.

Does Facebook notify my matches when I delete our conversation thread?

No, if you choose to delete a conversation thread with one of your Facebook Dating matches, they will not receive a notification. The conversation will simply disappear from your messaging inbox and theirs.

Can I prevent people I’m friends with on Facebook from seeing my dating profile?

Yes, you have full control over who can see your Facebook Dating profile. Friends of friends, friends of people you’ve matched with, and strangers within your preferences may see your profile. But you can block any specific Facebook friends from viewing your dating profile or being suggested as potential matches.

What personal information does Facebook Dating access?

Facebook Dating utilizes information and preferences from your main Facebook profile to create your dating profile and suggest potential matches. Here is some of the data Facebook Dating can access:

– Your first name and age
– Your location and hometown
– Your photos and photo albums
– Your interests and pages you follow
– Your education and work history
– Your relationship status
– Your shared friends and mutual interests with others
– Your dating preferences like age range, location radius, height, religion, etc.

However, your last name, email address, and specific birthday remain private. Your dating profile is also separate from your normal Facebook profile and not visible to your friends unless you choose to match with them.

How does Facebook Dating protect user privacy?

Facebook Dating takes a few measures to keep your dating information private and secure:

Separate section within Facebook app

Facebook Dating profiles exist within a separate section of the Facebook mobile app. You need to opt-in to the dating section to create a profile.

End-to-end encryption for messages

Messages sent within Facebook Dating utilize end-to-end encryption. This means the messages can only be viewed by the sender and recipient, and not by Facebook itself.

No ads based on dating profile data

Facebook states that it does not use your dating profile data to target ads. You may still see ads, but they should not be based on who you are interested in dating.

Verification of real names

Facebook Dating requires users to verify their identity by entering their real first and last name. This helps reduce fake profiles and catfishing attempts.

Reporting options

You can easily report inappropriate messages, profiles, photos, or other dating activity that violates Facebook’s terms. Reporting helps remove bad actors from the dating service.

What data does Facebook collect from Facebook Dating?

While Facebook Dating does not share your dating profile and messages outside of matched users, Facebook does collect some aggregate data about how the dating feature gets used. This includes metrics like:

– Number of dating profiles created
– Percentage of users matched
– Number of messages sent
– Amount of time spent in the dating section

Facebook claims this data helps them improve the dating product features and user experience. The company says it does not sell or share user-level dating data with third parties.

Can I see the data Facebook has collected about my dating profile and usage?

Yes, you can view the information Facebook has gathered regarding your personal dating profile and activity. Here are the steps:

1. Go to your Facebook Settings.
2. Select “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu.
3. Choose “Download your Information” on the next page.
4. Deselect all categories except “Dating Profile and Messages.”
5. Enter your password to request the download of your dating data.

This will compile all the dating profile info, messages, matches, and usage data that Facebook has collected about your dating activities into a downloadable file. You can then see exactly what information Facebook retains related to your dating use.


Facebook Dating provides a convenient way to potentially find love through a platform many people already use daily. But users rightly have concerns about privacy when engaging in sensitive activities like dating online.

Facebook does make some effort to keep your dating profile and messages private from the rest of your Facebook activities. However, the company still collects and retains data about your dating use to supposedly improve the product. If you use Facebook Dating, it’s important to understand what information you are sharing with the company and your level of comfort with that data collection.