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How safe is Facebook video call?

How safe is Facebook video call?

Facebook video calling allows users to make video calls to friends and family through the Facebook app on their smartphones, tablets or computers. With over 2 billion users, Facebook is one of the most popular platforms for online communication. However, as with any online technology, there are concerns around the privacy and security of Facebook video calls.

Is Facebook video call encrypted?

Yes, Facebook video calls are encrypted. This means the video and audio content of the calls are secured and cannot be accessed by outside parties. Here are some key facts about encryption of Facebook calls:

  • Facebook uses the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) to encrypt video calls end-to-end.
  • This is an industry standard protocol that also used by apps like WhatsApp.
  • The encryption keys are unique to each call and regularly changed.
  • This prevents third parties from accessing call data even if they manage to intercept it.
  • Group calls with up to 8 participants are also encrypted in the same manner.

So in summary, Facebook employs strong encryption measures to protect the privacy of your video calls.

Can Facebook access your video calls?

No, Facebook cannot access the contents of your encrypted video calls. Here’s why:

  • The encryption keys used for the calls are generated on the user’s device, not Facebook’s servers.
  • These keys are never transmitted to Facebook or stored on its servers.
  • Without the encryption keys, Facebook cannot decrypt the contents of your video calls.
  • Facebook’s privacy policy states it does not access your calls unless required by law.

The only information Facebook can see is some metadata like the identities of the participants and call times. But the actual audio/video contents remain inaccessible to them.

Are Facebook video calls safe from hackers?

Hackers are unlikely to be able to access your Facebook calls due to the strong encryption used. However, there are some hypothetical risks to be aware of:

  • A hacker could gain access to one of the devices being used for the call and view/record the video.
  • They could try a “man-in-the-middle” attack by intercepting the traffic, but would be unable to decrypt it.
  • There is a very minor risk of weaknesses in the encryption being exploited.

That said, Facebook’s infrastructure has top-grade security measures to prevent breaches. And there are no known instances of Facebook calls being hacked. So it remains one of the most secure platforms for video calling available today.

Does Facebook store your call data?

No, Facebook has asserted that they do not store the contents of your video calls on their servers. Here are some key facts:

  • They only retain call logs and metadata for up to 30 days after a call.
  • This includes data like call participants, time and duration.
  • The call contents like video, audio and texts are not stored.
  • This data is kept encrypted and discarded after 30 days.

Of course, if a call is reported for illegal activity, Facebook may retain associated data to investigate it further. But otherwise, your actual call data is not stored long-term.

Can you video call non-Facebook users?

Yes, Facebook allows you to make video calls to people who don’t have Facebook accounts. Here’s how it works:

  • The call initiator must have the other person’s phone number stored in their Facebook contacts.
  • The recipient will get a link via SMS to join the call.
  • They can tap the link to open the call in their browser without needing a Facebook account.
  • This works for both individual and group video calls.

So people without Facebook can easily participate in your calls. The process is quick and secure.

What privacy risks are there?

Here are some potential privacy risks to keep in mind with Facebook calls:

  • Facebook collects metadata like identities, numbers, locations and call times.
  • Your contacts’ info is used to enable video calls.
  • Calls made on the Facebook website may allow Facebook to collect additional data.
  • The mobile app has access to camera, microphone and contacts.
  • Facebook’s privacy policy allows data sharing with third parties.

However, Facebook states that they do not access or listen to your call contents. The main privacy concern is around metadata collection and contacts access rather than the calls themselves.

How does it compare to WhatsApp, FaceTime and others?

Here is how Facebook video calling compares to some other popular apps in terms of security:

Facebook WhatsApp FaceTime Skype
End-to-end encryption Yes Yes Yes Some calls
Call data collected Metadata only Metadata only Metadata only Metadata + contents
Can third parties access data? No No No Yes

In summary:

  • Facebook offers end-to-end encryption like WhatsApp and FaceTime.
  • It collects similar metadata but does not store call contents.
  • Facebook calls have strong security protections against third parties.
  • Skype offers less security as it can access call data in some cases.

So Facebook is comparable to the top apps in terms of call privacy and encryption.

Should you use Facebook Messenger instead?

Facebook Messenger also offers end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls. Here’s how Messenger compares:

  • Messenger calls are encrypted just like Facebook video calls.
  • Both apps use the same infrastructure and protocols.
  • Messenger allows messaging alongside calls.
  • The Facebook app has bigger windows for video calls.
  • Messenger allows ephemeral messages that disappear.

In summary, Facebook Messenger offers no major security advantages over built-in Facebook calls. The choice comes down to whether you prefer messaging and smaller call windows (Messenger) or a more dedicated calling experience (Facebook app).

Tips to enhance privacy

Here are some tips to further protect your privacy when making Facebook video calls:

  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication on your account.
  • Review Facebook’s privacy settings and disable any unnecessary data collection.
  • Make calls only from private locations where you can control who hears you.
  • Don’t discuss highly sensitive topics in case of unforeseen vulnerabilities.
  • Limit call participants to only people you know and trust.
  • Avoid accessing Facebook from public computers or networks.
  • Install reputed antivirus software to prevent malware or spyware issues.


Facebook certainly takes privacy and security seriously when it comes to video calls. The use of end-to-end encryption, limited data retention, and strong infrastructure provides a high level of protection for your calls.

Of course, there are always inherent risks any time you communicate online. However, Facebook video calling is comparable to industry leaders in terms of safety precautions taken. With sensible privacy practices, users can reap the benefits of this convenient communication option without undue exposure of their data.