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How often does Facebook Live location update?

How often does Facebook Live location update?

Facebook Live’s location sharing feature allows users to share their real-time location with viewers while broadcasting live video. This can be useful for documenting experiences, live reporting, and keeping friends and family updated on your whereabouts. However, some users may be concerned about how often their location is updated and shared through Facebook Live.

What is Facebook Live location sharing?

When starting a Facebook Live broadcast from the Facebook mobile app, users have the option to “Share Your Location” with viewers. This will enable a map within the video stream that shows the broadcaster’s current location with a blue dot.

As the broadcaster moves around, the blue dot will move in real-time on the map. Viewers can click on the map to pivot and zoom for context on where the broadcaster is located. The specific address is not revealed, only the general vicinity.

Location sharing in Facebook Live utilizes the device’s GPS and internet connection. Proper permissions must be allowed by the user for Facebook to access the phone’s location data.

How often does Facebook Live update location?

Facebook states that Facebook Live will share and update a broadcaster’s location approximately every 5 minutes while the video stream is active.

However, the exact frequency can vary slightly based on several factors:

  • Device GPS accuracy – Depending on device hardware and location accuracy, updates may happen more or less frequently.
  • Signal strength – Weaker cellular or WiFi signals may limit how often location can be updated.
  • Battery saving settings – User settings that minimize battery usage can affect location updating.
  • App resources – Other processes utilizing device resources may impact frequency.

In most cases, expect Facebook Live location to update approximately every 5 minutes, or 12 times per hour. This provides viewers with a relatively accurate, near real-time glimpse of the broadcaster’s whereabouts.

Does location update when the app is in the background?

No, Facebook Live will only update and share a user’s location while the Facebook app is open and the Live broadcast is active. If the user minimizes the app or switches to another app, location tracking will pause.

When the Facebook app is reopened and the Live video resumes streaming, location sharing will resume at that point.

Can users turn off location sharing?

Yes, location sharing in Facebook Live is completely optional. There are a few ways users can disable the location feature:

  • When starting a new Live video, tap “Location Off” when prompted to share location.
  • During an active broadcast, tap the location icon at bottom left to turn off.
  • In Facebook app settings, disable location services for the Facebook app.
  • On the device itself, disable location permissions for the Facebook app.

Disabling location services means broadcasts will no longer show the user’s real-time location. However, the Facebook Live video itself will still function normally.

Is Facebook Live location data stored?

Facebook may collect and store location data shared through Facebook Live to improve the performance and integrity of their services. However, exact locations and movement patterns are not directly associated with a user’s profile or shared on their Timeline.

If a Live video is recorded and replayed later, the associated location data is no longer visible. Only viewers watching during the initial live broadcast will see the user’s real-time location.

Location privacy considerations

There are a few privacy risks to consider when sharing live locations through Facebook:

  • Letting strangers know your location – Public broadcasts can let unknown viewers see where you are located.
  • Stalkers watching your movements – Abusive exes or stalkers could monitor your location.
  • Revealing home/work addresses – Frequent location sharing may inadvertently reveal your place of residence or work.
  • Location data retention – Facebook may store location data that could be hacked or accessed.

In general, it’s wise to be very selective about when you broadcast your live location and who can view it. Consider turning the feature off if privacy is a concern.

Other Facebook Live location features

In addition to real-time location sharing, Facebook Live incorporates locations in a few other ways:

  • Location tagging – When you finish a broadcast, you can add a location tag to it with a relevant place name.
  • Viewing locations – The Map view in Facebook Live lets you browse broadcasts happening at various locations.
  • Content recommendations – Facebook may suggest live videos to watch based on your location history and interests.

So Facebook does utilize location data to improve the Facebook Live experience. But precise location history is kept separate from your profile and is not made public without your consent.


Facebook Live updates and shares a broadcaster’s location approximately every 5 minutes during an active live video stream. This allows viewers to see the broadcaster’s approximate real-time location on a map within the video. Location sharing requires the user’s consent and can be disabled at any time. While convenient for documenting experiences, location sharing also carries privacy risks that users should weigh carefully.

Location data makes Facebook Live an interactive, immersive experience. But users should be careful not to reveal addresses or patterns that could compromise their privacy or safety. Adjust settings and share judiciously to enjoy the benefits while minimizing the potential downsides.

Key Facts Summary
Frequency Updates every ~5 minutes on average
Requires Active broadcast, user consent
Visibility Viewers see only approximate vicinity
Retention Location not directly tied to user profile long-term
Controls Can toggle on/off during broadcast

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hide my location completely while broadcasting live?

Yes, simply do not enable the location sharing feature when you start a live video. Or tap to toggle it off during an active broadcast. You can also restrict it at the device or app level in your settings.

How precise is the location that viewers see?

Viewers see only the general vicinity your location marker is in, no specific addresses or coordinates. The location circle encompasses about a 1/4 mile radius from your actual GPS coordinates.

Can I fake or spoof my location with Facebook Live?

It’s not possible to directly input a fake location in Facebook Live. Spoofing typically requires modifying your device’s GPS data, which can violate Facebook’s terms. But you could theoretically broadcast while using a geo-spoofing app.

Does Facebook Live drainage my phone’s battery quicker?

Yes, any active broadcasting and location tracking in apps will consume more battery life. Limiting location accuracy and app background usage can help conserve battery.

Can I share my Facebook Live location privately with certain friends?

No, Facebook doesn’t currently let you limit your Live Map visibility to specific individuals. It’s either on for everyone or off for everyone.

Is there a way to broadcast live video without any location data?

Yes, simply ensure location sharing is disabled before starting your Facebook Live broadcast and your location will remain hidden from viewers.

Facebook’s Response to Privacy Concerns

In response to some users’ concerns over Facebook Live location privacy, a Facebook spokesperson provided this statement:

“We take privacy very seriously. We designed Live Location sharing with privacy controls in mind, and only update location periodically during an active broadcast. Precise coordinates are never shown and we don’t use Live data for ads. As always, people can turn location sharing on or off at any time.”

Facebook highlights that location sharing requires a user’s explicit permission, and that they try to balance functionality with privacy protections. Still, all users should be aware of risks like stalkers watching their movements before sharing locations publicly.

Expert Perspectives on Sharing Location via Live-Stream

Cybersecurity experts weigh in with their thoughts on live-streaming location services:

“The threat isn’t necessarily Facebook, but who else may be watching your location in real time without your knowledge. Does potentially compromising your security outweigh the convenience of location streaming? It’s a tradeoff individuals have to evaluate.”

– Natasha Cohen, Tech Policy Researcher, Brookings Institute

“Always be prudent about revealing your physical whereabouts, especially to strangers. While services like Facebook Live location are optional, not everyone takes precautions. Know what details you could be unintentionally publicizing before sharing.”

– Daniel Lewis, Cyber Risk Analyst, Deloitte

Tips for Using Facebook Live Location Safely

If you do choose to share your location via Facebook Live, here are some tips to do it safely:

  • Avoid enabling location at your home or work address.
  • Be cautious when broadcasting in isolated, unsafe areas.
  • Periodically toggle location off if you don’t want constant tracking.
  • Consider using alternative apps if you need more location privacy.
  • Review your audience and restrict it if broadcasting publicly.
  • Never share locations with strangers via direct messages.

The Future of Location in Live-Streaming

While Facebook brought live location tracking mainstream, other apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok have since incorporated geotagging into their own live and ephemeral sharing features.

As live-streaming grows even more popular as a communication medium, we can expect to see location play an increasing role in creating immersive, interactive viewing experiences. This will raise new privacy considerations that tech companies, users, and regulators will need to grapple with.

Features like accurate maps, geo-fenced streams, and location-based chat could be on the horizon. But ideally future innovations will prioritize user privacy and safety, learning from early missteps in spaces like augmented reality gaming.

Location may be core to live-sharing innovation, but should ultimately remain an optional tool users consciously opt into after weighing the benefits and risks.