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How much will I get from the Facebook privacy settlement?

How much will I get from the Facebook privacy settlement?

In 2022, Facebook agreed to pay $90 million to settle a lawsuit over claims that it violated users’ privacy by tracking their activities online without permission. As part of the settlement, some Facebook users may be eligible for a payment. Here are quick answers to common questions about the Facebook privacy settlement:

What is the Facebook privacy lawsuit about?

The lawsuit alleges that Facebook illegally tracked and collected data on users’ internet activity even when they were logged out of Facebook. This includes tracking users’ visits to external websites that have Facebook integrations such as the “Like” or “Share” buttons.

Who is eligible for a payment?

The settlement class includes all Facebook users located in the United States who between April 22, 2010 and September 26, 2022 logged into Facebook and visited non-Facebook websites that displayed the Facebook “Like” button.

How much will individual payments be?

The final individual payment amounts have not yet been determined, as they will depend on how many class members file valid claims. However, early estimates predict individuals may receive between $200 to $400 each. The final payment amount will be calculated after the claims period ends on September 22, 2023.

How can I file a claim?

If you are a class member, you can submit a claim by going to the Facebook privacy settlement website and submitting a claim form online. The website is The deadline to file a claim is September 22, 2023.

What information do I need to provide to file a claim?

To file a claim, you will need to provide your name, mailing address, email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account, and the email address or phone numbers associated with any other accounts you had during the claims period from April 2010 through September 2022.

When will I get my payment?

The final hearing to approve the settlement is scheduled for October 27, 2023. If the court approves the settlement, payments will likely be mailed or electronically distributed within 2-3 months after that, estimated early 2024.

What are the payment methods?

According to the settlement website, payments will be made either by check via standard mail or electronically by Paypal, Venmo, or direct deposits. For electronic payments, you will need to provide the necessary payment account information so payments can be transferred.

What happens if I don’t file a claim on time?

If you fail to file claim by the deadline of September 22, 2023, you will lose your right to receive any payment under this settlement. There will be no second chance to opt-in after the deadline.

Do I need to prove the way I used Facebook to get a payment?

No, you do not need to provide any documentation or proof about how you used Facebook or how often you were logged in. Facebook’s records will be used to verify and calculate each payment amount. Filing a simple claim form is all that is required.

What am I giving up by participating in the settlement?

If you file a claim or do nothing, you give up your right to separately sue Facebook for violations related to the illegal tracking of user activity online that is alleged in this case. This includes giving up rights to participate in any other lawsuit against Facebook about the “Like” button tracking.

Can I opt out of the settlement?

Yes, you can opt out of the settlement if you do not wish to be legally bound by it. The deadline to opt out is September 22, 2023. If you opt out, you give up the right to receive any payment, but you keep your right to separately sue Facebook over the issues in the lawsuit.

Who are the lawyers representing class members?

The Court has appointed lawyers from two law firms – Edelson PC and Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP – to collectively represent the class members. You do not have to pay these lawyers out of pocket. They will request to be paid from the settlement fund.

How will the lawyers be paid?

The court will determine how much the class counsel lawyers will be paid for their legal services. The lawyers will request up to 20% of the $90 million settlement fund (approximately $18 million) plus reimbursement for their litigation expenses. The fees and expenses awarded to the lawyers will be paid out of the settlement fund.


The Facebook privacy settlement provides payments to users as compensation for alleged privacy violations related to Facebook tracking internet usage and activity without consent. Eligible class members can expect to receive between $200 to $400, if they timely submit valid claim forms before the September 2023 deadline. Payments are expected in early 2024 after the settlement is approved. For more information and to file a claim, go to the official settlement website at

Details on the Facebook Privacy Settlement

Background of the Lawsuit

In 2018, Facebook users filed a class action lawsuit in federal court in California, alleging that Facebook violated privacy laws by tracking users’ internet browsing activity even when logged out of Facebook. This included tracking which external websites users visited that had Facebook services like the “Like” and “Share” buttons installed. The plaintiffs claim this tracking occurred without users’ knowledge or consent, allowing Facebook to gather valuable data and analytics to improve ad targeting capabilities.

The basis of the lawsuit are claims that Facebook violated the California Invasion of Privacy Act (“CIPA”) and the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”). These laws require consent before collecting and using certain personal data of consumers. The lawsuit seeks to stop Facebook’s tracking practices and recover damages for the alleged privacy violations.

Settlement Terms

To resolve the lawsuit, Facebook agreed to a settlement requiring:

  • Payment of $90 million into a settlement fund to compensate affected users
  • Increased transparency about how Facebook handles user data in the future
  • Deletion of certain historical web browsing data of users logged out of Facebook

If approved by the court, the settlement will resolve claims of the millions of class members regarding Facebook’s unauthorized tracking and collection of their data from 2010 through 2022.

Who is Included?

The settlement class includes all persons located in the United States who logged in and used Facebook between April 22, 2010 and September 26, 2022 and who visited non-Facebook websites displaying Facebook’s “Like” button.

Payment Details

The $90 million fund will be used to make payments to class members who submit valid claims. The amount each person receives will depend on how many claims are filed. Early estimates predict individual payments around $200 to $400.

Payment methods will include:

  • Paper checks sent through regular mail
  • Digital payments through PayPal, Venmo and direct deposits

How to File a Claim

To receive a payment, class members must complete and submit a valid Claim Form online or by mail by 9/22/2023. Claim Forms can be found and submitted at the settlement website:

Basic information like name, contact info, and Facebook account details needs to be provided on the Claim Form. Supporting documents are not required.

Opting Out

Class members who don’t want to participate in the settlement have until 9/22/2023 to opt out by submitting an Opt-Out Request. Those who properly opt out will not receive a payment, but keep their rights to file their own lawsuit against Facebook over these privacy issues.

Key Dates

Date Event
September 2023 Claim Form Deadline (exact date TBD)
September 2023 Opt-Out and Objection Deadline (exact date TBD)
October 27, 2023 Final Approval Hearing
Early 2024 Payments Expected if Court Approves Settlement

How Payments Are Calculated

The settlement administrator will calculate each class member’s payment according to a formula that accounts for:

  • The total number of valid claims filed
  • The total amount available in the settlement fund after deducting court-approved fees and expenses
  • The class member’s Facebook activity and use during the claims period

The formula uses multipliers based on each user’s Facebook tenure and frequency of logging in to account for differences in potential tracking exposure. Class members do not have to provide proof of how they used Facebook or how often. Facebook’s own user data and activity records will be used to assess these factors and calculate payments.

Here is a breakdown of the categories and corresponding multipliers:

Category Multiplier
Class members with 0-2 years on Facebook 1x
Class members with 3-4 years on Facebook 2x
Class members with 5-6 years on Facebook 3x
Class members with 7-8 years on Facebook 4x
Class members with 9-10 years on Facebook 5x
Class members with 11+ years on Facebook 6x

And here are the multipliers based on users’ login frequency:

Login Frequency Multiplier
Class members who logged in less than once per week 1x
Class members who logged in 1-3 times per week 2x
Class members who logged in 4-6 times per week 3x
Class members who logged in daily 4x

Each class member’s multiplier will be calculated by combining their tenure and login frequency multipliers. For example, a user with 5 years on Facebook who logged in daily would have a multiplier of 3 x 4 = 12x.

The base payment amount will be determined by taking the total settlement fund amount, subtracting court-approved fees and costs, and dividing the remainder by the total combined multipliers of all class members who submit valid claims. Each claimant’s final payment is calculated by multiplying the base amount by their combined individual multiplier.


The Facebook privacy settlement provides long-awaited compensation to users potentially impacted by Facebook’s questionable tracking practices and use of private data. Affected individuals who timely file claims can expect to receive comparable payments in the range of a few hundred dollars each. The exact amount per person remains dependent on the total number and value of approved claims. By following the claim filing procedures and meeting the 2023 deadline, class members can secure their fair share of this significant $90 million settlement fund.