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How much watch time required for Facebook page monetization?

How much watch time required for Facebook page monetization?

Facebook watch time requirements have become an increasingly important metric for content creators and publishers looking to monetize their content on the platform. With Facebook emphasizing watch time for determining video distribution and monetization eligibility, understanding the specifics around watch time requirements is key for any creator hoping to earn money from their videos on Facebook.

In this article, we’ll break down exactly how much watch time is needed on Facebook before a page or creator can monetize their content. We’ll look at the evolution of Facebook’s watch time requirements, how watch time translates to ad breaks and earnings, and strategies creators can use to increase watch time and meet monetization goals.

Watch Time Requirements for Facebook Monetization

Here are the key watch time requirements creators must meet in order to monetize content on Facebook:

  • 600,000 1-minute views in total across all videos in the past 60 days
  • 5 or more active video uploads in the past 60 days
  • 300,000 3-second views in the past 60 days for music video content

These watch time requirements apply to both Facebook Pages and individual creator profiles. They include both organic and paid video views.

Importantly, the views do not have to come from a single video. Facebook counts total watch time across all qualifying video content published to the Page or profile in question.

Evolution of Facebook Watch Time Requirements

Facebook’s watch time requirements have evolved over time.

When Facebook first launched its video monetization products in 2017, Pages needed just 400,000 1-minute views in the previous month to monetize. By 2020, Facebook raised the threshold to 600,000 1-minute views over 60 days.

Facebook has said these watch time requirements are meant to ensure creators have an engaged audience before they can start earning money. The idea is that meeting a certain watch time threshold demonstrates creator content is resonating with viewers.

Of course, the requirement also serves Facebook’s broader goal of keeping users engaged on the platform for longer. Especially as short-form video platforms like TikTok have risen in popularity, Facebook wants to incentivize creators to publish content that drives more time spent watching.

How Watch Time Translates to Monetization

Once a Page or creator meets the watch time requirements, how does that translate to actual monetization?

Watch time unlocks the ability to run video ads and thus earn revenue. However, the amount of revenue earned depends on additional factors beyond pure watch time.

Unlocking Mid-roll Ads Based on Watch Time

The biggest way watch time translates into money is by making a video eligible to show mid-roll ads.

Mid-roll ads play during natural breaks in the video, as opposed to at the beginning. Research shows mid-roll ads have among the highest view-through rates compared to pre-roll and display ads.

Facebook will place a mid-roll ad break at the 3-minute mark of videos 8 minutes or longer. For videos from 4 to 7 minutes, a single mid-roll ad can be placed at 2 minutes in.

So by meeting the 1-minute watch time requirements, creators unlock the ability to place more mid-roll ads the longer their videos are. This means more opportunities to earn revenue.

Watch Time and Video Distribution

Beyond ads, watch time also impacts how widely Facebook distributes creator content. Videos with high view durations and completion rates get shown more prominently in feeds.

So accumulate lots of watch time helps creators reach larger audiences and get more organic views, which translates to higher earning potential.

Revenue Based on Individual Video Performance

Watch time alone does not determine how much money a creator earns on each video. The amount of revenue depends on factors like:

  • CPC rates: Cost per click rates for ads vary based on targeting and competition.
  • Clickthrough rates: How often viewers click on mid-roll ads placed on a given video.
  • Video length: Longer videos allow more mid-roll ads.

So while watch time opens up monetization opportunities, creators ultimately get paid based on real ad performance data for each video.

Strategies to Increase Watch Time

Looking to meet the 600,000 1-minute views in 60 days threshold and start earning? Here are some best practices to accumulate lots of watch time:

Produce Longer Videos

It may seem counterintuitive, but longer videos tend to have higher average view durations. Facebook has said videos over 5 minutes long make up a disproportionate percentage of total watch time on the platform.

Aim to create videos lasting over 5 minutes whenever the content allows for it. Pack videos with plenty of information, commentary and entertainment to keep viewers interested.

Optimize Clickworthy Titles and Thumbnails

Compelling titles and custom thumbnails attract more clicks and signal to Facebook the video is engaging. Make sure titles clearly convey the content of the video and pique viewer curiosity.

The same goes for custom thumbnails – choose images representative of the content that will stand out in feeds.

Promote Videos Across Other Platforms

Don’t limit video promotion to Facebook itself. Cross-promote videos on other channels – your Instagram page, YouTube channel, email newsletter list, etc.

Driving external traffic to your Facebook videos can significantly boost views and watch time. Include links to your Facebook videos in relevant social posts, emails, website content, and more.

Publish Consistently

Consistency and frequent uploads are key signals to Facebook’s algorithm. Make sure to maintain a consistent publishing schedule, whether it’s daily, multiple times per week, or weekly.

Consistent posting over time will ensure you have a large library of videos contributing watch time toward monetization.

Engage Viewers Throughout the Video

Keep viewers watching by sprinkling interactive elements throughout long videos. Things like:
– Polls
– Quizzes
– Questions
– Graphics with instructions (e.g. “comment below which you prefer!”)
– Real-time reactions to viewer comments

Periods of pure lecture/discussion without variation risk losing viewer interest. Interactive moments distributed through the video re-engage audiences.

Analyze and Improve

Check out the Facebook Insights data on your past videos to identify strategies working well. Look at:

  • Average % viewed:
  • How much of your videos does the average viewer watch?

  • Drop-off points:
  • Second-by-second graph showing where viewers drop off

  • Peak watch times:
  • When the most viewing happens

Use these insights to tweak your approach over time. Double down on tactics that drive more complete views.


Facebook’s watch time requirements have matured over the years to prioritize meaningful engagement between creators and audiences.

While the 600,000 1-minute views in 60 days threshold may seem daunting initially, any creator can get there through persistence, optimizing video strategy, and cross-promoting content.

Meeting the watch time requirements opens up access to all the monetization tools Facebook has to offer – and maintaining high view durations and completion rates will serve creators well into the future as the platform continues to evolve.

Focus on watch time not just as a metric to unlock monetization, but as an indicator of creating content your audience truly loves.