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How much to expect from Facebook settlement?

How much to expect from Facebook settlement?

In mid-2022, Facebook agreed to pay $90 million to settle a lawsuit that alleged it used facial recognition technology without user consent. This settlement covers Facebook users in Illinois who appeared in a photo on the platform between 2011 and 2015. Here’s what Facebook users need to know about the settlement and how much they can expect to receive.

Who is eligible for a payout?

The settlement covers Facebook users located in Illinois for whom Facebook created and stored a face template after June 7, 2011. To be eligible, you must have appeared in at least one photo that was uploaded to Facebook between 2011 and 2015 and didn’t have your facial recognition setting turned off.

How much will individual users get?

The $90 million settlement fund will be distributed equally among all eligible claimants in Illinois after any court-approved fees are deducted. Based on the number of potential claimants, estimates indicate each person could receive between $200 and $400. However, the final amount per person could be higher or lower depending on how many claims are submitted.

How can I file a claim?

A claims website is now open at To file a claim, you’ll need to provide your name, contact information, and Facebook username or email address. You’ll also need to verify your identity by submitting a copy of a government-issued ID. Claims can be submitted online or via mail until November 23, 2023.

When will checks be mailed?

Payments likely won’t go out until mid-2024 or later. First, the court will hold a final approval hearing on January 13, 2023. After that, there will be a claims period for class members to submit claims. Once the claims deadline passes, a settlement administrator will review all claims and calculate payment amounts. Checks or electronic payments will be issued after the court authorizes distribution.

What if someone objects to the settlement?

Class members have the right to object to the settlement if they disagree with any of its terms. Written objections must be filed with the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois by December 23, 2022. You may also appear at the final approval hearing to state your objection. If the court rejects the settlement, no payments will be issued and the litigation will resume.

Can I opt out of the settlement?

Yes, class members have the right to exclude themselves from the settlement. If you opt out, you won’t receive a payment but you preserve the right to file your own lawsuit against Facebook. Requests for exclusion must be submitted online or postmarked by December 23, 2022. Instructions for opting out are available at

What claims does this settlement cover?

This settlement resolves claims that Facebook’s facial recognition technology violated Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). It covers all claims arising out of Facebook’s alleged unauthorized collection, storage, and use of biometric data from photos uploaded in Illinois between 2011 and 2015. However, it does not impact other potential legal claims you may have against Facebook.

What if I have more questions?

Complete details about the settlement and how to file a claim are available at You can also call the Settlement Administrator at 1-844-799-2417 or email [email protected]. For advice about your legal rights and options, consult your own attorney.

This Illinois Facebook settlement provides compensation to users for alleged privacy violations involving facial recognition technology. While the payments may not amount to much per person, the case highlights the importance of scrutinizing how tech companies like Facebook use biometric data. Looking ahead, it’s likely we’ll see more litigation and settlements related to biometrics and privacy.

Table 1: Key Details on Illinois Facebook Facial Recognition Settlement

Settlement Fund $90 million
Estimated Individual Payment $200 – $400
Eligible Class Members Facebook users located in Illinois who appeared in photos uploaded to Facebook from June 2011 to September 2015
Claims Deadline November 23, 2023
Final Approval Hearing January 13, 2023
Payment Distribution Mid-to-late 2024 (estimated)

Table 2: Timeline of Key Dates

June 2011 Start of class period when Facebook began using facial recognition without consent in Illinois
September 2015 End of class period when Facebook changed its facial recognition practices
April 2015 Lawsuit alleging BIPA violations filed in Illinois on behalf of Facebook users
February 2022 $90 million settlement reached
July 2022 Preliminary settlement approval granted by court
September 2022 Notice of settlement sent to class members
December 23, 2022 Deadline for exclusions and objections
January 13, 2023 Final approval hearing
November 23, 2023 Claims filing deadline
Mid-to-late 2024 Settlement payments distributed (estimated)