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How much should I charge to set up a Facebook page?

How much should I charge to set up a Facebook page?

Determining how much to charge for setting up a Facebook business page is not always straightforward. Facebook pages have become an essential marketing tool for businesses of all sizes, but the time and effort involved in setting up and managing a page can vary significantly depending on the business, industry, and goals. As a freelance social media manager or consultant, you’ll need to consider several factors when deciding your fees for Facebook page setup and maintenance.

Consider Your Expertise and Experience

As with any service pricing, you should take into account your background and skills. If you have extensive experience setting up and optimizing Facebook pages for clients across various industries, you can justify charging higher rates. Less experienced beginners may want to charge less as they build up their portfolio and expertise. Review examples of your past Facebook page work and testimonials when determining a competitive rate.

Factor in Your Location

Your geographic location can impact how you price Facebook page services. Those operating in major metro areas like New York City or San Francisco can typically charge more compared to smaller cities and rural areas. However, you can offer remote services to clients across the country. Take a look at the rates of other freelancers in your locality when pricing your services.

Evaluate the Business Type and Industry

Some businesses and industries naturally warrant higher fees for Facebook page creation. Large corporations often have bigger marketing budgets compared to small businesses. And companies in competitive industries like retail and real estate may be willing to pay more for a robust Facebook presence. Evaluate each client’s specific needs and set fees accordingly.

Consider the Page’s Purpose

A simple Facebook page informing customers about business hours and contact info will be less intensive to set up than a page built for lead generation and sales. Factor in the goals and purpose of the page when pricing your work. Pages focused on promotions and e-commerce may involve extra features like tabs, shops, lead ads, and Messenger integration. These extras will increase the setup and management time required.

Estimate the Initial Setup Time Needed

Consider how long it will take to fully optimize and configure the client’s Facebook page based on their business needs and goals. Activities may include:
– Planning the page layout and structure
– Conducting initial keyword research and competitive analysis
– Creating engaging page content including the About section, posts, photos, videos, etc.
– Incorporating lead generation elements like contact forms or Messenger bots
– Setting up conversion tracking
– Configuring ads or shop features if needed
– Testing and quality checking the final page

Track the hours involved for each task when first providing this service. This will help you accurately estimate costs for future clients.

Factor in Ongoing Management Time

Most clients will expect some level of ongoing Facebook page management after the initial setup. Consider how much time you’ll need to spend on:
– Monitoring comments and messages
– Creating and scheduling regular new posts
– Engaging followers
– Running and optimizing ads
– Generating performance reports for the client
– Making ongoing enhancements and updates

Some clients may want daily page management, while others may only require a few hours per week or month. Your fees should take into account the level of effort required.

Compare Packages Offered by Competitors

Research the service packages and rates charged by freelancers and agencies offering similar Facebook page services in your area or niche. Compare their offerings to what you plan to provide. This can help you stay competitive while still earning a profit. You may be able to justify a higher rate if you provide added value like ad management or reporting.

Consider Bundling Services

Rather than pricing Facebook page setup as a standalone service, consider bundling it with other social media platform setups. For example, offer bundled packages for startup accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This provides more value for the client while maximizing your earnings.

Use Price Ranges

To remain flexible based on clients’ needs, consider providing price ranges or customized quotes rather than fixed pricing. For example:
– Basic Page Setup: $500 – $1,000
– Standard Page Setup: $1,000 – $2,000
– Premium Page Setup: $2,000 – $3,500

You can then quickly assess each new client’s needs and provide a specific quote rather than being locked into rigid pricing tiers.

Charge Hourly or By Project

Some freelancers bill Facebook page setup services by the hour, such as $50 per hour. This ensures you get paid fairly for exactly how much time you invest. However, clients often prefer the predictability of a fixed project rate. Determine an hourly rate you are comfortable with, estimate total hours, and provide a project quote. You may need to gather details on the client’s business and goals first to provide an accurate quote.

Consider Offering Retainers

For ongoing Facebook page management, monthly retainers often make sense for both provider and client. The client pays a fixed monthly fee that guarantees a set number of management hours or services from you. This provides them with predictable costs and gives you a steady stream of revenue. When pricing monthly retainers, look at the expected workload and multiply your hourly rate accordingly.

Avoid Undercharging

When first establishing your pricing, you may feel tempted to set very low rates to attract clients quickly. Avoid significantly undercutting competitors or undervaluing your own work. Otherwise, you’ll constantly need to take on more clients just to earn a decent income. Price competitively but within range of experienced freelancers providing similar services.

Review and Adjust Pricing as Needed

Your ideal rates when starting out may differ from your pricing after gaining experience and a strong portfolio. Review your pricing annually or when you reach milestones like 50 or 100 completed projects. Increase rates gradually over time to account for your added expertise. But keep rates aligned with freelancers at your experience level.

Sample Pricing for Facebook Page Setup

Based on the factors above, here are some pricing examples for initial Facebook page setup services:

Package Services Included Price Range
Basic Setup
  • Profile picture and cover photo setup
  • About section content
  • Initial page settings configuration
  • 1-2 introductory posts
$300 – $500
Standard Setup
  • Profile picture, cover photo, about section
  • Page settings and app configuration
  • Keyword targeting and competitive analysis
  • 5-10 optimized posts (images and text)
  • Lead ad creation
  • Basic chatbot setup
$750 – $1,500
Premium Setup
  • Complete profile setup and branding
  • Keyword research and competitor benchmarking
  • Engaging content calendar for 1-2 months
  • 10-20 posts with custom graphics
  • Lead generation and sales funnel configuration
  • Integrated Facebook shop or donations
  • Installation of enhanced apps and tabs
  • Audience building and retention strategy
$1,500 – $3,000

Monthly Management Retainers

For ongoing Facebook page management after initial setup, monthly retainers often make sense. Here are some examples:

Package Services Included Price Range
  • 2 scheduled posts per week
  • Monitoring comments and messages
  • Ad hoc content updates as needed
$400 – $800 per month
  • 4 scheduled posts per week
  • Ad creation and management
  • Conversation monitoring and engagement
  • Monthly performance report
$800 – $1,500 per month
  • 8-10 posts per week
  • Lead ad optimization
  • Chatbot management
  • Responding to all comments and messages
  • Weekly performance reports
  • Monthly strategy calls
$1,500 – $2,500 per month

Tips for Setting Your Rates

When determining pricing for Facebook page setup and management, keep these tips in mind:

  • Take a portfolio-based approach, highlighting past work and results for clients
  • Be prepared to negotiate prices with some prospects
  • Avoid undervaluing your time and services
  • Offer packages and tiers to provide options
  • Be flexible and customize pricing based on each client’s needs
  • Adjust rates gradually over time as you gain experience
  • Factor in the size of the client’s business and industry when quoting
  • Review pricing annually and as you reach milestones


Determining your rates for Facebook page setup and management requires research into competitive pricing, consideration of your own expertise and experience levels, and an understanding of each client’s unique needs and goals. While page creation takes time up front, you can develop ongoing income through maintenance retainers. Be sure to factor in the full scope of services provided when quoting rates. With the right pricing strategy, Facebook page setup and management can become a lucrative service offering as a freelance social media manager.