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How much money do you get for 1,000 views on Facebook page?

How much money do you get for 1,000 views on Facebook page?

As a content creator on Facebook, monetizing your content and making money from the views on your Facebook page is an important part of growing and sustaining your audience. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides a huge potential reach for content creators. However, the amount of money you can make per 1,000 views depends on several factors.

Factors That Determine Earnings per 1,000 Views

Here are some of the key factors that impact how much money you can make per 1,000 views on Facebook:

Type of Content

The type of content you create plays a big role in how much it can potentially earn. Certain types of engaging content like videos tend to get more views and drive higher earnings per view. Images and text-focused content earn less per view.

Facebook Monetization Methods

You can monetize your Facebook content in different ways. This includes Facebook Ad Revenue share, Facebook Reels Bonus program, Facebook Stars, branded content, affiliate marketing, and more. The earnings per view vary based on the monetization method.

Quality of Content

Higher quality content that keeps viewers engaged for longer and gets more comments, shares, and reactions will earn more than lower quality content. Good content drives more views, shares, and engagement.

Niche or Subject Matter

Some niche subjects and content formats attract more lucrative ad rates and sponsorship deals. For example, content related to lucrative industries like finance tend to earn more per view.

Page Followers and Reach

The number of followers you have directly impacts how many views your content can generate. More followers means higher reach and views. It also indicates an established audience that is more likely to engage with your content.

Location of Viewers

Your earnings per 1,000 views also depends on where your audience is located. Viewers from higher income countries with valuable demographics will earn more than viewers from countries with lower advertising rates.

Average Earnings per 1,000 YouTube Views

While Facebook does not share exact metrics, based on averages across the creator industry, here are some approximate earnings per 1,000 views:

Facebook Video Views

For video content, creators make around $2 to $5 per 1,000 video views on Facebook. However, this can range from $1 to $10 depending on view duration, niche, demographics, and other factors.

Facebook Image Views

For image content, average earnings are $0.50 to $2 per 1,000 image views. Well-performing image content can earn up to $5 per 1,000 views.

Facebook Text Views

For text-focused content like articles, earnings range from $0.30 to $1.50 per 1,000 text content views. Top performing text content can potentially earn up to $3 per 1,000 views.

Facebook Live Videos

Live videos often get higher engagement during streams which translates to $3 to $10 per 1,000 live video views. Highly engaging live streams can earn up to $30 per 1,000 views.

How to Maximize Your Earnings on Facebook

Here are some tips to help maximize your earnings per 1,000 views on Facebook:

Leverage High Earning Ad Formats

Focus your content creation efforts on high earning formats like video, livestreams, reels and carousels. Optimize the content length, quality and engagement to maximize revenues.

Post High Quality and Engaging Content Consistently

Post new high-quality content frequently and consistently to keep growing your audience and views. More views directly translate to more earnings.

Drive Shares, Comments and Engagement

Creating engaging content designed to get shares and comments will significantly boost your earnings per 1,000 views. Engaged audiences are more valuable to advertisers.

Partner With Brands for Sponsored Content

Partnering with brands in your niche to create sponsored content is an excellent way to monetize your Facebook page and audience.

Leverage Facebook Monetization Tools

Make use of Facebook’s own monetization tools like Facebook Ad Revenue Share, Reels Bonus Program, and Facebook Stars to maximize your earnings.

Use Affiliate Links Strategically

Adding affiliate links to products relevant to your audience is another great way to boost earnings from your Facebook content and views.

Maximizing Earnings on Facebook

Let’s take a look at some example scenarios to understand how you can maximize earnings from your Facebook content:

Niche Meme Page Example

Consider a meme page in the comedy niche with 100,000 followers. They primarily post funny memes as images and get around 1,000,000 views per month. With an average of $1 per 1,000 views for images, they could potentially earn around $1,000 per month currently.

To maximize earnings, they could start posting 1 weekly video that gets 50,000 views in addition to their usual image memes. With $3 per 1,000 views for videos, that’s an extra $150 per video. For 4 videos per month, it’s $600 in additional earnings. Their monthly earnings could now be $1,600, a 60% increase!

Cooking Show Example

Take a cooking show creator with 200,000 followers. They post 5 recipe videos per week getting around 600,000 views per month. At $3 per 1,000 views, they earn $1,800 per month.

To increase their earnings, they could do more collaborations with kitchenware brands for sponsored recipe videos. If they add just one sponsored video per week, they could easily charge each brand $500-1,000 per video. With 4 sponsored videos per month, that’s $2,000-4,000 extra per month! Their earnings would grow to $3,800 – $5,800 per month.

Typical CPM Rates on Facebook

Another way to estimate potential earnings from Facebook views is based on CPM rates. CPM or “cost per thousand” refers to the amount advertisers pay per 1,000 ad impressions.

Here are typical Facebook CPM rates:

Content Type Average CPM Rates
Video $25 – $35
Image $8 – $15
Carousel $15 – $25
Text $5 – $10
Live Video $50 – $100

With these benchmark CPM rates, you can estimate your potential monthly earnings like this:

Monthly Views x Average CPM Rate / 1,000 = Estimated Monthly Earnings

For example, if you have 2,000,000 image views at a $10 CPM rate, your estimated earnings would be:

2,000,000 x $10 / 1000 = $20,000


In summary, earnings per 1,000 Facebook views can range from $1 to $10+ depending on content type, engagement metrics, monetization methods and other factors. While Facebook itself does not share earnings data publicly, using industry benchmarks and averages can give you an estimate for your potential earnings.

By focusing on high-value content formats like video and live streams, driving engagement, using Facebook monetization tools effectively and collaborating with brands, creators can maximize their earnings significantly. Checking your analytics data and optimizing based on the highest earning content is key. With a strategic approach, it is possible to build a sustainable income stream from content monetization on Facebook.