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How much is 100k views on Facebook?

How much is 100k views on Facebook?

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the biggest social media platform in the world. For businesses and creators, getting views on Facebook can be a great way to reach a large audience and generate revenue. But how much money can you actually make from 100,000 Facebook views?

What Counts as a Facebook View

On Facebook, a view is counted when someone watches your video for at least 3 seconds. This is sometimes also referred to as a video view. So if 100,000 people watch at least 3 seconds of your Facebook video, that equals 100k views.

It’s important to understand that simply having your video appear in someone’s feed does not count as a view. They have to actually click on it and watch for a few seconds to be counted.

How Facebook Video Views Can Generate Revenue

There are a few main ways that Facebook video views can translate into revenue:

  • Ad revenue from In-Stream ads
  • Sponsored content/branded content deals
  • Driving traffic to other monetized platforms like YouTube or affiliate links
  • Increasing general brand awareness

In-Stream Ads

One of the most direct ways to monetize Facebook views is through In-Stream ads. These are video ads that play before, during or after your video content. As the video creator, you get a 55% revenue share from these ads.

The amount you earn depends on your ad rates and performance. On average, In-Stream ad rates on Facebook tend to be in the range of $0.01 – $0.03 per view. But top creators with very targeted audiences can earn $0.10 or more per ad view.

Sponsored Content

Another option is working directly with brands to create sponsored content. You might promote a specific product in your video or make specialized content as part of a branded content campaign.

The revenue potential varies widely here depending on the brand deal. But as a benchmark, creators typically earn anywhere from $100 to $5,000+ per 100k Facebook video views from sponsored content.

Driving External Traffic

You can also use Facebook views to drive traffic to other monetized platforms like YouTube, your website, affiliate links etc. 100k highly targeted video views on Facebook can result in thousands of clicks through to these external money-making channels.

For example, a 10% click-through rate on 100k Facebook views would send 10k visitors to your links. If just 2% convert into a $20 purchase, that’s $4,000 in revenue.

Brand Awareness

Getting Facebook views builds your brand and audience. This indirect value might not contribute immediate revenue, but it does increase your influence and earning potential long-term.

What is the Average EPMV on Facebook?

One metric used to evaluate the money-making potential of Facebook views is Effective Price per Thousand Views (ePMV). This represents how much revenue advertisers earn on average from 1,000 video views, after Facebook’s cut.

According to various reports, the current average ePMV on Facebook is between $1 – $5 per 1,000 views.

This means for 100,000 views, the estimated revenue just from In-Stream ads would be:

  • $100 – $500 at a $1 ePMV
  • $500 – $2,500 at a $5 ePMV

However, top media publishers and video creators likely achieve much higher ePMV rates. But $1 – $5 per thousand views is a good benchmark for average performance.

7 Factors that Impact Your Facebook Video Monetization

While the average video view may earn around $1 – $5 per thousand, your own earnings per Facebook view can be higher or lower based on these factors:

1. Niche & Audience

Videos in high-earning niches like finance, business, and law can achieve significantly higher ad rates and sponsorship deals compared to generic content.

2. Video Quality & Length

High-quality, longer videos tend to have better engagement and monetization. Low-quality, very short videos will earn less.

3. Ad Placement

Where you place ads also matters. In-Stream ads earn the most, while lower-quality placements like banner ads earn less.

4. Audience Retention

If viewers click away halfway through your video, you earn less revenue compared to a video that retains the audience for the full length.

5. Engagement & Sharing

Videos that get better engagement through likes, shares and comments tend to perform better commercially.

6. Time of Day & Season

Videos published during peak viewing hours and seasons perform better. The best time is weekdays 12-5pm EST according to research.

7. Delivery Rates

If your video content does not fully reach your audience due to low delivery rates, it limits your earnings potential.

How Much Does MrBeast Earn from Facebook Views?

One of the top creators on Facebook is Jimmy Donaldson, better known as MrBeast. He is renowned for his massive view counts and over-the-top stunts.

Though MrBeast does not reveal his exact Facebook earnings, some estimates put his revenue between $2 – $4 per 1,000 views. At the high end, that’s around $4 per 1,000 views or $4,000 per million views.

With many videos in the 50-100+ million view range, his top performing content likely generates $200,000+ from Facebook video ads alone.

This revenue excludes any additional sponsorship earnings or traffic driven to other monetized channels. When including all revenue streams, MrBeast’s top videos that get 50-100 million views likely generate well over $500,000 each.

6 Tips to Maximize Your Facebook Video Revenue

Here are some tips to help earn more money from your Facebook video views:

1. Post Longer Videos

Videos over 3 minutes long earn substantially more. Strive for 5-10+ minute range for ideal monetization.

2. Use Attention-Grabbing Thumbnails

Thumbnails account for as much as 90% of clicks. Use bright colors, interesting imagery, and text overlays.

3. Frontload Your Best Content

Hook viewers in the first 15-30 seconds before they click away. Get to your best content fast.

4. Include a Strong Call to Action

Tell viewers exactly what to do, whether it’s liking, commenting, sharing or visiting a link.

5. Optimize Your Description

Include relevant hashtags, keywords and links in the video description to improve discoverability.

6. Publish at Peak Times

Post when your audience is most active, typically between 11am – 3pm local time.

How Much Can You Make from 100k Facebook Views?

Based on typical ePMV rates, earning benchmarks, and real-world creator examples, here is an estimate for how much money you can make from 100,000 Facebook video views:

Average Potential Earnings from 100k Facebook Views

Revenue Source Low End High End
In-Stream Ad Revenue $100 $500
Sponsored Content $100 $5,000
Driving External Traffic $500 $4,000
Total Estimate $700 $9,500

As you can see, there’s a wide potential range – from $700 on the low end up to $9,500+ on the high end. Where you actually end up will depend on factors like audience quality, video content, monetization strategy and more.

For most creators just starting out, $1,000-$3,000 in total revenue from 100k Facebook views is likely a reasonable estimate.

But with optimized monetization strategy and access to high-value audiences, earnings of $5,000+ are certainly achievable from 100k views. Top creators in lucrative niches can potentially even exceed $10,000.

Key Takeaways

  • YouTube views are worth around $1 – $5 per 1,000 views on average
  • Top creators and optimized monetization can drive $5 – $10+ per 1,000 views
  • 100K Facebook views typically generates between $1,000 – $9,500+ in revenue
  • Maximizing revenue depends on audience, video quality, monetization strategy and more


Getting views on Facebook can be lucrative, but how much money you actually earn depends on many factors. While the average video view is worth around $2-3, creators who strategically monetize and cater to valuable niches can potentially exceed $5+ per 1,000 views.

For most creators, 100k Facebook views will likely generate between $1,000 – $3,000 in revenue on average. But with optimized content and monetization, earnings from 100k views could reach $5,000 – $10,000 or more.

At the high end, MrBeast reportedly earns $2 – $4 per view. This likely translates into over $200,000 from a single viral Facebook video getting 50-100 million+ views.

Overall, Facebook remains a lucrative platform for creators in terms of monetization potential. But to maximize your earnings, you need strategic optimization of elements like audience, video content, placements, calls-to-action and more.