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How much is 100 thousand stars on Facebook?

How much is 100 thousand stars on Facebook?

Getting lots of stars on Facebook posts and comments is something many Facebook users aspire to achieve. Stars are a way for other users to show appreciation and engagement with your content. But how much are 100,000 stars really worth?

What are Facebook stars?

Facebook stars are similar to Facebook likes, but with some key differences:

  • Stars are given on individual posts and comments, while likes are for pages, photos, etc.
  • Each user can give unlimited stars, but only one like per item.
  • Stars stand out more visually with a bright yellow star icon.

When you post a status update, photo, or comment on Facebook, other users can give it a star to show they enjoyed it. You’ll get notified when you receive a star.

How stars affect reach and visibility

Getting lots of stars has some benefits:

  • Increased reach: Posts with more stars may show up higher in News Feeds.
  • Social validation: Stars show your content resonated with others.
  • Ego boost: Stars feel good and can motivate you to post more.
  • Star badges: Facebook awards star badges at milestones like 1,000 stars.

So stars help increase the visibility and status of your posts. But keep in mind that stars have less direct impact than reactions, comments, and shares.

How to get more stars on Facebook

Here are some tips for getting more stars on your posts and comments:

  • Post engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  • Comment with value and humor on trending posts in large Groups.
  • Go live and invite viewers to star your stream.
  • Run a “star my recent posts” campaign with Friends.
  • Share funny videos, inspirational quotes, cute animals.
  • Follow and engage with star-happy accounts.
  • Thank people who star your posts to encourage more.

Ultimately stars are about quality over quantity. Focus on providing value rather than begging for stars.

What 100,000 stars gets you

Getting to 100,000 stars takes consistency and thoughtful content that connects with people. Here’s what reaching this milestone gets you:

  • 100K Star badge – You’ll get a shiny badge on your profile to show off your stardom.
  • Increased visibility – Your posts may rank higher and get more engagement overall.
  • Influence – People and brands may see you as an influencer.
  • Opportunities – You could get offers like brand partnerships.
  • Satisfaction – Reaching 100k feels rewarding for all your hard work.

But stars have little monetary value. Facebook doesn’t share ad revenue with accounts based on stars. You won’t make money directly from stars like you could on YouTube or TikTok with enough views and followers.

How much is 100,000 stars worth in money?

It’s hard to put an exact dollar amount on the value of 100,000 Facebook stars. Unlike YouTube views or TikTok followers, stars don’t translate directly into earnings.

There are sites like Swagbucks that reward you for specific actions like getting stars. But earnings are variable and minimal. You might make a few cents or dollars for 100,000 stars.

Indirectly, the increased visibility and influence 100k stars brings could have monetary value:

  • Brand deals for promotions
  • Selling own products or services
  • Donations and tips from fans
  • AdSense on linked website
  • Leads for affiliate offers or info products

But it’s impossible to put an accurate dollar figure on the potential value. Monetization depends heavily on your niche, content quality, business model, and negotiation skills.

As an extremely rough estimate, a dedicated influencer with 100k stars might reasonably expect to generate a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per year. But results vary dramatically.

Types of accounts that get 100,000 stars

Certain types of accounts tend to gain stars more quickly. These include:

  • Comedians – People who post hilarious videos and jokes.
  • Activists – Those sharing content about social causes.
  • Artists – Accounts posting beautiful or unique art.
  • Pet owners – Cute animal videos and photos.
  • Parenting figures – Relatable mom and dad bloggers.
  • Entertainers – Actors, musicians, public figures.

But regular people can gain stars too with the right content. Niche interests like gaming, sports teams, or cooking can work. The key is consistently providing value to a specific audience.

Reasons people star Facebook posts

There are many reasons someone may give a star to a post or comment. Some top reasons include:

  • They found it hilarious
  • They strongly agree with the opinion
  • It resonated emotionally
  • The photo or video was beautiful
  • The content was useful or helpful
  • Supporting a friend
  • It aligned with their beliefs
  • Showing appreciation for talent/skill

Humor is perhaps the top reason content gets starred. But inspiration, cuteness, and good values work too. Understanding why people star can help you create better content.


While 100,000 stars on Facebook is an impressive achievement, the monetary value is minimal. At best, it provides increased visibility and opportunities for professional influencers to potentially monetize their audience. But regular people are unlikely to directly profit from stars alone. The real value is in growing your audience and connecting with people through thoughtful content.