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How much Facebook pay for 1,000 views?

How much Facebook pay for 1,000 views?

Facebook is one of the largest and most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2022. For content creators and businesses, Facebook can be an effective platform for reaching a large audience. One common question is how much money can be made from Facebook views.

Does Facebook Pay You for Views?

The short answer is no, Facebook does not directly pay users simply for getting views on their videos or posts. However, there are some ways content creators can monetize their Facebook content and earn money from views:

  • Facebook Ad Revenue Share: Creators can earn a 55% share of ad revenue from video ads that play before, during or after their videos. To qualify, videos must be at least 3 minutes long and get a certain number of views.
  • Facebook Reels Bonus Program: Some creators can earn bonuses for top performing reels based on views and engagement. This is currently being tested in select regions.
  • Sponsored Content: Brands may sponsor posts and pay content creators directly based on views or engagement their content generates.
  • Affiliate Links: Creators can use affiliate links to products or services in their posts and earn commission when followers make purchases after clicking the links.

So while Facebook doesn’t directly pay for views alone, creators can find ways to monetize their content through Facebook’s monetization programs, brand sponsorships, and affiliate links. The amount earned depends on factors like number of views, engagement, video length, and partnership agreements.

How Much Can You Make from 1,000 Facebook Video Views?

For most creators, the main way to earn money directly from Facebook views is through the Facebook Ad Revenue Share program. Here’s a look at potential earnings from 1,000 video views on Facebook:

  • With a 55% revenue share, creators earn $0.18 per 1,000 video views, based on an average RPM of $3.26 as of 2021.
  • This means with 1,000 views, creators can expect to earn around $0.18.
  • With 10,000 views, estimated earnings are $1.80.
  • At 100,000 views, estimated earnings are $18.
  • At 1 million views, estimated earnings are $180.

These are rough estimates only. Actual earnings depend on factors like:

  • Watch time – longer videos earn more
  • Retention – higher percentage watched earns more
  • Engagement – likes, shares, comments
  • Ad inventory – number of ads available to insert
  • Demand – advertiser demand for ad placements

Creators may earn more through sponsorships or affiliate links too. But the key takeaway is for most creators, the revenue directly from 1,000 Facebook views is likely going to be small, less than $1.

How to Increase Your Facebook Video Earnings

If you want to maximize earnings from Facebook, here are some tips:

  • Focus on high quality, engaging video content that gets lots of views, likes, and shares.
  • Make videos over 3 minutes long when possible – this unlocks more mid-roll ad spots.
  • Encourage viewers to watch until the end – higher retention means more revenue.
  • Turn on video monetization in Creator Studio and check eligibility.
  • Analyze earnings data and fine tune based on top performing content.
  • Leverage Facebook Reels for chances to earn bonuses.
  • Partner with brands for sponsored content and contextual promotions.
  • Use affiliate links to earn commission from product sales.

Other Ways Creators Can Earn Money from Facebook

While the Ad Revenue Share program is the main way to directly monetize views, here are some other options for creators to earn money through Facebook:

Facebook Live

Go live and receive Stars from viewers, which convert to real money. Popular streamers can earn hundreds or even thousands in a single live session.

Facebook Subscriptions

Offer exclusive content and experiences to loyal fans for a monthly fee. Fans pay a subscription of $4.99 – $29.99 per month for access.

Facebook Paid Online Events

Host virtual events like classes or concerts, and charge for tickets. Earn up to 100% of ticket sales minus taxes and fees.

Facebook Badges

Let fans show support by buying badges to pin on posts during live videos. Fans pay $1.99 – $14.99 and creators earn 20% of sales.

Facebook Pay

Activate Facebook Pay to accept person-to-person payments. Can be used to accept donations, sell products, or offer paid services.

Facebook Shops

Set up an online Facebook store to easily sell products. Get discovered by people interested in your products or brand.

Facebook Fundraisers

Raise funds for causes you care about. All fees are covered so 100% of donations go to the nonprofit organization.

Other Social Media Platform Revenue Comparison

To put Facebook creator earnings into perspective, here’s a comparison of potential revenue from 1,000 views across popular platforms:

Platform Revenue from 1k Views
Facebook $0.18 (with Ad Monetization)
YouTube $2 – $7 (Google AdSense)
TikTok $0.02 – $0.10
Twitch $3 – $15 (affiliate payout)
Instagram $0.25 – $2 (affiliate)

YouTube offers the highest potential payout for views, though top Twitch streamers can also earn significant income directly from their fans. Instagram and TikTok earn less directly from views, but have programs and features creators can use to drive sponsorship and affiliation revenue.


In summary, Facebook does not directly pay creators for video views alone. However, by joining the Facebook Ad Revenue Share program, creators can earn around $0.18 for every 1,000 video views. Actual earnings vary based on many factors like watch time, retention, and engagement. To maximize income, creators should focus on high quality, long form videos over 3 minutes. They can further boost earnings through sponsorships, affiliate links, subscriptions, and other monetization features. While Facebook may not pay as much directly for views as YouTube or Twitch, it still offers substantial opportunities for creators to earn money from their content and audience.