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How Much Does Instagram Reels Pay per View

How Much Does Instagram Reels Pay per View

Instagram does not directly pay creators for views on Reels. Instead, Instagram offers various monetization opportunities through which creators can potentially earn money from their Reels.

Instagram Reels Bonus Program

Instagram offers a Reels bonus program where creators can earn up to $10,000 per month based on the performance of their Reels. To be eligible, accounts need at least 10,000 followers and must consistently post original Reels that receive a certain number of views and engagement.

Under this program, Instagram sets performance benchmarks and pays bonuses if those benchmarks are reached. The exact payment per view or like is not disclosed, but the more views and engagement a Reel gets, the higher the potential payout.

Reels Ads

Instagram allows certain creators to run ads in their Reels and earn revenue from them. When a Reel with an ad is viewed, the creator earns money based on engagement and impressions. The minimum requirements to be eligible for Reels ads are:

  • Business or creator account
  • Minimum of 10,000 followers
  • Original and publicly viewable Reels

Instagram does not disclose exact rates, but industry estimates are around 1-5 cents per view on Reels ads. Top creators likely earn on the higher end of that range.

Instagram Reels Play Bonus

Instagram offers some creators a Reels Play Bonus where they earn money when their Reels are “played” by viewers. To receive this bonus, accounts need:

  • Minimum of 1,000 followers
  • Original and publicly viewable Reels

The bonus amount depends on the number of plays the Reels gets. More popular Reels earn more. However, the exact payment per play is not disclosed by Instagram.

Branded Content Partnerships

Many creators monetize their Reels by partnering with brands. A brand may pay a creator directly to produce Reels featuring their products and services. Rates vary greatly, but micro and nano influencers often earn $100 to $500 per sponsored Reel.

Larger creators and celebs can earn thousands per Reel depending on their follower count and typical engagement rates.

Affiliate Marketing

Some creators insert affiliate links in their Reels descriptions, directing viewers to products and services. If viewers click the link and complete a desired action like a purchase, the creator earns a commission.

Commissions vary based on the company and product, but tend to be in the 5-20% range. Affiliate marketing works best when aligned with the creator’s niche and content style.

Tips to Earn More Money from Reels

Here are some tips creators can use to maximize their earnings from Instagram Reels:

  • Post high-quality, original Reels consistently
  • Use relevant hashtags and captions to increase discoverability
  • Engage with your audience and collaborate with other creators
  • Analyze data and refine your content strategy
  • Apply for the bonuses and monetization opportunities when eligible
  • Partner with brands that align with your niche and content style

Other Monetization Options

In addition to direct Reels monetization, creators can also leverage Reels to boost their overall Instagram presence and open additional income streams like:

  • Influencer sponsorships and partnerships
  • Selling merchandise, digital products or services
  • Converting Instagram followers into email subscribers, podcast listeners, YouTube subscribers etc. to expand reach

While Instagram does not disclose an exact dollar amount for Reels views, patient and hardworking creators can build an engaged audience and monetize it in various ways using Reels.