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How Much Does Instagram Reels Pay?

How Much Does Instagram Reels Pay?

Update from Instagram:

“On March 9, 2023, we stopped extending new and renewed Reels Play deals on Instagram in the US and India. We will honor the existing Instagram Reels Play deals until they expire.”

Instagram Reels is a relatively new feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short video clips up to 30 seconds long.

Reels can be recorded and edited directly within the Instagram app.

They have quickly become a popular way for Instagrammers to create fun and engaging video content.

One of the biggest questions around Instagram Reels is – can you actually make money from them?

Yes, Instagram does pay certain creators for viral and engaging Reels through its Reels Play Bonus program.

However, actual payout amounts are not disclosed and likely depend on many factors.

Instagram Reels Play Bonus Program

In August 2020, Instagram launched the Reels Play Bonus program as a way to incentivize creators to use Reels more.

This program essentially pays Instagrammers if their Reels perform well and go viral.

Here’s what we know about how the Reels Play Bonus program works:

  • Instagram has not publicly disclosed the exact metrics or performance thresholds required for a Reel to qualify for a bonus payout.
  • However, based on creator reports, factors likely include: views, likes, comments, saves and shares.
  • The more engagement and views a Reel gets, especially within the first 24-48 hours, the higher the bonus payout is likely to be.
  • Going “viral” with millions of views will result in larger payouts.

Instagram is reported to have set aside over $1 billion to pay creators through 2022 via this program.

But again, actual bonus amounts are not made public.

How Much do Creators Earn from Instagram Reels?

Without firm numbers from Instagram itself, the best indicators of potential Reels Play Bonus payouts come directly from creators:

  • Individual payouts for one Reel can range from less than $100 up to $30,000+ for an extremely viral hit.
  • Larger creators with 1M+ followers routinely report averaging between $500-$3500 per Reel in bonus payments.
  • Nano and micro influencers with under 100K followers cite average bonuses closer to $100-$500 per Reel.
  • Many creators say only about 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 Reels end up qualifying for a bonus payout.

So while it is possible to earn good money from Instagram Reels, regular payouts are far from guaranteed. Creating viral, engaging content – and posting consistently – are key.

Do You Need a Certain Amount of Instagram Followers to Get Paid?

Another common question around Instagram Reels payouts is whether you need a certain follower count to start earning. According to Instagram, any eligible creator can qualify for bonus payouts.

However, those with larger audiences tend to have an advantage when it comes to performance and reaching viewers.

Here are some follower threshold benchmarks to be aware of:

10K+ followers – The minimum needed to be considered a “nano influencer” and attract some brand sponsorship deals.

25K to 50K followers – Typically required to join the official Instagram Partner Program for in-app monetization like stickers and badges.

100K+ followers – Considered a “mid-tier” influencer with a recognizable brand that can consistently drive engagement and sales.

500K to 1M+ followers – “Macro influencers” with extremely strong reach and impact across Instagram.

While Instagram has not confirmed any specific follower requirements, anecdotally it appears creators with larger audiences in the 25K+ range stand the best chance of earning substantial Reels bonuses regularly.

However, creators of any size have potential to go viral and capitalize.

Other Ways Creators Can Monetize Instagram Reels

In addition to the Instagram Reels Play Bonus program, creators can also leverage Reels content to earn via:

Brand Sponsorships and Partnerships – Popular creators can work directly with brands to produce sponsored Reels promoting products or services.

Affiliate Links – Reels can drive traffic to your website or blog where affiliate links can generate commissions on resulting sales or sign-ups.

Increasing Followers – Viral Reels can rapidly grow your Instagram following, making you more valuable to brands and sponsors.

IG Shopping – Add shoppable product tags to Reels driving purchases of your own product or merch lines.

While each Reel might not payout directly, creators can leverage Reels as part of a larger Instagram monetization strategy.

Tips to Increase Your Instagram Reels Earnings

If your goal is to score Instagram Reels Play Bonus payouts more consistently, here are some pro tips:

  • Optimize timing by posting during peak engagement windows, like midday and evenings.
  • Use popular songs, audio clips, trends or hashtags to increase discoverability.
  • Engage viewers with polls, questions or calls-to-action in your Reels caption.
  • Collaborate with other creators to tap into new audiences.
  • Promote your best Reels via Stories, feed posts and other channels.
  • Analyze your analytics to optimize content based on your audience’s preferences.
  • Post consistently – the more Reels you have out there, the better chance of a hit.

While results will vary, using proven best practices can help provide the best shot at your Reels triggering that coveted Instagram algorithm and bonus payout.

Other problems

How often does Instagram pay out bonuses?

Instagram sends out Reels Play Bonus payments on a monthly basis via direct deposit. Payouts are reportedly processed by the 15th of each month based on performance for the previous calendar month.

Who is eligible for Instagram Reels bonuses?

Any public Instagram account that produces original Reels content should be eligible, although business accounts may receive priority. Private accounts are likely excluded from earning bonuses.

Can I earn without the Instagram Partner Program?

Yes, you can qualify for Reels bonuses without being part of the Instagram Partner Program. The Partner Program provides additional monetization for stickers, badges, etc. but is not required to earn for Reels.

Do Reels bonuses count as taxable income?

Yes, any bonus payments received from Instagram will be considered taxable income that should be reported accordingly based on your local tax laws and regulations.

How do I access insights for my Reels?

Tap on the three dots at the bottom right of the Reel post, then select “View Insights” to access detailed analytics on views, likes, comments, saves, shares and more for each Reel.

Instagram Reels have become a dynamic new content format with big monetization potential through direct payouts via Reels Play Bonuses.

While actual earnings will vary greatly based on view count, engagement and other factors, top-performing Reels hold possibility to generate significant income.

For creators looking to capitalize, focus on producing captivating Reels content consistently, employing proven best practices and optimizing based on performance data.