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How much does Facebook pay per view on Reels?

How much does Facebook pay per view on Reels?

Facebook Reels is a short-form video feature that was introduced by Facebook in 2020 as a competitor to other platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Reels allows users to create and share 15-60 second multi-clip videos on Facebook and Instagram. Like TikTok and Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels also has a monetization program that allows eligible creators to earn money from their Reels.

Does Facebook pay for Reels views?

Yes, Facebook does pay creators for views on their Reels through its Reels Play bonus program. The program pays eligible creators based on the engagement and viewership their Reels receive. The amount a creator can earn depends on factors like the number of views their Reels get and how long people engage with their Reels. Facebook has not disclosed the exact rate they pay per view on Reels.

How does Facebook Reels Play bonus program work?

The Facebook Reels Play bonus program rewards creators when their Reels perform well and receive significant engagement from viewers. Here is a brief overview of how it works:

  • To be eligible, creators must have at least 10,000 followers and post original Reels content.
  • When a Reel exceeds a specific engagement threshold, the creator earns a Reels Play bonus.
  • The bonus amount depends on factors like views, reach, shares, comments etc.
  • Bonuses are calculated based on performance each month and paid out monthly.
  • Creators can check their monthly Reels Play bonus earnings in Creator Studio.

So in summary, the more views and engagement a Reel gets, the higher the bonus payout for the creator. Facebook evaluates various metrics and pays out bonuses accordingly. The minimum eligibility is 10,000 followers.

What metrics does Facebook consider for Reels Play bonus?

Facebook has not provided full transparency on how it calculates Reels Play bonuses. However, based on information shared in their announcement and creator reports, some key metrics that likely impact earnings include:

  • Views – The number of times a Reel is viewed. More views mean higher potential payout.
  • Reach – The number of unique accounts that viewed the Reel. Wider reach increases bonus potential.
  • Engagement – Likes, comments, shares etc. Higher engagement implies better performance.
  • Watch time – The total duration Reels are viewed by the audience. Longer watch time can result in higher payout.

Facebook seems to look at a combination of factors like views, minutes viewed, overall reach etc. to determine the actual bonus amount for each Reel. They likely reward Reels that resonate best with audiences.

How much does Facebook pay per Reels view?

Facebook has not disclosed an exact pay rate per view on Reels. Based on creator reports, the potential earnings seem to range between $0.01 to $0.03 per view:

  • According to creator advocacy group Fight for Creators, top-performing Reels pay around $0.02 to $0.03 per view.
  • Some creators have reported earnings between $0.01 to $0.02 per view.
  • One creator said they earned around $0.018 per view on a Reel with 340,000 views.

So while it’s difficult to pin down an exact rate, it seems the average payout is likely between $0.01 to $0.03 per view, factoring in all other engagement metrics.

How do Facebook Reels payouts compare to TikTok and Instagram?

Here is a comparison of estimated payout rates on leading short video platforms:

Platform Estimated pay per view
Facebook Reels $0.01 – $0.03
TikTok $0.02 – $0.04
Instagram Reels $0.01 – $0.06

As you can see, the potential earnings per view for Facebook Reels is fairly comparable to TikTok’s Creator Fund and lower than top estimates for Instagram Reels. However, Instagram Reels bonuses are quite variable and skewed towards very high performers.

It’s worth noting these rates are estimates based on limited creator reports. The actual payouts vary significantly based on multiple factors. But it provides a rough idea of the potential monetization opportunity.

Can you make money from Facebook Reels as a small creator?

Yes, it is possible to earn some bonus income from Facebook Reels as a relatively small creator, but with limitations:

  • The 10,000 follower minimum makes it challenging for nano and micro influencers to qualify for the program.
  • Smaller creators likely need hundreds of thousands of views to max out their monthly bonus potential.
  • Without a large existing audience, it may be difficult to consistently hit the engagement thresholds needed to trigger significant payouts.

That said, some creators with under 100,000 followers have reported earning small amounts, so it’s not impossible. Building an audience specifically on Facebook can help smaller creators maximize their Reels monetization over time.

Tips for small creators to earn from Facebook Reels

  • Leverage niche communities and topics to go viral even with a smaller following.
  • Post high quality content consistently to build a returning audience.
  • Encourage engagement in captions to boost overall performance metrics.
  • Reuse top-performing Reels across Facebook and Instagram to increase reach.
  • Analyze best performing Reels and make more of that type of content.

Key takeaways

  • Facebook pays eligible Reels creators through its Reels Play bonus program based on views and engagement.
  • The estimated average payout rate is $0.01 – $0.03 per view.
  • Payments vary based on reach, watch time, likes, comments, and other engagement metrics.
  • To qualify creators need 10,000+ followers and create original Reels.
  • Smaller creators can earn from Reels but may need tens/hundreds of thousands of views to max out bonuses.


Facebook Reels offers creators another way to potentially monetize their short-form video content. While the platform is still new, early reports indicate the potential to earn around 1-3 cents per view on average. Actual earnings vary based significantly on audience size and engagement rates. Smaller creators likely need very high view counts to max out potential bonuses given the 10,000 follower minimum. But for creators able to consistently generate hundreds of thousands or millions of Reels views, it provides a supplemental income stream alongside TikTok and Instagram.